Results for: is the us at war with iran

Ahmadinejad's target audience
– Ignoring completely the fact that Hizbullah is controlled by Iran, Brennan said that the US seeks to "build up the more moderate elements … With the US even standing aside as Iran paralyzes Iraq's post-election government, no one can take US guarantees seriously anymore. … But events preceding that war - including Egypt's move from the Soviet to the US side of the Cold War -- convinced Egyptian president…
Multiculturalism: Political Correctness Run Amok
– There is form in acknowledging the obligations in society, and there is freedom in acknowledging the rights of the individual. . . … There is a balance here which we have come to take as natural in the world. It is not natural in the world. … His opinion about the inappropriateness of the Ground Zero mosque project coupled with the statement that "Muslims killed us on 9/11…
Have a Happy United Nations Day. After All, You Paid for It!,_you_paid_for_it!
– But as long as our calendars prompt us to remember the UN, let’s take a look at it. … with the UN. … Since the organization is not going anywhere soon, the U.S. has little choice but to deal with the organization.…
Chris Coons Lied, Granny Died,_granny_died
– in their dealings with Iran or North Korea -- Coons smirkingly replied: "It's hard for me to respond effectively, Wolf, to all the … Coons said: "The Australian navy engaged in joint exercises with the Chinese and specifically excluded us recently. … Maybe that's why no one else in the developed world is worried about Australia's joint naval exercises with China.…
Saudi Friends and Foes
– On the other hand, it is also the wellspring of shariah, the supremacist totalitarian doctrine that is the law of the land in Saudi … The truth is that the Saudis’ problem has been the world’s problem for some time now. … Accordingly, the Saudis’ episodic help with countering terrorism is lauded, while their vast material and ideological contribution…
Broder's Brainstorm
– If war is good for the economy, why is this nation, at war for a decade, growing at 2 percent, while China, which invests in rogue … Broder says, "Iran is the greatest threat to the world in the young century." But a threat to whom? … When was the last time Iran started a war with anyone?…
Why I Now Vote Party, Not Individual,_not_individual
– (The Republican Party, in contrast, is -- at long last -- the party of small government.) … So, it is time for us Americans to realize that the old days of choosing the better candidate are gone. … The quality of most Republican candidates this election is the highest in post-war American history, Republican or Democrat.…
Six Good Reasons to Vote Republican
The full extent of the catastrophe that ObamaCare will visit on the American health care system is yet to be fully known. … with the Obama/Pelosi agenda. … Those of us who object to the construction of a mosque at the site of Ground Zero, or even openly acknowledge the threat of Islamofascist…
Hubris And Nemesis All In One
– As the nation prepares to mark the second anniversary of Barack Obama’s election to the presidency with widespread repudiation of … Woodrow Wilson took us into the war he promised to keep us out of and then later tried to ram his grandiose vision of a new world down … History is replete with examples of the meteoric rise of leaders giving way to a similarly swift fall from grace.…
For Sale: Afghanistan's Government
– , matter-of-fact, the practice was government-wide, "transparent" even: "They do give us bags of money -- yes, yes, it is done. … Also this week, the Washington Examiner reported Iran is training Taliban fighters on the use of surface-to-air missiles. … It's no match for the double game Iran is playing, one in which Uncle Sucker will be lucky to come home with just a booby prize.…
Obama's Post-Election To-Do List
– economic pain the U.S. and its allies are inflicting on Iran is intended to liberate the Iranian people who are being sorely oppressed … This is the Space Race of the 21st Century - except the outcome is much more consequential. … With Iran supporting Hamas, Fatah would be the loser - unless Israel or the U.S. intervened.…
What the Palestinians Buy with American Money
The US is the single largest donor to UNRWA. … The significance of this is that at the start of a new battle [with the Palestinians] the price that we will pay will be higher. … is formed today will be a terrorist state at war with Israel.…
A Political Grand Bargain to Save America
The blame will largely fall on the Democrats and voters will decide the only way to fix things is to finish the job they just started … For his part, the President will have a major problem in 2012 if the Afghan war is still going strong, particularly in that he is clearly … Nothing less than the very survival of our beloved country is at stake. So hopefully the patriots will trump the pinheads.…
The Murderers of Christianity
– We Americans did the same with our wars against Saddam's Iraq.Why is Christianity being murdered in its cradle by Muslim fanatics? … Where is the outrage? … What happened to the America whose president, with a British prime minister in Placentia Bay, on the eve of war sang with his sailors…
Enter The Dragon
– What the Times is referring to is the stark communist Chinese warning to the world that the Nobel Committee’s decision to award the … deep thinkers who assured us that the Chinese leaders were all jolly good fellows, who wanted cordial relations with America and theThe Chinese saw a golden opportunity to catch up with the West; even the obtuse editors at the NYT should have been able to connect…
Facing our fears
– Rather than arm Israel with all the means it requires to fight Iran, the Obama administration is downgrading military assistance by … The legal war is also well under way. … The Palestinian Authority has filed war crimes complaints against Israeli leaders with the International Criminal Court at The Hague…
The WikiLeaks Challenge
– Make no mistake about it, the ongoing WikiLeaks operation against the US is an act of war. … WikiLeaks showed that there is no Israel lobby plotting to bring the US into a war to serve Jewish interests. … Those views assert that there is something fundamentally wrong with the assertion of US power and therefore the US has no right to…
WikiLeaks Flap About Blood and Eggs
– that hides from us, the people, its own confirmation that North Korea supplies Iran with Russian-made nuclear-capable missiles; China … Exhibit A, at least this week, is the six dead Americans in that Muslim-on-infidel "training accident" mentioned above. … pro-war Right to the Obama Left.…
Guarding Jimmy Carter’s Tongue!’s_tongue!
The overwhelming issue thirty years ago was the U.S.-Soviet standoff in the Cold War. … Carter told an audience at the University of Notre Dame in 1977 that is was time for Americans to get over “our inordinate fear of … In 1979, after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, and after he had fecklessly allowed the Shah of Iran to be overthrown by the mad mullahs…
The Folly of Attacking Iran
War on Iran: Israel wants it. Various Arab rulers want it. The Obama administration has not ruled it out. … The assumption of hawks in the U.S. and Israel is that once Iran acquires nuclear weapons, it will use them -- that it is bent on wiping … Iran didn't miss the lesson there.In the event that sanctions fail to dissuade Tehran from going nuclear, war is no answer.…
Why Latin America Turned
The same is now happening with Latin America. … With Chavez's assistance, Teheran is expanding its web of alliances throughout Latin America at the expense of the US and Israel. … They share the same obsessions with hating the US and loving power.…
Wikileaks Spurs Big Brother to Strike
– WikiLeaks is exposing the way our government conducts "business." It is not a pretty process. … As Commentary editor Gabriel Schoenfeld wrote in the WSJ this week: WikiLeaks "is not informing our democracy but waging war on its … But they, with the rest of the government, kept the American people officially in the dark.…
Ragin’ ‘n’ Stagin’ at the White House’_‘n’_stagin’_at_the_white_house
With his agreement on taxes with those devil conservatives, Progs feel Mr. Obama has gone AWOL from the class war. … The United States wants the Islamic Republic of Iran to take its rightful place in the community of nations…” He did everything … for the Iranian New Year but pop the cork and toast them with champagne.…
The Forgotten Moderates
– Instead of bashing, we need to look at the trends to tell us how and when one party is overstepping its bounds. … That means the nation as a whole disagreed with the general trend of the Democratic agenda, just like they disagreed with the GOP in … He started re-engaging with Latin America, South America and Europe; and toned down much of the rhetoric with Iran and North Korea.…
A Time to Shout
The new campaign calling for the release of Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard from prison in the US is in many ways a curious development … This is true first of all because of the nature of the current president who is the only one with the power to release him. … By now there is little question that Obama is the most hostile US leader Israel has faced.…
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