Results for: agenda 47

A French Conservative's Point of View ...
– Nicolas Sarkozy got 53% of the votes versus 47% for Ségolène Royal. That is a big victory! … He also chose the best strategy: he run on a right wing rhetoric and agenda.…
Unmasking The “Gay” Agenda“gay”_agenda
– It is often called the “gay agenda.” … They could have served up to 47 years in prison. … Noted homosexual activist and pornographer Clinton Fein addressed the “gay” agenda in a 2005 article candidly titled, “The Gay Agenda
The Massachusetts Miracle: Brown Wins, Obama Loses,_obama_loses
– Early returns showed an 52 percent lead for the low-key Republican, with Democrat Martha Coakley falling behind at 47 percent. … "Its a referendum on the Obama agenda.... [Obama] has delivered something very different than what he promised." … Many pundits view the defeat as a condemnation of Obama’s policy agenda, reflecting widespread public disapproval of his health care…
Memo to Chairman Mike: GOP Will Win
– And Obama's determination to march ahead with his full socialist agenda, including the imposition of a health care system a majority … Republicans need to defeat 35 of these 47 Democrats to take control. Not a task that is at all beyond reach.…
Obama’s 1994’s_1994
– According to the Gallup poll, 47% of Americans disapprove of Obama’s actions thus far. … But instead of conceding that Americans needed to be persuaded about healthcare and led towards his agenda, Obama and his cohorts in … And it certainly won’t draw the American people to his agenda.…
Voting Record Puts Bayh in the Hot Seat
– Mike Pence, the House Republican Conference chairman, by 47 percent to 44 percent. … Suddenly, Bayh was issuing fire-breathing denunciations of his party's left wing, calling on Democrats to reset their agenda and backing … Democrats had pushed their agenda too far to the left, driving away independents and moderate voters, Bayh said.…
The DOJ9 (And Still Counting)
– Second is the appearance of bias or an agenda, that the hens have taken over what is supposed to be the foxes' den. … disapproval of this, with those disapproving of the handling of the Christmas bomber, for example, now exceeding those who approve, 47
What was I thinking?
– Working with wonderful people across the country, we successfully placed Ron on the ballot in 47 states and the District of Columbia … That’s what the initiative and referendum process is all about: an opportunity to place some measure of common sense on the public agenda
Dem Strategists Have It Wrong
– But soon the socialist financial takeover bill will come on the agenda, followed by amnesty for illegal immigrants, cap and trade, … will trigger its own mobilization of public opposition and add to the swelling coalition of opposition to Obama and his radical agenda … (47-34), Social Security (48-36) and taxes (52-34).…
Democrats, Which Way From Here?,_which_way_from_here
– /Gallup poll showed registered voters now preferring the Republican candidate over the Democratic candidate in their districts by 47% … chance Democrats have to limit their expected losses is to abandon any semblance of a substantive liberal summertime political agenda
Race of the Day: Democrats on the Run in Hawaii
– fiscal responsibility and government accountability will win this November and Democrats will struggle to defend their reckless agenda … However, in 2004, President Bush received 47%, underscoring the competitive nature of the seat and the opportunity for a Republican … The people of Hawaii are tired of an out-of-touch Democrat majority that continues to push their agenda that borrows too much, spends…
Obama's Economic Faux Pas Finally Recognized
– It shows that 48 percent of Americans now say the president is to blame for the anemic recovery, versus 47 percent who still fault … trail this past week, maintaining that the Republicans and their allies in the business community have been opposing his economic agenda
Young Americans Want Traditional Values
– Unless we are satisfied with the lop-sided information being spoon-fed to us by those having an agenda, it is up to us to do our own … In 2009, the numbers rose to 41 percent, 47 percent in 2010, and climbed to 53 percent this year.…
Makers, Takers and Occupiers,_takers_and_occupiers
– Last year, 47 percent of Americans paid no federal income tax. … He argues that what motivates this group is a commitment to an extreme agenda and an opposition to the capitalist system. … The Tea Party, which was launched organically in April 2009 in response to the Wall Street bailout, had a clear policy agenda: End…
Reid Ally Wynn Rips Obama "Fancy Speeches"
– Among other things, he says (47:07), I am watching my employees standard of living drop off because of deficits. … is beginning to make the connection between deficits and their own loss of the standard… I say right now that the Democratic agenda
Obama: God Himself Wants Congress to Pass My Jobs Bill
– This proposed pay-for has been so unpopular that all 47 Senate Republicans and a number of Democrats have repeatedly opposed it.  … His response: We're better off now than we would have been in the absence of my awesome Stimulus, Dodd-Frank, and Obamacare agenda.…
Is Obama Leading Comfortably in Virginia?
– make the sale anyway:   Right now we find Obama on positive ground in the state with 48% of voters approving of him to 47% … healthy lead among the very Virginia voters who have been doing everything in their power to repudiate his (and his allies') liberal agenda … Not a single Dem ran on the Obama record this past fall...and, in fact, all tried to cozy up to Bob McDonnell (whose agenda is pretty…
Why Ron Paul Can Never Be President In 12 Quotes
– Setting aside the fact that Ron Paul already ran for President on the Libertarian ticket in 1988 and only pulled .47% of the vote, … Republicans know that the Democratic agenda is dangerous to our political and economic health.…
Where the Ducks Are
– That includes Proposition 200 in McCain's own state of Arizona in 2004, which carried with 56 percent, including 47 percent of Hispanics … Neither La Raza nor the NAACP is likely to be of much help with this agenda.…
Back to Iraq Journal Entry # 6 - Kate Norley
– While security continues to be a focus of priority across Iraq, a substantial shift has occurred in the agenda of doing so. … After uncovering fake ID’s, hidden pistols and AK-47’s, potential detonators for IED’S as well as wired battery packs ready to be packed…
Palin Changes the 2008 Election Parameters
– His masterfully-delivered convention address (though full of boilerplate liberal agenda) was completely overshadowed by the Palin announcement … campaign raked in $10 million in the three days since the vice-presidential announcement, and they credit Palin with the record-setting $47
A Letter to my Grandchildren
– from Wheaton College in Illinois, to Wake Forest University in North Carolina: My first thought last week upon learning that a 47 … On the other hand, the party of Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy and now Obama must put forth an agenda that understands that getting…
Economic Bloodletting
– However, energy and environmental appointments and proclamations underscore an agenda of higher taxes, more regulations and other malpractice … Two dozen mostly Southern and Midwestern states depend on coal for 47-98% of their electricity.…
NEWS BRIEFS: House panel OKs ban on military 'gay marriages'
– Services Committee "for affirming that federal law trumps the demands of those who would use the military to advance a liberal social agenda … Syria was one of four candidates selected to fill seats on the 47-member Human Rights Council, the AP reported.…
Tea Party – A Movement in Search of a Leader–_a_movement_in_search_of_a_leader
– A Gallup poll of just a few weeks ago reported that 47% now have a negative view of the Tea Party, the highest negative reported since … sentiments to preserve America as a free nation and crystallize these sentiments into a practical, believable, and inspiring message and agenda
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