Results for: is the us at war with iran

Why Gays Should Dial Down with 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell',_dont_tell
– all its foibles, is still the place to be. … touted, and I’m sure that protecting this status is the reason why most gays want to .50cal the idiots who hate us all to an early … at home because, as stated, with this perennial enemy named Islam, you guys will be the first to be purged from the earth if they…
Don't Start on START Until Next Year
– We’re being lied to when Harry Reid tells us that the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) with Russia is a bit of unfinished business … How different this lax attitude toward national security is from the old days of the Cold War. … Iran—whose drive for a nuclear weapon is universally said to be the most dangerous foreign policy crisis in the world.…
The Left's Loser Message
– In her interview Livni defended her role in producing UN Security Council Resolution 1701 that set the terms for ending the war withThe Left contends that Syrian dictator Bashar Assad is keen to abandon his strategic alliance with Iran and that by handing over Israel's … What is true is that together with the reality of the failure of the Left's delusions, its defeatist message has lost the Left the
No Comeback for New Comeback Kid
– congress with the whip hand. … , the confirmation of the Start Treaty is a minor foreign policy matter today (30 years ago, during the Cold War, it would have been … The real nuclear threats today are from Iran and North Korea -- on both fronts of which President Obama is an utter failure, as was…
BP Ledger: Dec. 28 edition
– They see the church growing at an unprecedented rate in poor countries of the world and areas with limited freedom of religion. … B&H, with a renewed focus on digital initiatives, is positioning itself for the future by integrating new media strategies into timeless … "The dynamic nature of digital media allows us to experiment with new ways of introducing - and re-introducing - our customers to our…
Slouching Towards Tehran
– Abdullah cautioned that if the Arabs believe that the US was appeasing Iran at their expense, "that engagement will set off a stampede … And Abdullah and the other Arabs watch now as the US is poised to begin yet a new round of appeasement talks with Iran next month. … What the Left failed to recognize is that Europe and the Arabs would rather cut a deal with Iran than defend themselves against it.…
Obama's Only Policy
– Given US congressional and public support for Israel, it is likely that at the end of the day, Obama will veto such a resolution. … As is his habit, he acted as though the job of the US president is to opine rather than lead. … If nothing else, the waves of chaos, war and revolution sweeping through Arab lands make clear that the Arab conflict with Israel is
BP Ledger, August 1 edition,_august_1_edition
– International Asteroid Search Collaboration with the Minor Planet Center at Harvard University and the International Astronomical … "This is why it is so important for us to unite in prayer for persecuted Christians throughout the world. … "It has been a great time for the three of us to get to know the Word (of God) and build community with each other."…
The GOP Race Heats Up
– He cautioned against what he sees as pressure for war with Iran. … When Santorum countered that trouble with Iran goes back to 1979, Paul corrected him, noting that in 1953 the CIA helped overthrow … At the debate, Bachmann elaborated, "What submission means to us ... it means respect." I thought she ducked the question.…
Debate Leaves Republican Field Unaltered
The sharpest conflict came between the two candidates from next-door Minnesota, who, they assured us, are anything but twins. … Later he said: "Leading and failing is not the objective. Leading and getting results is the objective." … Anyway, it's all our fault for installing the Shah of Iran in 1953, he added.…
Unfulfilled Expectations
– WASHINGTON -- Sixty-six years ago, Aug. 14, 1945, the bloodiest war in human history finally ended with a radio broadcast by President … The good news in this country -- unlike in Iran and Syria -- is that we can use ballots instead of bullets to fire our leaders. … Oliver North is the host of "War Stories" on Fox News Channel and the author of "American Heroes in Special Operations."…
Ankara's Chosen Scapegoat
The exercise was a clear signal that NATO member Turkey intends to exploit its alliance with the US to build ties with the US's chief … its alliance with the US. … That is, Turkey is willing to risk angering the US by undercutting it because it does not fear US retribution.…
Vallely: Iran Goal EMPs on US Coastal Cities in Reach
– Note from Bob Beauprez: The Telescope feature editorial in the August issue of A Line of Sight, "Iran at our Doorstep," documented … Those unfamiliar with the Club K system may watch at a short video here .  … part of the Islamic Republic the IAEA is unable to “conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities.”…
Cliche-Based Foreign Policy
– That budget is passed by the General Assembly with no oversight by the US. … In the 12 years between that war and the 2003 Iraq war, Saddam killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who - at US urging - tried to … The hard truth is that no one goes along with the UN simply because it is the UN.…
Palestinian Leaders to Seek the UN's Blessing
– Security Council: If the Palestinians ask for approval from that body, President Obama is expected to exercise the American veto, though … ” and launched a war, the first of several, intended to wipe Israel off the map. … There is still time to prevent this -- if there is the will to do so.…
Obama's Iran Appeasement Syndrome
The Iranian regime is an avowed enemy of the US and the West by virtue of its stated goals and its violent actions. … No American should doubt that Iran is at war with the US and the West and will escalate its hostilities as new weapons and new resources … While the continued blacklisting of the MEK is unreasonable and illogical, it is eerily consistent with Obama’s selective indignation…
The Perils of a Remilitarized Sinai
The government's confused statements about Egyptian troop deployments indicate that at a minimum, the government is unsure of the best … Today this is not the case. … of war with Egypt.…
Blowing Cash in the Middle East
– As of August 23, the Associated Press reports at least 4,474 deaths and 32,175 injuries due to the Iraq war and 1,634 deaths and 13,447 … injuries due to the war in Afghanistan. … George Washington said in his Farewell Address: “The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is … to have with them…
Lessons from the Embassy Takeover
– to the peace with Israel is swiftly evaporating.   … US ally Mubarak with his predecessor Jimmy Carter's support for the "democratic, revolutionary" Iranian mob against the US-allied … The fact that the treaty is doomed doesn't mean that Israel will immediately find itself at war with Egypt - although the prospect…
The War on Terror is a War of Ideas
– In the decade that began on that terrible day, the goal of disrupting and crushing the Islamist terror network has been pursued with … "Al Qaeda is to terror what the mafia is to crime, but its goal is not making money," Bush said. … And as we fight not just the terrorists, but the poisoned ideas that motivate them, we are slowly winning the war that began on 9/11…
The War America Fights
– What war has the US been fighting since September 11? President George W. Bush called the war the War on Terror. … The fact that their attacks were foiled by their fellow passengers is a tribute to the passengers, not to the success of the US warThe last problem intrinsic to the US's War on Terror is the persistent and powerful strain of appeasement that guides so much of US
A Decade of War
– Everyone older than 20 remembers whom he was with, what he was doing and how he learned we were at war that beautiful Tuesday morning … Most of us recall a gorgeous late-summer morning with blue skies -- "shirt-sleeve weather" -- and then the horror: two of the world's … The nation that once honored its war heroes with parades and celebrations now all but ignores the extraordinary sacrifices being made…
Reasons to Remember 9-11
– It is only by looking forward that we can avoid, or at least limit, the possibility of another major terrorist attack, which many believe … The so-called "lone wolf," operating on his own with no paper trail and who is self-radicalized, remains the biggest challenge for … That Iran is the future we ultimately must confront is evident from its actions on multiple levels -- from subsidizing terrorism in…
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers,_hate_mail_and_comments_from_readers
– I think it would provide a great opportunity to expose the race hypocrisy that is at the center of the Democrat Party. … All I have to do is look at my 401(k) to know that's not such a good idea. - in response to My Secret Chart Shows the End is Nigh for … The biggest problem with Social Security is that the government has no incentive to actively get the best return.…
Iran at our Doorstep - Part II, The EMP Threat,_the_emp_threat
The publicly stated purpose of building the base is to provide the capability for Venezuela to launch missiles at "Iran's enemies." … Consistent with the documentation shared on these pages last month, the U.N. nuclear agency said it is "increasingly concerned" by … In a 2009 interview with Fox News, Eddy explained that part of the appeal to perceived lesser powers is that an EMP is far easier to…
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