Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

The Death of Capitalism? Don't Bet on It
– Shortly after the presidential election of 2008, filmmaker Michael Moore appeared on the Larry King Show on CNN to announce a transition … In 1934, he addressed the convention of his Farmer-Labor Association (the ancestor of today’s Democratic Farmer Labor Party in Minnesota … Hungary provided one particularly salient example: candidates of the ruling Socialist Party drew only 17% of the vote, while the right…
Violence in Iran: What the West Needs to Know
– The violent crackdown continues in the wake of Iran’s disputed June 12 presidential elections in which – according to the Wall Street … Hardly a “victory,” much less a “landslide,” so-say supporters of opposition candidates Mir Hossein Mousavi and and Mehdi Karroubi, … Therefore, it is crucial that the West in general and the United States in particular work on backing the democratic uprising in Iran…
The Adolescent Angst of Barack Obama
– Presidents of both parties indulge in this behavior, though Democrats who campaign as candidates of hope and change are more likely … Back in the 1970s and 1980s, Democratic politicians opposed missile defense on the grounds -- mistaken in my view, but arguable at … Democrats have clung to that position even after the fall of the Soviet Union, and Obama, as a senator and presidential candidate,…
Iran Makes War on Iranians
– We in the democratic world generally think of government as an institution established by the people to serve their needs, even if … Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may have genuinely expected to win the June 12 presidential election. … "Statistics provided by the candidates, who claim more than 100 percent of those eligible have cast their ballot in 80 to 170 cities…
West Virginia looks beyond Robert Byrd
– “We are just praying for him to get back to the Senate real soon,” said Nick Casey, West Virginia Democratic Party chairman. … Democratic Gov. Joe Manchin would appoint a replacement to serve until a special election is held. … Still, it's a state that hasn’t voted Democrat in a presidential election since 1996. Last year, President Obama lost to Sen.…
Iran in Limbo
– Now, the robed tyrants pre-selected presidential candidates. … Stripping the last vestige of democratic practice from presidential elections in and of itself did not ignite popular demonstrations…
All-American Kooks
– Why didn't Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign make an issue of Obama's non-citizenship during the Democratic primary if his legitimacy … Bill Posey, R-Fla., introduced a bill requiring future presidential candidates to produce a birth certificate. … Bush -- except that Democratic politicians feel little pressure to acknowledge or denounce the fringe elements of their party.…
Obama Birth Certificate Spotted in Bogus Moon Landing Footage
– Sharpton has veto power over all Democratic presidential candidates. … If there ever comes a time when Republican presidential candidates have to get the blessing of the head of the birther movement to … In 2003, Democratic presidential candidate and future Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean approvingly cited the left-wing…
10 'Teachable' Race Summits in Search of a Beer
– We hereby offer candidates for 10 long-overdue presidential "Race Beer Summits": 10) Rep. … tenants would be offered the right to purchase the new condos, but these blacks would be priced out of the market. 5) Former Democratic … Republicans took 35 percent of the "Asian vote" in the '08 presidential race.…
The candidate of hope and change and the elections of 2009
– battles have grown more intense as President Obama has waded into them.President Obama has already shown his support for both Democratic … gubernatorial candidates.  … It will be interesting to see how much Obama campaigns for these candidates in the upcoming weeks.…
Too Big To Vote?
– Fiorina didn't vote in the 2000 and 2004 presidential primary elections. … "It's not just that they (the candidates) don't think about it. … In 2008, Democratic voters went for Sen. Barack Obama, the presidential candidate with less political experience than Sen.…
Will Senator Hutchison’s Resignation from the Senate be Her Legacy?’s_resignation_from_the_senate_be_her_legacy
– Interestingly, though, that "one party" changed from Democratic to Republican.   … Nobody thought a Republican could win in Democratic Texas. Sound like today, just reversed?.   … Jim Wright, that they overwhelmed the field and diluted the Democratic vote.…
Trouble in Liberal Land
– As the first elections since President Obama's presidential victory approach, liberals are getting nervous that all this exposure is … In a gift for the Democratic candidate for governor of Virginia, Creigh Deeds, the Post ran a front-page story above the fold last … In fact, both candidates are serious public servants with long records that deserve more careful examination. ... Mr.…
Obama Hits Anti-Government Nerves
– If voters had wanted a sharp ideological shift, they could have voted for Democratic candidates more identified with Great Society-style … The reason John Kerry lost and Obama won, as Democratic pollster Douglas Schoen has noted, was not liberal voters: They voted for both … "Put simply," he said, "Barack Obama just ran the most successful moderate Republican presidential campaign since Dwight Eisenhower…
A Republic, if You Can Keep It,_if_you_can_keep_it
– This was a Republican body of legislators that kept the US House, a Democratic body of legislators in check. … Only in a more Democratic government could the majority of people elect a highly unqualified president that spends more money than … all previous presidential administrations combined.…
Congressional Takeover by GOP Would Save, not Wreck, Obama Presidency…onal_takeover_by_gop_would_save,_not_wreck,_obama_presidency
– The last 65 years of presidential history show one clear, consistent preference on the part of the American electorate: the public … Bill Clinton began his term with solid Democratic majorities in both Houses, but after his crushing mid-term losses in 1994, he spent … If he continues with big Democratic majorities, he may go the way of over-reaching, imperious, ultimately discredited presidents like…
The Only Way to Beat Obamanism: Elect More Republicans
– If the public fails to elect GOP candidates for the Senate, the House, governorships, state legislatures and, ultimately, the presidency … The question then becomes, if the needed conservative candidates arent running as Republicans, what party would they represent? … Does the fact that Democratic Senator David Casey of Pennsylvania happens to be pro-life make him any less a reliable cog in the Obama…
We Need a Bigger House
– For decades, presidential candidates have promised to change the "way Washington works." … Term-limit activists have the right idea -- getting new blood in Washington -- but their remedy is anti-democratic. … than have some billionaire egomaniac who, in effect, creates or co-opts a ridiculous third party just so he can indulge his presidential
Spin Doctors for Obamacare
– Hershey Garner (who stood on stage with Obama at the White House event): more than $10,000 in donations to Democratic candidates since … Amanda McKinney (who also flanked Obama at the White House event): $2,750 in donations to Democratic candidates since 2001. … The decidedly un-grassroots sponsors of the Doctors for America launch were Democratic Sen.…
"Change" GOP's 2010 Ally
– It all means that GOP congressional candidates may do very well in 2010. … “Those will be very difficult seats to hold onto,” concedes one Beltway Democratic strategist. … As examples, he points to post-Watergate 1974, 1994’s GOP revolution, and the 2006 Democratic takeover.…
October TH Mag: Obama Two-Face
– Obama is not, nor was he ever, the conciliatory, post-partisan figure he played on television during the presidential campaign.The … Fred Lucas reports that one of them is in the notoriously corrupt Democratic stronghold of New Jersey. … The national and state parties felt that only moderate-liberal Republican candidates could win in the Northeast.…
In Honduras, Etc.: Pas d'Ennemis a Gauche,_etc_pas_dennemis_a_gauche
– , whose candidates were selected prior to Zelaya's removal. … The essential line that all still toe: Zelaya's removal, after time-worn Latin American fashion, violated democratic principles and … Chavez' technique in his assent to dictatorship was to gain lifelong power by subverting democratic institutions.…
An ACORN-Friendly, Big Labor-Backing, Tax-and-Spend Radical in GOP Clothing…ly,_big_labor-backing,_tax-and-spend_radical_in_gop_clothing
– Here's the dirty little secret about political candidates and officeholders labeled by the mainstream media as "moderate Republicans … But as a state assemblywoman, she voted for massive tax increases, Democratic budgets and a $180 million state bank bailout. … Card check is the key to a Democratic majority in perpetuity. Big Labor bosses have said as much.…
What Kind of Action in the World Justifies a Nobel Peace Prize?
– So why did he get it when there are so many deserving, suffering candidates struggling for justice, freedom and peace in Earth's most … Since the presidential election of 2008, which Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe stole, Tsvangirai has provided a global lesson in … jail and the death of his wife, he has refused to let Mugabe's "machinery of violence" stall his steady, peaceful Movement for Democratic
Liberal Health Care Ideas: DOA
– Discussing the plans floated by then-presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, Krugman added they, “are not single-payer … “Nobody’s going to put their state into bankruptcy or their education system in the tank” for Medicaid expansion, Democratic Tennessee…
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