Results for: is the us at war with iran

Turkey Creates Base for Syrian Opposition
The most important point to bear in mind is that there are no good guys in this situation and no good outcomes for US interests. … The real parties in interest are Saudi Arabia and Iran. Syria is the battle ground where the proxies are struggling. … This does not yet signify the start of regional war, but it is a step in that direction.…
Spinning Ahmadenijad
– Political discourse in the Islamic Republic? Does Time not know that Iran is a police state? … The New York Times interpreted that as Ahmajdinejad “forecasting at length about the peace that will prevail with the appearance of … of an apocalyptic holy war, with Jesus at his side, to establish an Islamic world order?…
Georgia Leans Towards Russia
– Comment: Pak is an able diplomat and a loyal communist to have delivered the silly speech he delivered at the UN. … The North's propagandists apparently are uncomfortable that Iran is the focus of international concern and not the North. … Turkish actions with the Iraqi Kurds are aimed at intimidating the pro-Iranian government in Baghdad to halt its support for the Syrian…
Obama's Foreign Policy Follies
– bin Laden's dead" and "the Iraq war is over." … Egypt is now run by the Muslim Brotherhood. Russia casually mocks and defies us. … was nothing to worry about with Obama at the helm.…
Whoa: Obama Administration Denied "Repeated Requests" For Increased Security in Benghazi…_denied_repeated_requests_for_increased_security_in_benghazi
– Obama's regime-change war in Libya was managed in such a way as to minimize even the appearance of US involvement, to the point of … Ahmad, who is associated with Al Qaeda, was released from an Egyptian prison following the ouster of Hosni Mubarak, a key US ally.  … "Bush may have been hated, but he was also feared, and what we've learned in the Middle East is that fear, sometimes at least, can…
Obama’s Cool Wars Sponsored by Peaceniks and Social Justice Puppeteers…ol_wars_sponsored_by_peaceniks_and_social_justice_puppeteers
The war at home is just the beginning of the reckoning.  The other war is the worldwide currency war. … is a Machiavellian attempt at making the economy look like it’s growing without all the messy things that come along with growth, like … While people are busy wondering if Obama has lost us the whole Middle East and whether Israel and Iran will engage in a shooting war
Advice From the Hindu Kush
– They have heard all the things wrong with the current administration and don't need to have it rehashed. … the radical Islamist jihad being waged against us. … us at greater risk.…
Time to Get Mad
Iran is building a nuke. Syria is mired in a bloody civil war. Egypt's new democracy is turning against us. … Mitt Romney is the change we need -- and the only chance we have. … Mitt needs to show us how angry he is at what Obama has done to America.…
Will Hillary Resign?
– It does remind us of the most memorable line from the Clinton administration: It depends on what the definition of "is" is. … She is slated to resign in January at any rate. She has told the world, probably unwisely, that she is a lame duck. … In 1982, the British went to war with the military junta in Argentina to reclaim the Falklands--whose island people have been staunchly…
Winning Issue
– Romney can rebut the contention that he is "politicizing" this incident by showing that it is a teachable moment about the whirlwind … At the same time, it is threatening war with our ally, Japan, and claiming sovereignty over virtually the entire South China Sea. … The Republican challenger can point out that this is seen by Beijing for what it is: the unresourced - and, therefore, meaningless…
How Could the President and Secretary of State Allow this to Happen?…ld_the_president_and_secretary_of_state_allow_this_to_happen
– So it is that people don’t seem to understand what is happening with the Obama Administration in the Middle East. … As is to be expected, the media is partially to blame for allowing the Obama Administration to get away with their ridiculous narrative … to tell us the truth.…
At the outset of the Civil War, Confederate President Jefferson Davis imposed a cotton embargo. … The possession by Iran of nuclear weapons is a mortal threat to our homeland. … They have been making war on us for more than thirty years. Seizing our embassy is an act of war.…
Stay out of the Syrian Maelstrom
– What Romney proposes is an act of war. Before we get into our fourth war in 12 years, let us consider the antagonists. … This is first a religious war with the Shia regimes -- Hezbollah, Iran and the Iraqis we brought to power -- lined up behind Syrian … The Syrian civil war could end suddenly with the fall of Assad.…
Be Afraid
– None of them is smiling.We are reminded by the commander of the special operations unit with whom we are living not to broadcast names … At every location, the story is basically the same: "The Americans left Iraq. Now they are leaving Afghanistan." … Those who do not trust us will be afraid -- very afraid.Oliver North is the host of "War Stories" on Fox News Channel, the founder…
The Emerging Doctrine of the United States
Iran and Iraq are historical rivals; they fought an extended war in the 1980s with massive casualties. … At this point committed to maintaining its coalition with the Europeans, the United States found itself in the position of either breaking … At the same time, the United States is not prepared to engage in a war with Iran, nor is it prepared to underwrite the Israeli attack…
Is a Nuclear Deal With Iran Possible?
– If the latter is the case, we are likely headed for war with Iran, even as our refusal to negotiate with Tokyo, whose oil we cut off … The deep-underground facility at Fordow is enriching uranium to 20 percent. … The cost of food and medicine is soaring. Inflation is running officially at 25 percent. Foreign travel is drying up.…
Analysis: Romney Offers Sharp Critique of Obama's Foreign Policy
– :   The President is fond of saying that “The tide of war is receding.”   … But when we look at the Middle East today—with Iran closer than ever to nuclear weapons capability, with the conflict in Syria threating … But the route to more war – and to potential attacks here at home – is a politically timed retreat that abandons the Afghan people…
Bombshell: US Security Teams Removed From Libya Prior to Attack, Over Stevens' Objections…emoved_from_benghazi_prior_to_attack_over_stevens_objections
The brinksmanship is detailed in a cable approved by Ambassador Chris Stevens and sent on the day he died in the attack, the worst … They are expressions of a larger struggle that is playing out across the broader Middle East—a region that is now in the midst of the … perpetual war on the West. …
Ron Paul and Israel
– sympathies with this perspective before stating, “Even given all of this, my position on Israel is the same as my position with regard … negotiations with organizations like the Arab League.” … by the incessant attacks – that Hamas was not the aggressor and that all the terrorists had at their disposal was “homemade bombs”…
Mitt, We Have a Problem
– Next, you could address the international implications. Iran is threatening to close the Strait of Hormuz. … The EPA is not so blatant as to admit their true intentions: to end all fossil fuel development in the US. … North Korea, the communist country, is black with the exception of a dot of light at the location of Pyongyang.…
Obama's Motto
– It is undeniable, undebatable, irrefutable, inarguable and certain that the United States is spending at a level that will destroy … If your family is facing a serious problem, is your first instinct to blame the culprit -- other than to identify it for purposes of … I'll never understand this.Obama is now proposing drastic cuts in our defense budget at a time when global terrorism is on the rise…
Mainstreaming anti-Semitism
– Mearsheimer is the author, together with Harvard's Kennedy School of Government's Prof. … on the US, anti-Semitism has become far more acceptable in the US and throughout the world. … So it is that at the same time that the Obama administration is assiduously courting the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian…
Red Lines
– If any of this is true, nothing has changed in nearly three years of the Obama administration -- except that Iran is now much closer … transaction with the Central Bank of Iran" from access to U.S. banking institutions. … Oliver North is the host of “War Stories” on FOX News Channel.…
Who Wants War With Iran?
– If Iran is building a bomb, it is not at Natanz. U.S. denial of involvement leaves Mossad as the prime suspect. … , the objective is clear: Enrage the Iranians so they strike out at America, provoking a U.S. … Before some agent provocateur pushes us into war with Iran, Congress should debate the wisdom of authorizing President Obama, or anyone…
Expecting the Worst from President Hypocrite
– I only point out all of the above because right now the president is standing before the entire nation with his pants bunched up around … ; today is the day that he crushed hundreds of thousands of US jobs.  … “Iran, a country that is wreaking havoc with the global oil markets must be smiling today.  Congratulations Mr.…
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