Results for: is the us at war with iran

The Philanthropic Superpower
– He went to Manila to reassure the Filipinos, who threw our Navy out of Subic Bay at the end of the Cold War, that America will be there … What Tokyo, Seoul and Manila get out of their alliances with the United States is easy to see -- the security of a superpower's pledge … But why is the defense of Europe seemingly more important to us than to the Europeans themselves?…
Who Sunk Our Foreign Policy: the Last Face Off Between Obama and Romney…ur_foreign_policy_the_last_face_off_between_obama_and_romney
– If elected president, Romney said he would work with our allies and arm the insurgents to topple Assad because Syria is the only partner … Iran has in the region and is arming Assad to gain strategic control in the Middle East. … The problem with Obama is his narcissism gets in the way of him doing his job.…
The Final Debate: Who's Living in the Real World?
– By the end, the essential question raised by the debate should have been clear: Which candidate is living in the real world we've … In the world his presidential challenger inhabits, along with the rest of us, this administration continues to be caught by surprise … Then when there were dissidents in the streets of Teheran, the Green Revolution, holding signs saying, 'Is America with us?'…
Qatar Makes Moves In Gaza
– , even at the expense of the welfare of the Palestinians in Gaza. … Lebanon-US: The State Department said today that the US believed it is time for the Lebanese people to choose a government that will … Comment: The US apparently is supporting President Suleiman's efforts to effect a change of government in the parliament, most likely…
Don't Let the "Congressional Impatience Caucus" Push us to War in Iran
The manner in which talk of going to war with Iran is being bandied about this election cycle, might lead an observer to conclude … Romney have pledged not to enter into war lightly, the facility with which the topic of war with Iran continues to be raised, leaves … Let us hope that those beating the drums of war, and who have grown impatient with measures other than war, remain in the minority…
America First, and Other Modern Heresies
The larger duty, at that, rests with Obama in terms of showing whether he is wrestling with a single, disconnected challenge to the … Do the radicals want to get us? Isn't it possible at least to suppose so on the basis of everyday observation? … Let us hope we have Israel's back and the Israelis ours. Yet what is the end game? Where is all this going?…
The Reason for the Kindler, Gentler Romney
– Dropping the little people off at school today, I was approached by several of the Republican moms -- intelligent, interesting, accomplished … But those are minor tactical issues compared with the larger tactics (remain calm, controlled and above-the-fray) that support the … strategy of helping undecided voters -- unhappy with the economy and the country's direction -- to feel that a vote for Romney isn't…
Negotiations -- or War With Iran?
– Clearly, Graham believes an ultimatum, followed by an attack if Iran denies us "access to their nuclear program," is the way to "end … And what is the grave threat that justifies a war? … America's position as of today is: We do not want war with Iran, but will tolerate no Iranian bomb.…
Neville Obama
– Dismayed by the carnage of World War I, Chamberlain (along with most of the opinion elite in England) sought peace with honor -- but … In fact, when dealing with villains and aggressors, signaling peaceful intent is precisely the worst course. … , you're either with us or with them."…
If it’s October, Surprise! Obama Wants to Nuke Arm Iran to Get Elected…october_surprise_obama_wants_to_nuke_arm_iran_to_get_elected
– Morris said a deal between the White House and the Iranian regime is in the works to ease sanctions on Iran in return for concessions … “Just promise that this is the last territorial demand you have to make in Europe,” Obama is likely advising Iran before making sure … This is the same playbook Obama ran with Russian Junior Co-Czar Dmitry Medvedev in nuclear talks in March.  …
Rumble in Florida: A Preview of the Final 2012 Presidential Debate
– Schieffer has selected the following topics: "our longest war" in Afghanistan/Pakistan, Israel/Iran, America's role in the world, the … In the past two debates, Romney has been successful at pinning President Obama into a corner with his own failed policies while presenting … With the ongoing events in the Middle East, tonight's battle will surely get interesting.…
Of Course: Unions Are Exempt from Anti-Extortion Laws
– There was no way the Afghanistan war was going to ever end in anything other than defeat the way Obama went at it. … Personal income distribution has remained about the same: In fact, the Gini curve associated with the fine PIDs is a constant near … The point is that the government unemployment number masks what is really going on in the economy.…
Under Pressure Japan Might Restore Navy
– This is a local incident, but the South Koreans have island ownership disputes with Japan. … The Japanese naval force is one of the best in the world. Defense of the homeland is its primary mission. … This is the feast of the sacrifice. It celebrates Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son at god's direction.…
Will Obama Paint Mitt as Warmonger?
– Yet Woodrow Wilson won in 1916 on the slogan, "He Kept Us Out of War!" … "The last thing we need now is another war." "Are you (Ryan) ... going to go to war?" … This drumbeat, implying Romney and Ryan are champing at the bit to get into the war in Syria or into a new war with Iran, was deliberate…
Is Al-Qaeda Defeated?
At the Aspen Security Forum this past summer, Peter Bergen, CNN’s intrepid national-security analyst and a director at the New America … defended the AQ-is-defeated thesis in a debate with Thomas Joscelyn and Bill Roggio, two of my Foundation for Defense of Democracies … The late Father Richard John Neuhaus aptly defined jihadism as a religiously inspired ideology built on the teaching “that it is the
Chris Matthews, Abortions and Sharia Law Hysteria
– And if this is the case, are we really a free country? … In the Introduction he wrote, “the Republican Party, and the entire modern conservative movement is, in fact, very much like the Taliban … So, the high regard for life and the protection of the innocent that fuels the Republican platform on abortion is nothing more than…
Hezbollah Drone Developed by Iran
– Soldiers from both Koreas know the probability of war is low and the costs of high vigilance are high. … The great success of US and allied policy is that such a condition is stable. … Following the Israeli and US lead, every state with a substantial army is developing and using UAVs.…
Pickering's Red Flags
with Iran without preconditions. … African-American, educated at Harvard, with the middle name Hussein, get elected president of the United States. … I agree with you we had a huge problem with the armed forces, and you’re right: It is the enemy.”…
Obama Strategy Relies on Voter Suppression of Common Sense
– Jerome49 wrote: I'm not sure of the point of this article. Is it that Obama gets to decide what is and isn't a war? … Some of us remember him proclaiming to the world that Iran is about to aquire nuclear weapons and the United States/NATO must act. … This is how Hitler got away with the Holocaust.…
The Limits of American Power
– That is, under optimal conditions, the US needed nearly a month to respond to the largest foreign attack on the US mainland since the … They met with resistance from the US military. … So, too, the four months the US required to ready for war enabled Iran to plan and begin executing its plan to suck the US into a prolonged…
Our Liar President
The problem with only being able to fight in one conflict at a time is that once America is embroiled in a conflict, it is vulnerable … Obama is the one who is stuck in a Cold War mentality, still negotiating arms deals with the Russians as if we were still in a bipolar … Reagan gave us Peace through Strength. War threatens America with War through Weakness.…
Petraeus Betrayed his Country Before he Betrayed his Wife
– This is a provocative question that I will begin to answer with another question: Did America prevail in the Iraq War? … Today, Iraq is more an ally of Iran than the United States (while dollars keep flowing to Baghdad). … Further, the Petraeus COIN manual tells us: "The more successful the counterinsurgency is, the less force can be used and the more…
Chaos In and Around Israel
The situation in and around Israel is getting worse by the minute as Hamas continues to fire rockets into the Jewish State with … Syria is on fire, with Iran helping fuel the government there. … Egypt is also reconsidering their peace treaty with Israel. The Sinai Peninsula is infested with al Qaeda terrorists.…
The Calendar, Body Count and Brinksmanship: The Syrian Death Match Accelerates
The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) has been at war with Turkey since the early 1980s. … Early on, the Assad regime concluded it is locked in a kill or be killed war with Syria's fragmented but numerous rebel groups. … To an Alawite, the war is about preventing a genocide -- his clan's own genocide.…
Lessons of the Battle of Benghazi
– Now that the election is behind us, perhaps we can put politics aside and acknowledge a hard fact: On September 11, 2012, America was … “The terrorists were at war with us,” she said, “but we were not yet at war with them.” … , al-Qaeda is playing an increasingly significant role in the civil war; in Yemen, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is far from beaten…
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