Results for: is the us at war with iran

Is This War?
– That prospect is the latest flashpoint with Iran, and one of the most serious. … But rising tensions with Iran and recent changes at Iranian nuclear sites have ratcheted up the level of U.S. alarm. … Iran is set to allow a team of UN nuclear inspectors into the country, and that, coupled with the recent rescue of Iranian sailors…
US Navy Shows Up Iran in Strait
– In the hours leading up to the July deployment, Admiral Faller issued the following statement, "We are a nation at war.  … In early October of 2011, the Stennis aircraft carrier strike group arrived in the Arabian Sea, off the coast of Iran.  … After treating the fishermen to medical attention, supplying them with food and liquids sufficient for their return trip to Iran, the
Defense Manifesto 2012: Obama Channels Rumsfeld
– short days before 9-11 plunged us into a war with an enemy who believed America lacked the will to persevere. … But the tout is campaign sloganeering. Progress in Afghanistan is, like the country, fragmentary. … The manifesto doesn't mention Gitmo. It does mention denying Iran nukes, which may take waging war and require ground forces.…
The Audacity of Deceit: Notes on the State of the Union
– Let’s start with his portrayal of the “end of the war in Iraq.” … quit that front in the larger war we are in. … I call it the War for the Free World. That doesn’t mean the battle for Iraq is over, let alone the war won.…
The Zionist Imperative
– And now, as the US and the EU have given Iran at least another six months to a year to develop its nuclear bombs unchecked, it is worth … involved an acceptance of the fact that Israel - not the US - is the Jewish homeland. … At least in part, this policy is due to the US's assessment that a nuclear Iran does not pose a high-level threat to US national security…
Is America in Decline?
Iran, agreed with the president that America was beginning to slip and slide. … What's at risk, it seems to me, is confidence in what's special about us, that what the Founding Fathers gave us is unique. … "There is nothing wrong with the state of our union that the American people, addressed as free-born, mature citizens, cannot set right…
The State of the Union -- A Free Translation
– Vice President, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, fellow Americans and faithful subjects: The State of the Union is … Just as I vowed, we are going to close down the stockade at Guantanamo and refrain from trying war criminals in military courts. … Eric Holder at Justice will tell us when it's safe.…
America and the Arab Spring
– Yemen is falling apart at the seams. Al-Qaida forces have been advancing in the south. … What happened immediately after the US pullout is another story completely. … Indeed, the US is the greatest loser of the pan-Arab revolutions.…
Republican Debaters Miss the Boat in Tampa
– from the U.S. to Cuba today is estimated by Senator Marco Rubio at $4 billion a year. … In fact, Brian, the Castro regime is at its cockiest –most repressive—right now. … years, coinciding with President Obama’s “play-nice- with- Castro policy”-- which perfectly coincides with Castro’s play-the- most…
Bush Derangement Syndrome a Problem for Obama
– Should war with Iran erupt, you can bet the 2012 election that the Obama administration hopes the national press will conveniently … Lantos asked Crocker if the U.S. would pursue diplomacy with Iran. … Obama's excuses for failing to shut Gitmo may convince left-wing law profs, but leading America in a hot war with Iran is another matter…
The Florida Debate: Losers and More Losers
The faltering frontrunner came out of the gates on the offensive, taking swings at Newt for his record as Speaker and his work at Freddie … He had a strong answer on language as well, noting that respect for what people do at home is not the same as expecting them to adhere … He is who he is, like it or not, so you have to admire at least that.…
Santorum sweeps 3 states, claims momentum
– Santorum still trails in the delegate count, but now can claim momentum and also can point to a fact that is true for at least a few … The next day, Santorum told CNN, "We definitely are the campaign with the momentum." … "With Iran, Syria and North Korea all splashing across the headlines, there could soon be a demand in the race for a candidate who…
Who Wants War With Iran?
War with the United States would be a disaster. … Iran would be set back years.Who, then, wants war with Iran? … and Rick Santorum.And as the Obama administration is the major force in U.S. politics opposed to war with Iran, its defeat in November…
Strike, Israel! Strike Now!
– He coupled his seizure of the Rhineland with offers of peace talks and with—that great distraction—the Berlin Olympics. … Now, consider this: Iran has been at war with the U.S. for more than thirty years. When they seized our U.S. … Marines and Navy corpsmen in Beirut in 1983, that, too, was an act of war. The Iranians are also at war with Israel.…
Six Ways Paul Beats Obama On Foreign Policy
– He told us as much when he bookended his State of the Union address with his foreign policy “wins.” … …We should be consciously aware of terrorism and deal with it, but to say that we’re at war with the world … is very, very dangerous … The U.S.-Mexico border is porous.…
Ron Paul: Reactionary or Visionary
– Answer: They are on the DMZ as a tripwire to bring us, from the first day of fighting, into a new land war in Asia that many American … Solution: The United States should inform the SCO that when the Afghan war is over we will close all U.S. military bases in Central … Let us get out of the way. But it is in Europe that America may find the greatest savings.…
The Prophets
– As was said at the time, if any conservative candidate had consorted with any such controversial clergyman, the media pack would have … No small part of American rage at the Japanese in World War II stemmed from that “infamy.”   … He is the one who must determine if the Iranians are telling the truth, honestly willing to talk peace, or just leading us on.…
China as Punching Bag
– As for our economic ties, he wrote, "A trade war with China is the last thing I want, but I cannot tolerate our current trade surrender … us to war there. … often collide with established powers, which means there is certainly potential for China to clash with the United States.…
U.S. on Iran: Sanctions Doomed to Fail
– It is no surprise Iran is willing to start WWIII by repeatedly claiming the country will wipe Israel off the map while ignoring … nuclear programme, and believe that the US will be left with no option but to launch an attack on Iran or watch Israel do so. … Iran war ships are also on the move for the only the second time since the Iranian Revolution.…
Night Watch: New Pakistani "Ultra" Coalition Forms
– They rise and fall together, the way the US budget is put together. … At the end of the Vietnam War, the Middle East, South Asia and Southeast Asia became less stable. … Preparation time and the extent and visibility of the actions drive US warning time and the clarity of warning of war.…
The Price of A Gallon of Gas
With the recent tension in Iran, they are poised to go higher. … There are bottlenecks in the supply chain because the US doesn’t have the necessary refining capability to keep up with domestic demand … A little kink at the top creates a lot of volatility at the bottom.…
NightWatch: Constitutional Crisis in Pakistan
– This meeting is a continuation of meetings the US has been having with North Korea to see if it is prepared to fulfill its commitments … The US announcement puts the talks in the context of nuclear issues, namely that it is the third session to see whether the North isthe ambassador who deals with food aid, will not be a member of the US delegation.…
On to Tehran -- or Is It Damascus?
– Our War Party has been temporarily diverted from its clamor for war on Iran by the insurrection against the Syrian regime of Bashar … And responsibility for the carnage is being laid at the feet of the president who succeeded his dictator-father Hafez al-Assad, who … As for the Free Syrian Army to whom U.S. military aid would go, it is divided with itself, and one ranking colonel has described the
The Fatah-Hamas Peace Process
– Since the PLO rather than the PA or Fatah is the signatory to the agreements with Israel, the 2007 agreement signaled Fatah's willingness … One of their favorite claims is that the deal with Fatah is proof that Hamas is becoming more moderate. … away from Syria and Iran, and to a certain degree from Hezbollah, and is repositioning itself in line with the popular movements behind…
NightWatch: US Army Furor over Afghan Contradictions
The temptation for analysts is to split the baby, assessing that the truth lies somewhere in between the official reports and the observations … the press on 8 February at the Iranian Embassy in Damascus. … The logic of the situation is that Iran needs to take action to prevent a strategic disaster.…
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