Results for: is the us at war with iran

For What, All These Wars?
– Undeniably, the soldiers who burned the Qurans blundered. Yet there is no evidence that it was malicious. … That would make us allies of al-Qaida, the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, all of which also seek the fall of Bashar al-Assad and the … But it is the clamor for a U.S. war on Iran that grows loudest.…
NightWatch: No Place Safe in Afghanistan
– Police sources reported anti-US demonstration in the capitals of at least 12 of the 34 provinces. … The Germans rebased the outpost with the main German force, which is based in Konduz, 70 miles west. … The crowd answered with calls of "No Hezbollah and no Iran" and "the Syrian revolution is an Arab revolution."…
5 Reasons to Support Rick Santorum
– 1) Santorum is the most prominent socially conservative politician in America. The Republican Party is a three legged stool. … Because of the war on terrorism and Obama's profligate spending, the first two legs of the stool have been getting all of the attention … If the choice is between Santorum and Romney and you're voting based on who's more likely to beat Obama, Santorum is the better choice…
The Myth of the End of Terrorism
is employed and in the actors employing it. … The connection between state-sponsored terrorism and the Cold War ran so deep that when the Cold War ended with the Soviet Union's … As Carl von Clausewitz noted, war is the continuation of politics by other means; terrorism is a type of warfare, making it also politics…
NightWatch: North Korea Fails to Carry Out "Merciless Attack"
The US operates a facility at Manas airport that enables air logistic support to US forces in Afghanistan. … Iran-Egypt-US: A US Defense Department spokesman said the US has no indications that the Iranian naval ships which transited the Suez … A point worth noting is that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a contributor to the bailout fund, which means US  government…
Ready To Join the Faith Dream Team?
– However, in light of the potential global clash outside our country with regimes such as those in Iran and Syria and the ongoing domestic … of the best veterans of political war to save our republic (as our Founding Fathers established it) and lead us forward. … (The books and DVDs still are sold at the very estate of George Washington, Mount Vernon.)…
Hillary's 'Toughest Sanctions' on Iran Won't Work
– Winston Churchill was surely right that “jaw jaw is better than war war.” Nobody wants a war with Iran. … But the Iranian leaders have been at war with us for thirty years. … This administration frittered away its best chance of avoiding war with Iran when it held back from giving support to the pro-democracy…
Limbaugh And the, Um, Lady
– Saul Alinsky is alive and well in the political maneuverings of the secular left. … The problem is; we all have the play book now. … cheap and casual, dealing with the potential consequences is so expensive that those of us who disagree must subsidize her bad behavior…
Is the GOP Becoming a War Party?
– For they assume, rightly, that the president does not want war and, if he wins, there will be no war with Iran. … And Obama surely knows that an October confrontation with Iran, with war a possibility, or a reality, will mean the nation rallies … Whether there is a U.S. war on Iran seems up to the ayatollah now.…
NightWatch: Hamas Deals Iran Setback on Israel
– North Korea-US: Robert King, the US envoy on human rights in North Korea, told reporters he would meet in Beijing with a counterpart … The US food aid need not be diverted to help the army. … This is a setback for Iran. Kenya-Somalia: For the record.…
Sick and Tired of the Middle East
– We won the first Gulf War in 1991. Then most of our forces left the region. … The United States has not had diplomatic relations with Iran since the Shah left in 1979. … The Syrian government is now butchering thousands of its own citizens with impunity.…
Iran and Obama
– His tough talk might have had some influence on Iran a couple of years ago, when he was instead being kinder and gentler with the world's … to the wolves, once the election is over, as might well happen if Obama is re-elected and no longer has any political reasons to pretend … At the end of the Second World War, Winston Churchill said, "There never was in all history a war easier to prevent by timely action…
Rush: At the Tip of Liberty's Spear
– Rush is heartsick over the direction this country is going and that we arrived at a place where many people don't even bat an eye over … But we do not apologize for the causes we are fighting for, and we must redouble our efforts to stay in this battle with all that is … I am equally proud of him for sticking to his guns on the underlying principles, because in this war, he has been at the tip of liberty's…
Romney’s Greatest Weakness
– Obama knows that the War in Afghanistan is dreadfully unpopular with Americans and he’s positioning himself to win by continually advertising … And what we have done by staying is become the new foreigners. …The Karzai government is playing us for fools.” … The other cost is monetary.…
Obama at AIPAC: Sometimes, I'm Always There for Israel!
– A political effort aimed at isolating Iran; a diplomatic effort to sustain our coalition and ensure that the Iranian program is monitored … The headlines have been dominated by stories of disagreements between the US and Israel on how to approach Iran. … As the situation with Iran escalates, Obama has once again failed to take a definitive, strong stance on the issue.…
Let Israel Be Israel
– neighbors, assures us that Iran will not be able to “surprise” the West during any negotiations. … That reminds us of the slogan of the anti-war Left in the 1970s: “Suppose they gave a war and nobody came?”   Mr. … Martin Dempsey said Iran is a “rational actor” on the world stage.…
Obama Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Terrorists
– Again the Obama administration has been slow to act, only recently hitting Iran with economic sanctions. … I guess the next thing American taxpayers will be paying for is spa treatments for detainees at GITMO. … Something is very wrong with America, the land of the free and the brave, rolling out the red carpet for terrorists and being more…
NightWatch: Japan Challenges China at Sea
– It is not clear the US delegation understood the North's layers of meaning in the term "not treat it with hostility." … The food is free, but the shipping is not and the US does not pay it. … The second point is the North apparently cooperated with the US in crafting the language used in the KCNA announcement so that the
Obama Faces "The Crunch"
– It is when lives, perhaps millions of them, hang on the outcome of the decision the leader makes. Gen. Dwight D. … Obama faces the crunch with Iran. … Now is when it matters to all of us.…
The Volatile Middle East
Iran is racing toward nuclear capability in defiance of the world. The Muslim Brotherhood is in power in Egypt. … The U.S. has finally brought most of its troops home from Iraq, but Iraq’s democracy is tenuous at best and Iran continues to pull … The one hope outside of Israel stopping the Ayatollahs, and that is the people of Iran themselves.…
Yes He Does! 5 Ways Obama Controls Gas Prices
– It is the government’s fault that we stopped producing rare-earths at Molycorp, which is just now chugging back to life under stiff … China has no obligation to provide us with rare-earths at a certain price. … Obama keeps his “boot on the throat” of big oil Obama keeps telling us that drilling is up.…
A Guide for the Perplexed Fareed Zakaria
– In the same column, Zakaria asserts that Iran is being told to “surrender.” … of an historical war between the World of Arrogance and the Islamic world … Is it possible for us to witness a world without America … Belatedly, he would answer the question posed by the protestors on the streets of Tehran in 2009: “Obama, are you with us or against…
Hillary Clinton Compares U.S. to "Extremists" on Women's Rights
– During a recent speech at the Women in the World Summit, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton implied that Americans who do not want … Clinton is correct when she speaks about the focus to oppress women in the world. … Making the implication that the United States is even close to the low level of other countries when it comes to women's rights is
Live Free Or Die: A Promise
– Twelver radicals in Iran believe the United States is weak, afraid to fight and ready to fall. … If Israel conducts a pre-emptive strike on Iran, the US will undoubtedly be drawn into the conflict. … Our nation will have to decide if it agrees with New Hampshire's official state motto, which was adopted at the close of World War
The President Whisperer
– he once again has the title to go with his real clout? … Woodrow Wilson took us into the war he promised to keep us out of and then later attempted to change the planet itself with his grandiose … There is one notable exception to the whole second-term-hubris-syndrome and it is the case of Calvin Coolidge back in the 1920s.His…
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