Results for: is the us at war with iran

The Perils of a Remilitarized Sinai
The government's confused statements about Egyptian troop deployments indicate that at a minimum, the government is unsure of the best … Today this is not the case. … of war with Egypt.…
Don't be Too Sure Ohio Leans Democrat
– Mandel is one of those people who seems able to squeeze more days into a year than the rest of us. … While in the Ohio legislature, Mandel pushed to divest from firms doing business with Iran. … But Mandel, with the support of Tea Party groups, Republicans and conservatives in Ohio, is mounting a formidable challenge.…
Hollywood's War on Chicken
– "Lisa Henson, our CEO is personally a strong supporter of gay marriage and has directed us to donate the payment we received from Chick-fil-A … "The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect -- regardless … Dan Cathy is right. We really are shaking our fist at God. Giving him the finger, too. Do we deserve forgiveness?…
Gallup/USA Today Poll: Romney Leads on Economy, Jobs, Deficit
– tenure at in the private sector would lead him to make good decisions in managing the US economy as president.  … The time for stonewalling is over.  It is not enough to say the matter is being looked into, and leave it at that.  … And we are still at war and still have uniformed men and women in conflict. All this and more is ongoing in the world. …
New North Korea Puts Nukes on Table
The style of the attack is that of al Qaida. … In the final analysis, the Syrian fight is a proxy war between Saudi Arabia with the US supporting the Saudis, and Iran with the Russians … working with the Iranians.…
The Natural Map of the Middle East
– Wells in "What Is Coming: A Forecast of Things to Come After the War" in the year of Verdun and the Somme Offensive. … Answer: Al-Qaida, which, during the Iraq War, urged the United States to bomb Iran back to the Stone Age. … If a U.S. war on Iran is good for al-Qaida, how can it be good or us? Patrick J.…
China Tussles for Sea Oil
The Beijing government is acting quickly, before the US builds up its forces in the western Pacific. … working with Iran or Syria, executed the 22 July attack. … The perception is the reality and that should keep the situation from escalating to general war, assuming Bandar is dead.…
100 Days is a Long Time
– Or that Romney is the sort of rich financial pirate who got us into the mess of 2008. … Everyone still insists the election will hinge on the economy and voter turnout, but at the same time there is no national consensus … If the threat is diffused, Obama reminds us that he really is the guy who got bin Laden.…
The Election, the Presidency and Foreign Policy
– Yet at the same time -- and this is the main paradox of American political culture -- the presidency is seen as a decisive institution … At this point in the war, the European system seemed about to become unbalanced, with the Germans coming to dominate it. … The Cold War was fought on this strategy. The Cold War Consensus Breaks Between 1948 and the Vietnam War, the consensus held.…
Is Mitt Being Neoconned Into War?
Is denying Iran the right to enrich uranium a reason for America to plunge into its fifth war in that region in a generation? … Before we outsource to Bibi and Ehud Barak the decision to take us to war with a country three times the size of Iraq, we need to know … But if we are going to go to war again, this time with Iran, the decision should be made in America, according to our Constitution,…
The Brotherhood Surfaces in Syria
– Bravo to DIA for remembering that warning is the foundation of US intelligence. … The Mission Strategic intelligence warning is the one of the two primary missions of US intelligence, according to the National Security … McManis, in the aftermath of the overthrow of the Shah of Iran in 1979, which was another major US intelligence and warning failure…
Playing Chicken with Freedom of Speech
– This is just the beginning. What has the dastardly company done? … Like the Boy Scouts, the company has enraged progressives who are at war with Nature and Nature’s God. … The end-game is to criminalize Christianity and replace it with a state-approved, false religion that retains enough trappings to fool…
NKorea Looks to Mend China Rift
The irony is that in a conventional war the Pakistan Army is no match for the Indian Army. … Iran is opposed to Syria's suspension, but the diplomat expressed confidence that the suspension will be approved. … Today's message to the world media, especially select US media and analysts, is that there is no danger of a military backlash; no…
U.S. Plays Both Sides in Syria
The opposition claim coincides with a US report that CIA is carefully controlling the weapons it dispenses through Turkey because it … That is clearly not consistent with reports that he consulted with the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces before taking any action … Over the weekend several Imams issued fatwas that democracy is not consistent with Islam.…
Russia: General Kuzheyev Not Killed in Syria
– For those who want to cut to the key point, Prince Bandar is alive and was seen by the US Ambassador. … It is confusing to consider that Iranian Shiites would side with Syrian Christians to support the al Asad government, but the US would … The rate of unemployment is only a percent or so below that of the US during the Great Depression.…
Him Again
– Think of him as the mourner whose arrival is the surest indicator of the funeral soon to come. … The vacuum of American leadership in the world is now being filled, or rather not filled, by the meaningless resolutions of the United … See Iran and the nuclear capacity it is about to have -- and employ.…
SKorea Trumpets Huge New Find of Rare Earth in NKorea
– Pakistan: The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Directorate reportedly is planning to hold a meeting with 1,500 imams and the Afghan … The opposition claim is probably accurate. … Nonetheless, the precedent is more important than the process at this stage in Mursi's tenure.…
Midsummer Madness
The "pain at the pump" is getting worse. … Which man is willing to tell our Canadian allies, "Build the Keystone XL pipeline, ASAP!" --Iran. … Syria is in a catastrophic civil war, and Jordan may be the "next Egypt."…
Jeane Kirkpatick’s War: It Was Against Totalitarianism. And It's Far From Over.…cks_war_it_was_against_totalitarianism_and_its_far_from_over
– closely the war against Communism in the 20th century mirrors the war against Islamism in the 21st — and by how little we’ve learned … She perceived early on that the collapse of the Soviet Union was not the end of history — with history defined as the long struggle … Her never-completed “big book” on foreign policy opened with the 1987 hijacking of TWA flight 847 by Hezbollah, the proxy of the Islamic…
Israel Faces The Cynical World
– So despite the fact that Israel is a major target of terrorism, and despite the fact that many of the states the US invited to its … Like his followers today, Sharon insisted that the US, as the leader of the Free World, is responsible for preventing Iran from acquiring … The doves agree with Netanyahu that a limited Israeli strike is better than the alternative of a nuclear-armed Iran.…
North Korea Says: We Are Not Weak
– Contacts with the US are frozen most recently because of the large-scale US-Republic of Korea war games which began on 20 August and … They mean that any Pakistani government that cooperates with the US is acting against the will of an overwhelming majority of Pakistani … The primary Russian interest is to block the US, and secondarily, NATO. Point of order.…
Iranians Incite Genocide; Israelis ‘Employ Invective’: Gosh, Which is Worse?…ncite_genocide_israelis_employ_invective_gosh_which_is_worse
Iran or Israel: Which is more deserving of censure? … But the Israeli response . . . well, it is pretty darn insulting! And really, what is the basis for the Israeli charge? … that there is religious ‘justification to kill all the Jews and annihilate Israel, and Iran must take the helm.’”…
Three Minutes to Midnight
– Fifty-three percent of the American electorate appears to have endorsed the view of 95% of the media: the Reverend Wright is old news … in the ten-year Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s. … This American administration looks to November 6th and the next election. That is why the atomic clock is ticking.…
Waiting Out The War in Syria
– join their war against the government. … It will mark not the end of the conflict, but merely the close of its opening chapter with yet worse violence likely to follow. … Syria; the Iranians could well supply it by sea with money and arms, permitting it to hold out for years, further exacerbating the
The New World Disorder
– Syria is sinking into a war of all against all that may end with a breakup of the nation along ethno-sectarian lines -- Arab, Druze … A U.S. war with Iran could end with a Kurdish enclave in Iran's northwest tied to Iraqi Kurdistan, Iran's Azeri north drifting toward … The bipolar world of the Cold War is history.…
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