Results for: sign up to vote

Russian Newspaper: Obama Was Re-Elected by "Illiterate Society"
– They will continue to follow him like those fools who still praise Lenin and Stalin in Russia.  … This lady sums things up pretty well:   Drinking the drink of illusion indeed. … What happens when there isn't any more money to pay for Obama phones? Or food stamps? Etc. Etc. Etc.  …
Is It Time to Let Obama Have His Way?
– When put to a vote, Democrats will either vote "no" on the President's fiscal cliff "plan" -- illustrating just how extreme it is - … - or they will feel free to vote "yes" . . . and it will be interesting to hear them defend that vote come Election Day … won't even bring the bill to the floor for a vote.…
The ACLU’s Sounds of Silence
– A current variant comes to mind, courtesy of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Florida branch, which is threatening to sue the Miami-Dade … That’s why progressives have adopted the red herring phrase “freedom to worship” to replace “freedom of religion.” … The newly-coined right not to be offended seems to be picking up speed, except when it comes to offending Christians.…
Coulter: Republicans Should Cave on Tax Hikes Because "We Lost the Election"…licans_should_cave_on_tax_hikes_because_we_lost_the_election
– Rand Paul seems to be warming up to a variation on Coulter's suggestion:   I have yet another thought on how we can fix … wants by offering an immediate up-or-down vote on Obama's plan this week.   … They could vote with Democrats to lower most of the rates back to previous levels, while simply not acting to restore current rates…
Tying the Knot With 'Big Daddy'
– Obama appealed to in a campaign commercial, bragging that his policies take care of her from toddler to retirement, and his opponent's … Before the welfare reform Republicans pressured Bill Clinton to sign into law in 1996, it was a staple of conservative rhetoric that … Write to Suzanne Fields at:…
Jindal: Obama, Congress Are “Psychologically Incapable of Getting our Fiscal House in Order”…ychologically_incapable_of_getting_our_fiscal_house_in_order
– Require a super majority vote to over-ride this limit, which would allow for recourse in a time of war or other national emergency. … Again, this solution makes far too much sense to be taken seriously in Washington, a sure sign that it’s a good idea. … It’s a darn good question to bring up, of course, but one I suspect members of Congress aren’t willing to ask, let alone answer.…
Liberal Says 2nd Amendment Meant to Give State Right to Bear Arms…nd-amendment-meant-to-give-state-right-to-bear-arms-n1472764
– You might notice that Boehner couldn’t even bring up his Plan B- or the “Morning-After Tax” as I like to call it- up for a vote. … If you are so damn sure the President is doomed to failure, you can rejoice because next time around you will be there to pick up the … Dear Comrade Don, Let’s just tax people who vote too. Maybe you can go back to Britton…now. JustMC wrote: Mr.…
Back to Plan A
– He should call it up, amend it – if he can – and appoint conferees to reach a final agreement. … Allowing taxes to rise on all Americans as contemplated under current law would mean a 9.61 percent hit to GDP, along with a 7.35 percent … They are so committed that they refuse to put their fingerprints on a deal to raise taxes on some even if it means risking automatic…
Shocker: Democrats Reject Yet Another 'Cliff' Plan They Once Supported…s-reject-yet-another-cliff-plan-they-once-supported-n1470038
to avert the fiscal cliff. … They are back to the $250,000 number, and the president plans to use the "resulting revenues" to finance more spending.   … They could all vote for the latter item (it'd die in the Senate), then Boehner and Cantor would piece together enough votes to pass…
Report: Boehner Proposes Tax Rate Hike on Millionaires, White House Rejects (UPDATE: Or Not?)…r-proposes-millionaire-tax-hike-white-house-rejects-n1468189
– House Speaker John Boehner as a sign of progress, but simply believes it is not enough and there is much more to be worked out before … The Senate would only take up the former bill, though Senate Republicans could try -- likely to no avail -- to force a vote on the … No Republican lawmaker would be compelled to directly vote for the tax increase.  …
– House Republicans wringing their hands over what to do about the Senate-passed bill to crawl back up the fiscal cliff. … thing to do." … The vote on H.R. 8 (officially the vote was on a motion to concur in the Senate Amendments) passed easily by a vote of 257-167.…
Domestic Spy Expansion Bill Sails Through the Congress
– They even have been unable to come up with a reasonable measure to avoid the so-called “fiscal cliff” they themselves constructed months … to sign the bill. … His colleagues on both sides of the aisle quickly fell in line, saluted, and passed the measure by a lop-sided vote of 73 to 23.…
Liberal Logic: To Cut Spending You Have to Spend More
– So they did what any US Senator would do when trying to control spending: They sped-up the pace of spending.  Phew. … In order to cut spending in DC, you see, the wonks have to raise spending. … "I think there's a growing sense that, nobody's singing Kenny Rogers, but you do have to know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em…
The Dropping Ball
– As of Eight PM Eastern Time last night the Senate had adjourned without having a Fiscal-Cliff-Avoiding bill to vote on. … So, there neither was there an F-C-A bill for the House to vote on. … to 24 hours-per day.…
Merry Christmas, Comrades
– You might notice that Boehner couldn’t even bring up his Plan B- or the “Morning-After Tax” as I like to call it- up for a vote. … If you are so damn sure the President is doomed to failure, you can rejoice because next time around you will be there to pick up the … Dear Comrade Don, Let’s just tax people who vote too. Maybe you can go back to Britton…now. JustMC wrote: Mr.…
No Debt Limit Expansion Without Spending Cuts!!
– Reform: "I promise not to vote for any expansion of the federal debt limit unless it is preceded or accompanied by significant cuts … But don't we also have the obligation to stop the crazy spending even as we allow the debt limit to rise to pay for the spending that … Republicans need to be smart to leverage their one-house control into real accomplishments, and there is no better place to start than…
No Debt Limit Expansion Without Spending Cuts!!
– : "I promise not to vote for any expansion of the federal debt limit unless it is preceded or accompanied by significant cuts in … But don't we also have the obligation to stop the crazy spending even as we allow the debt limit to rise to pay for the spending that … Republicans need to be smart to leverage their one-house control into real accomplishments, and there is no better place to start than…
George Will: GOP Will Invoke Congressional Review Act to Challenge FCC Net Neutrality Decision…essional_review_act_to_challenge_fcc_net_neutrality_decision
– Upton will try to stymie the FCC's impertinence by using the Congressional Review Act, under which a measure to reverse a regulation … Even there, Kerpen argued, the CRA offers a viable solution: “It only requires 30 Senators to sign a petition to introduce it. … Once it’s introduced, the petition forces ten hours of debate, followed by an up-or-down vote that cannot be filibustered,” Kerpen…
A Change in Power Now, Optimistic Conservative Message Still Needed…e_in_power_now,_optimistic_conservative_message_still_needed
– After the election, our family moved from Georgia to Northern Virginia. … time to remind themselves of their duties as elected officials. … Under the new rules, bills and joint resolutions will be required to include a citation on the authority of the Congress to pass such…
GOP House Right To Vote To Repeal
vote to repeal Obamacare on Wednesday. … Foster warned that adverse selection -- those who sign up are the most likely to present claims -- is likely to make the program "unsustainable … Obamacare's requirement that health plans include adult children -- up to age 26 -- as ordinary dependents of insured workers has added…
Ronald Reagan Honors Dr. King
– The Voting Rights Act of 1965 had made certain that from then on black Americans would get to vote. … We've made historic strides since Rosa Parks refused to go to the back of the bus. … And I just have to believe that all of us—if all of us, young and old, Republicans and Democrats, do all we can to live up to those…
The Speech
to vote for business tax reductions. … DEFICIT REDUCTION: Where to begin? … Bush presidency was a sign of failed leadership, who's failing in his leadership when the debt has climbed to $14 trillion?…
For (and Against) the Filibuster
– Instead, it takes a supermajority to close debate and proceed to a vote -- 60 votes under the current rule. … Men should hold it up in front of them every single day of their lives and say: I'm free to think and to speak. … And I'm quite willing to go, sir, when they vote it that way -- but before that happens I've got a few things I want to say to this…
House Vote To Repeal More Than Symbolic
– Time will tell, but I reject the somewhat cynical view that the House Republicans' vote to repeal Obamacare is purely symbolic. … Wednesday, by a vote of 245-189, the House voted to repeal Obamacare. … Forcing the other side to vote down or veto repeal establishes an inescapable track record that will serve as a foundation to defeat…
Harry Reid's Dementia? No. Deception!
– Millennials like myself need to speak up and make sure that he is not re-elected and ideally retires early because each day he’s in … Palm trees sway and the iconic “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada” sign soars behind Reid—whose sunglasses, pinstripe suit, impish … , he actually said “no” before he quickly changed his vote to “yes.”…
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