Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Biden’s Top 2020 Rivals Are Not Running to His Defense
– While the 2020 presidential candidates are in agreement that President Trump is everything from a traitor to a mob boss over the Ukraine … saga, none of the top candidates have been willing to come to Joe Biden’s defense.  … Even as Biden’s leading competitors for the Democratic presidential nomination accuse Trump of abusing the power of his office, they…
Initial Poll Numbers and Reports: Public Opposition to Impeachment Hasn't Yet Budged
candidates hoping to oust him — 36 percent of respondents said they believe Congress should begin impeachment proceedings against … About 66 percent of Democratic voters support opening an impeachment probe. … candidates to moderate the bold policies that make up the backbone of Warren’s and Vermont Sen.…
Cronyism Yields a Bumper Crop with Farm Bailouts
– Many of us are simply overextended, fighting the multifront attacks against freedom launched by Trump, the Democratic House, the Republican … Senate and the Democratic presidential candidates. … It could also explain why fruit growers in California or lobster farmers in Maine, both victims of the trade war but in Democratic
Democratic Party Primary: Clown Car Analysis
– The Democratic presidential primary clown car is driving in circles, blaring circus music, periodically stopping to toss one candidate … Cop-hating Mayor Bill de Blasio—whose latest poll had 0% support, is the most recent flunk because even Democratic voters know what … The 14 or so candidates remaining who qualified for the fourth debate are all colorful and mindless, clapping their arms like seals…
Why Thursday Will Be A Key Moment In The House Democrats' Crusade To Impeach Trump
presidential candidates to moderate lawmakers in competitive House seats. […] The drama is all building toward Thursday, a make-or-break … moment in the eyes of House Democratic leaders. … refused to hand over the material — despite an inspector general’s determination that it has met that threshold. […] Senior Democratic
Lynch Law, Anyone?
– So a majority of Democratic presidential candidates, without a shred of evidence, called for impeachment. … For all but the worst and foulest cases, the democratic remedy for abuse is supposed to be -- gee whiz -- an election: a popular referendum…
DNC Raises Threshold for Fifth Primary Debate
– The Democratic National Committee announced stricter standards for the November primary debate on Monday, raising questions surrounding … which candidates will be present on stage. … field of presidential hopefuls is beginning to wither.…
Joe Biden And The Danger Of Sacrificing Women's Rights for Transgender Rights…of-sacrificing-womens-rights-for-transgender-rights-n2553492
– On Friday evening, 10 of the Democratic presidential candidates appeared in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, at an event organized by various LGBTQ … The topic of transgender rights has been a central component of the Democratic Party’s focus on intersectionality, often to the detriment … One short statement from Democratic front-runner Joe Biden at the LGBTQ presidential forum on Friday proved that the Left has lost…
Climate Change Extremists Need To Chill Out
– While most Americans are not spending sleepless nights worrying about climate change, it is a major topic among Democratic presidentialcandidates. … Many of the presidential candidates have endorsed the impractical and outrageously expensive $93 trillion “Green New Deal.”…
'Climate Change' Went Out The Window When 2020 Dems Descended On Steak Fry…d-massive-steak-fry-despite-its-environmental-impac-n2553459
– We know that the Democratic Party is filled with ironic hypocrites but the 2020 presidential candidates are taking the cake this weekend … More than 11,000 people flocked to a steak fry on Saturday to hear from the 17 candidates vying for the Democratic nomination, CBS … Rather ironic considering some of these candidates – like Sen.…
More Buckets of Icy Cold Energy Reality
– CNN recently hosted a seven-hour climate event for Democrat presidential aspirants. … MSNBC just hosted another two-day Democrat presidential candidates climate forum at Georgetown University – where I spoke at a contrarian … The Democrat candidates and their supporters want to replace coal and gas backup power plants with batteries, to ensure we have (much…
Even Democrats Oppose the Immigration Platform From Their Own Party’s Presidential Candidates…tform-from-their-own-partys-presidential-candidates-n2553392
– Former Obama administration officials, for instance, are now desperately urging their Party's presidential candidates to stop advocating … Radical progressives and so-called “democratic-socialists” have taken control of the Democratic Party, and they’re steering it away … The full-throated embrace of open borders by Democrat presidential candidates will prove to be its downfall in the 2020 presidential
Tips For Biden From the Gipper on How to Deal With the Age Issue
– If the presidential preference polls in the Democratic nomination race are correct, it’s beginning to look like the age issue on steroids … Biden is currently the leading presidential hopeful in the Democratic race for the nomination, made up mostly of a bunch of nobodies … The other, largely unknown presidential wannabes are so far in the back of the pack, they rarely get mentioned. California Sen.…
Oh, Boy: Beto Shares Another Strange Video On Social Media
– 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke is one of the most eclectic politicians out there. … BetoORourke: “So, I’m here at the dentist...” — Philip Crowther (@PhilipinDC) January 10, 2019 Not very many candidates
The Motherhood Pay Gap
– It certainly isn't the 19 cents per dollar often advertised by the left, including some Democratic presidential candidates.…
The Kavanaugh Reboot
– As one would expect, several Democratic presidential candidates rushed to judgment and demanded Kavanaugh be impeached. … If the current Democratic Party was a defendant in court, it could credibly plead insanity.…
Trump's Total Culture War
– Trump has so enraged his Democratic adversaries that the candidates to replace him have moved further to the left than any primary … They loathe Trump, but in their abject hatred he has goaded the various Democratic candidates into revealing their support for the … In a way, the left-wing Democratic presidential candidates understand Trump best.…
Latest Smear Against Kavanaugh Is Part of Left's Scorched-earth Strategy…t-kavanaugh-is-part-of-lefts-scorchedearth-strategy-n2553312
– Just a few days before The New York Times and Democratic presidential candidates engaged in an outrageous smear of Supreme Court Justice … Kavanaugh's reputation and spawned a wave of suspect and equally unsubstantiated anti-Kavanaugh smears that were treated as gospel by Democratic
New York Times Smears Kavanaugh All Over Again…9/18/new-york-times-smears-kavanaugh-all-over-again-n2553261
– Five Democratic presidential candidates immediately jumped on Twitter to insist Kavanaugh should be impeached.…
The Angry 'Cancel Culture' Mob Is Hijacking Banks for Their Agenda…cel-culture-mob-is-hijacking-banks-for-their-agenda-n2554285
– With 2020 Democratic presidential candidates looking ready to lose to President Trump and with recent conservative victories, this…
Why Trump Is Gaining Conservative Christian Supporters
candidates. … The demonization of the Democratic Party has become alarming. … As for our vote, it’s a pragmatic choice made in the midst of a flawed world with flawed candidates and flawed parties.…
Impeachment Isn’t About Democrats Hating Trump; It’s About Democrats Hating You…mocrats-hating-trump-its-about-democrats-hating-you-n2554219
– hauled in over $125 million in third quarter fundraising—dwarfing even the best fundraising quarter this year amongst Democrat presidential … Democrats on the other hand have trotted what is effectively a clown car of candidates. … Every semi-sane Democratic candidate that dared to hold their own party accountable on the issues actual Americans care about like…
Former Media Executive: Yeah, Lady MacBeth Is Running in 2020
– Former Breitbart editor Steve Bannon recently said that former Secretary of State and two-time presidential loser Hillary Clinton might … It’s pathetic (via Free Beacon): CBS Sunday Morning‘s Jane Pauley asked why no Democratic candidates want to talk about Clinton, … To Bannon, though, Clinton’s press junket is a sure sign she’s jockeying for position ahead of the presidential primary.…
'I Was Really Offended': Beto Knocks Buttigieg For Not Supporting Mandatory Confiscation of AR-15s…ieg-for-not-supporting-mandatory-buy-backs-of-ar15s-n2554108
– Las Vegas, NV — Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke torn into rival Mayor Pete Buttigieg for not supporting his plan to … While candidates have be more open to have buybacks, some gun control groups are not as quick to jump on the idea.  … Everytown for Gun Safety told Fox News in August, "Presidential candidates are talking about a number of policies to address gun violence…
BREAKING: Bernie Sanders Hospitalized, Two Stents Inserted Into Artery…anders-hospitalized-two-stents-inserted-into-artery-n2554046
– Vermont Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has been hospitalized due to artery blockage and had to have two stents … Sanders, at 78 years old, is considered one of the top three candidates in Democratic primary.…
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