Results for: is the us at war with iran

Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers,_hate_mail_and_comments_from_readers
– Rich Grise wrote: By the way, when do the neocons plan to start protecting us from the invasion from Mexico? … surely should have been made at least as early as was the decision to have the photo's taken in the first place. … Charlotte wrote: I agree with the burial at sea, because the Muslims will have a hard time building a shrine over his body to inspire…
Collapse of the Obama Worldview
the Muslim world and those of us in the West. … be to end the “senseless war” in Iraq. … The President has found that the war in Iraq is pragmatically impossible to end right now.…
Taking Feminism Overseas
The plight of women in other countries is not only dire, it's central to global poverty and the war on terrorism. … Commission on the Status of Women, Iran shepherded to passage the only resolution this session aimed at a specific country. … And she offers a reminder for us all that the real war for women's equality is now a battle to be fought in foreign lands.…
President Obama Apologizes to President Bush
– I cannot imagine polls showing that 90 percent of us anticipated another attack within 12 months of the first, perhaps with chemical … I vividly recall shaking my head during the speech you made to make the case for the "dumb" war. … The "near beer" is on me. With respect and appreciation, Barack  …
Reagan Let Crisis Make Him Stronger
– His focus: the economy and winning the Cold War.     … "The real crisis we face today is a spiritual one; at root, it is a test of moral will and faith," he said.     … Freedom replaces the ancient hatreds among the nations with comity and peace. Freedom is the victor."    …
President Obama's Most Amazing Libyan Achievements
– Under the protective U.S. defense shield, they often privately urged us to deal with dangerous foreign dictators -- while staying above … the fray to criticize America, at the same time seeking trade advantages and positive global PR. … f) War really is tiring. The media serially blamed a supposedly lazy Ronald Reagan for napping during military operations abroad.…
Obama's Libyan War
– Think of all the militant anti-war types who were thrilled at the removal of the Bush "war machine" in 2008, only to see President … The media also know (then-) presidential candidate Joe Biden said he'd personally lead the impeachment if Bush went to war with Iran … What we're at war with is violent Islamic extremists who want to attack the United States.…
Teacher's Unions Earn "F" for Wisconsin Recall Abuse
– Students were the first and last casualties of the ruthless Big Labor war against fiscal discipline.To kick off the yearlong protest … American union workers into the 21st century in line with the rest of the workforce:"The Ohio Education Association made a $58,000 … Because, you know, asking teachers to contribute more to their pension plans is just like the crushing of freedom fighters in Iran,…
America and Future Wars
With U.S. combat operations in Iraq effectively over and Afghanistan in the process of winding down (for us, if not for the resilient … The discussion, even debate, at West Point is first about the effectiveness of counterinsurgency in places like Afghanistan. Col. … Perhaps a return to the constitutional principle that only Congress has the power to declare war would help. That is what Rep.…
The Reign of the Fantasists
at the root of the Iran nuclear crisis is US-Iran conflict, and that the root cause of that conflict is mistrust." … As far as the State Department is concerned, until the Palestinians and Israel reach an agreement, the US must keep faith with the … This policy is in perfect alignment with the US policy on Jerusalem.…
Syria's Insurrection Is Not America's War
– In the 1980s, Iraq launched a war on Iran that cost close to a million dead. … David Petraeus at the onset of our misbegotten Iraq War. … And once the U.S. casualties come, the cry of the war party will come -- for victory over Assad, Hezbollah, Iran, Russia!…
Syria and Iran: Major Western Powers Are out to Lunch
– While diplomats chew the fat, Iran pursues fissionable products. … Let's agree with the State Department stiffs who argue that preventing an Iranian-sparked nuclear war in Southwest Asia and Europe … It is a direct quote. During the BBC's World War II and Cold War heyday, the phrase had the iron ring of authority.…
From Iraq to Libya, Obama Becomes a Hypocrite,_obama_becomes_a_hypocrite
– Iraq War from the start. … What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. … As American forces join the war against Moammar Gadhafi, the nation is entitled to an explanation.…
America’s Descent Into Strategic Dementia’s_descent_into_strategic_dementia
The US’s new war against Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi is the latest sign of its steady regional decline. … He views US allies in the Middle East and around the world with suspicion because he feels that as US allies, they are complicit with … Indeed, the data indicate that Gaddafi’s opponents are more aligned with al-Qaida than with the US.…
The Syrian Spring
– rebels the US is supporting against Gaddafi, struck a deep blow to public support for the war. … The US retreat from strategic rationality is tragic. … But even now there is much we can do to emerge stronger from the political storm raging around us.…
Obama's War
– For the framers of the Constitution were precise. The power to declare war is entrusted solely to Congress. … America is fighting the rebels' war. … Is Libya the dress rehearsal for Syria and Iran? Neocons could not be giddier.…
Rockefeller Republicans
Is the Republican establishment losing it? … O'Donnell, the answer is no.This party is not ready to rule. … When it triumphed at the Cow Palace, Nelson Rockefeller denounced the movement as riddled with radicals, baited the Goldwater people…
Never Forget
– Shortly before we were due to land at Reagan Airport, the captain announced over the public address system that the aircraft was being … Tom, who was sitting across the aisle from me, soon gave us the answer." … With the help of the Virginia State Police and a Metropolitan Police Department officer, I got there and confirmed what most of the
Nine Years Since 9/11
– President Obama has conceded that al-Qaeda is at war with the U.S. – as though that’s all there was to it; as though that explained … So what we’re left with is indeed an “open-ended war,” a long war, a low-intensity war, on a variety of fronts. … According to the Times, Iran is financing the Taliban using aid money from the West which is being paid to Iranian firms involved in…
Here We Go Again
– Recognition of Israel as a Jewish state with its capital at Jerusalem, which would also house the capital of a new Arab state, the … Irgun in a brief but decisive civil war at the very birth of Israel and established one state. … Meanwhile, the diplomats dither. Jaw-jaw is always better than war-war, as Winston Churchill once observed.…
What the Left is Really After
– It is already selling the Arabs the most advanced weapons in the US arsenal. … If that is what the Left is hinting, let us assume it is right. … THE FACT of the matter is that like the peace fantasy and the demographic fantasy, the international-isolation-and-war-with-the-US
Peace - But Not Now
The statesman conceded that for Abbas to end the conflict with Israel at this moment would require courage. … Indeed, is it not obvious that the U.N. – now routinely manipulated by Iran and other members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference … What I fear he and others are failing to recognize is that Israel is at war with Palestinians, Arabs and much of the “Muslim world”…
Who Lost Turkey?
Iran, for its part, is not at all squeamish about both recognizing the significance of events in Turkey and extolling them. … The US and Europe's refusal to consider the implications of Turkey's abandonment of the West in favor of Iran goes hand in hand with … Unfortunately, it is this contempt for the peoples of the West, of Turkey, Iran, China and the rest of the world that is making Erdogan's…
The Perils of Diplomatic Theater
– But while devastating, Krauthammer's position is a side issue at the end of the day. … The man charged with leading and defending Israel is Netanyahu. Netanyahu is the man who stood for election. … And Netanyahu is the man who is now leading us on a path to degradation and defeat.…
29 Reasons Why BHO Is the Greatest President Ever (If You Hate America)…s_why_bho_is_the_greatest_president_ever_if_you_hate_america
– to the effect that Clinton looks like Genghis Khan on HGH compared to how Obama is dismantling the U.S. and thereby setting us up … May 21, 2009: President signs the US-UAE Civilian Nuclear Cooperation Agreement, which is intended to clear the way for the United … October 19, 2009: White House floats Iranian nuclear fuel swap offer, saying that it is willing to give Iran all of the enriched uranium…
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