Results for: is the us at war with iran

Amid Syria's nightmare, rays of light appear for nation, refugees
– Syria's civil war is turning into a proxy struggle between Shiite Iran -- Assad's closest remaining ally -- and the Sunni states of … "In the midst of all the violence, you see these bright spots and know He really is at work and drawing the hearts of people to Himself … Able to love One of the local volunteers working with the aid team is retired from the military.…
Iran's Khamenei and Israel's Casus Belli
– He knew the risk he was taking in thus provoking war with Israel. … But all those sanctions do is make the wretched people of Iran more wretched. … That is why the Israelis now have their Casus Belli, their just cause for war.…
Who Lost Egypt?
the US alliance system in the Arab world for 30 years - is setting aside its alliance with the US and looking toward reassuming the … weaken the Netanyahu government make clear that as far as the US is concerned, Iran acquiring nuclear weapons is not the problem. … The problem with this assessment is that it is nonsense.…
The Mental Illness of Our Political Class
– But getting back to Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), as I said in the column, the cost of complying with just one section of SOX annually is more … at the White House. … Obama's actions, not circumstances, have brought us the weakest economy since World War II.…
The President as Planetary Policeman
– of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Rand Paul may have been the only speaker at the Republican National Convention last week who … This view of America as the righter of all wrongs is hard to reconcile with Republican promises of fiscal responsibility. … At the same time, Rice worried that "when the world looks at us today, they see an American government that cannot live within its…
Last Recourse of Failed Presidents
– Let us continue on this path that is leading us to the sunny uplands of a new prosperity and a stronger, more respected America. … Not until the late debate with Carter did the electorate take a closer look at Reagan and decide that this genial, principled conservative … With Obama's approval in the 40s, it is clear that America is ready for a change. One difference between 2012 and 1980?…
Japan and NKorea Start MIA Talks
at the end of the Korean War might serve as a useful model for Japan. … the US had no official relations with Vietnam. … The reaction is not so much against US power as against US meddling in the internal affairs of states.…
Democracy is Station Stop for Islamic Caliphate
– Filing with the UN is a key step in obtaining international recognition of a nation's claim. … With US Naval backing, the Southeast Asians also will not defer to China. … Finally, for the record, Readers should know that the authoritative source for information on the security arrangements at US embassies…
U.S. Fails to Defend Its Sovereignty in Egypt
– Instead, Mursi's reaction is to urge the US to punish the US filmmaker. … Having worked closely with US officials for a decade in the struggle and war against Iran, Saddam understood that everything after … in the legislative history of the US National Security Act of 1947, is to keep the US, its persons, property and its interests safe…
Sanctions Won't Stop Iran
– “New and significant intelligence” received by the International Atomic Energy Agency suggests Iran is closer than ever to acquiring … To increase economic pressure the US would, at a minimum, blacklist both the Central Bank of Iran and Iran’s energy sector. … But Iran’s rulers have been at war with America for more than 30 years.…
Forcing Israel's Hand
– This is useful history as we view the situation in Israel today. … Why a country like Iran that is sitting on a sea of oil needs a nuclear power program is left for the credulous of the world to consider … The mullahs want the bomb. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is coming to the U.S. to attend a UN meeting in New York.…
War and Bluff: Iran, Israel and the United States
– As with North Korea, having a nuclear program has allowed Iran to sit as an equal with the five permanent members of the U.N. … Containing Iran without being drawn into a war is. To this end, Israeli rhetoric is useful. … "War and Bluff: Iran, Israel and the United States is republished with permission of Stratfor."…
Syrian Army Remains Intact
– Comment: Arrangements will be discussed at Panmunjom, so the deal is not done. … Iran-Egypt: Iranian Oil Minister Rostam Qasemi said on 10 September that Iran is holding talks with Egypt on crude oil sales, according … any foreign military intervention in the Syrian civil war and that he is confident the opposition can topple President Bashar Asad's…
Has Obama Called Bibi's Bluff?
– we will attack Iran if it rejects our ultimatum, Israel will bomb Iran and start the war itself. … will attack Iran, with all the consequences that will have for you, for us and for the Middle East. … If there is no reason to go to war with Iran, there is every reason not to go to war.…
US Plays Shell Game with Russia
Iran: The Iranian rial fell to an all-time low 9 September, trading at roughly 24,000 rials to the US dollar, exchange traders said … The official exchange rate is fixed at 12,260 rials to the dollar. … Comment: The implications of this testimony, by a doctor who was working with the Syrian rebels, is the uprising is not Syrian; is
One Hundred Twenty Nations Vote Against President Obama
– reporter at the sound of Mr. … To call for the destruction of fellow members of the UN is a flagrant violation of the UN Charter. … So, does the international community unite and boot Iran out of the UN? No.…
God, Jerusalem and American Foreign Policy
– They don't want to hear that Obama's surgeand- leave strategy in Afghanistan is fomenting a US defeat in that war and setting the conditions … They don't want to consider the implications of the fact that the US is now bankrolling the Muslim Brotherhood's transformation of … Beyond its religious significance, there is a widespread perception that Israel is on the front line of the war against America.…
Woodrow Wilson Obama
The matter is less strategic than, shall we say, visual. … About the only good to come of the hate-America frolics in Egypt, Libya and elsewhere is the recognition that Machiavelli, who appears … At least, then, others may leave you alone: the way the hate-America crowd declines to leave America alone.…
Obama's Dangerous Consistency
– One of the US citizens indicted is a woman who converted from Islam to Christianity. … since September 11, 2001, to contend with Muslim hatred for the US have failed. … Gaddafi was not a threat to the US, so he was unworthy of protection. The mullahs in Iran and Assad are foes of the US.…
Israel is America's Shield
us at him. … from the country's economic collapse; An Egyptian war with Libya for oil and with Sudan for water; A radical Sunni regime controlling … In the Cabinet War Rooms in London during those fateful days, Winston Churchill made the decision not to negotiate with mass murderers…
Middle East madness
The weeks-old video was a mere pretext, in the manner of the Danish cartoons that Islamists use to stir up mobs in their war against … cyber-war against Iran. … Nothing is more dangerous in regard to the contemporary Middle East than misunderstanding the source of Islamist rage.…
The Muslim Bomber in Chicago
– It is very hard to wrap your head around this terrorism thing. In the US, we just aren’t cultured toward it. … Even after 9/11, the war on Terror and all the rest, I think it’s hard for US citizens to think that there are people out there that … But, it’s a fact and when I heard today that Romney said the Palestinians aren’t interested in peace at any price with Israel, I agree…
Mideast violence creates Gospel opportunities
– He's really focused on the work right now and is somewhat oblivious to the things going on around us." … State Department official, told The New York Times, "The reality is the Middle East is going to be turbulent for the foreseeable future … There is a spiritual war that is much bigger than the political war that they are seeing on TV."…
War Through Weakness
– -year peace treaty with Israel, and the persecution of Coptic Christians who are fleeing the country in droves. … What is the flipside of "peace through strength"? It is war through weakness. Iran's nuclear bomb preparations? … The real danger is when the West fails to recognize evil and develop an effective response to it.…
The Irreconcilable Conflict
– "Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, "Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat … Indeed, after the Cold War, we declared the spread of democracy worldwide to be our historic mission and national goal. … Kipling's prediction: "And the end of the fight is a tombstone white with the name of the late deceased, "And the epitaph drear: 'A…
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