Results for: sign up to vote

FIRST-PERSON: Being God's ambassador on Election Day
– Ask Him to use you there. Here's a couple of fresh ideas: VOTING LINE VIGILANCE -- Look up. … Write a note in the front pages to assure the leader of your faithful prayer, and ask members of your group to sign their names. - … Vote wisely, then follow up your vote with prayers and encouragement for those elected.…
Are Democrats Paying Attention to Trends in Illinois?
– Kerry got only 54.8% of the total vote – about 2.9M – to George Bush’s 44.5% (2.3M). … In 1996: 40% In 2000: 39.3% In 2004: 38.8% In 2008, it ticked up slightly to 39.3%. … Romney was much more popular in Illinois in 2008 than was John McCain, and his supporters are much more motivated to vote than they…
D Day for the People
– Well we're all relieved that today is the day to make your vote count and wait in those long lines to make a difference in our once … John Erskine wrote in 1915 of the moral obligation to be intelligent; we have a moral obligation to vote intelligently, not based on … When you cast your vote today, you should be able to say why you were right to vote the way you did; if you can’t, then you shouldn…
Trust, Transparency and Questions Worth Asking Before You Vote
– Why would he sign bills that had to be passed for us to find out what's in them? … What do you promise to do differently to produce better results? … Since your last budget that you submitted to Congress received not a single vote from Republicans or Democrats, what specific cuts…
Mittmentum Builds
– Other evidence is rolling in to back up Barone’s prediction, most especially the not-friendly-to-Romney Washington Post tracking poll … Adding to the motivation of the anti-Obama vote is simmering anger with the Manhattan-Beltway media elites obvious double standard, … their near-uniform commitment to keep the president safe from scrutiny on issues from Benghazi to Fast and Furious.…
Jobs, Sandy, Playing at President and Election 2012: Why Mitt Can’t Wait…dy_playing_at_president_and_election_2012_why_mitt_cant_wait
– The Labor Department’s October Jobs report revealed the unemployment rate increased to 7.9% in October up from 7.8% in September. … years to give us more of the same. … But Obama stooped to a new low to conquer the presidential race when he toured Sandy’s destruction with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie…
Obama's Closing Argument: "Voting is the Best Revenge"
– We'll reach across the street to that neighbor with the other yard sign and we'll reach across the aisle in Washington to people of … If history is any guide, this suggests Romney could very well be on pace to win the popular vote on Tuesday.   … There is thus no time for complacency among Republicans, because every vote is going to matter for Romney to combat what will likely…
RNC Demands Voting Machines Changing Romney Votes to Obama Votes Be Fixed…oting_machines_changing_romney_votes_to_obama_votes_be_fixed
– Issue guidance requiring polling place officials to prominently post a sign reminding voters to double-check that the voting machine … Issue guidance requiring polling place officials to remind voters to double-check that the voting machine properly recorded their vote … Anyone who does not return an absentee ballot, deciding instead to vote at the polls, will be required to cast a provisional ballot…
4 Reasons To Believe That Mitt Will Win The Election Next Week
– of Republicans chose to stay home rather than vote for John McCain. … So, without that edge in the lead up to November 6, Democrats usually lose. 3) The Flow of the Blow: At the end of the campaign … up and ready to go before January 20, 2013.…
U.S. Presidential Elections in Perspective
– It should therefore be no surprise that older people are more likely to vote.  … is simply less important to many than picking up the kids from piano lessons. … Politics were marginal to his identity, and while he might tend to vote Whig, as one moved to less committed elements of the party,…
Why it’s Romney and Not Very Close
– Voters vote their pocket book. … 2010 than to 2008. … (Sign up for Wilson's blog here).…
Early Voting Machine in Ohio Switching Romney Vote to Obama
– Well, this isn't a good sign. … But when Stevens tried to cast her ballot for president, she noticed a problem. … “You want to vote for who you want to vote for, and when you can’t it’s irritating,” Stevens said.…
Nevada Senate Race Controlled by Negative Advertising
– Heller has been charged with wanting tax payers to subsidize oil companies and wanting to outsource jobs. … But based on their past, Nevadans don’t always vote straight down party lines. … The two candidates have now finished duking it out in their debates, and it is time to look at bringing voters to the polls.…
Offense: Team Romney Buying TV Ads in...Pennsylvania
– First we had both sides going up on air in Minnesota, with Chicago deploying Bill Clinton up there to batten down the hatches.   … Not only has Minnesota has been moved to “Lean Dem” and the Obama Campaign is up in that state with a significant television buy, but … Keystone State voters overwhelmingly vote on election day itself; 96 percent, according to Beeson's memo quoted above.  …
Heh: Anti-Romney Vandals Accidentally Target Obama Supporters
– “I don’t know if they were trying to get a point across, to vote for Obama,” said Slown, “but to do something like this is not going … to get the point across.” … He estimates the damage to both of his vehicles at about $3,400.…
Why a Good Person Can Vote Against Same-Sex Marriage
– Next week voters in Maine, Maryland and Washington will vote on whether to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples. … When added to Americans' aversion to discrimination, to the elevation of compassion to perhaps the highest national value, and to the … --When you sign up for the new social networking site, Google Plus, you are asked to identify your gender.…
Mich. Baptists celebrate ethnically rich missions
– "The church today needs to recover a militant spirit," Gilstrap preached. "The church is to be a bride in combat boots. … Every year over the last 10 years, it has been necessary to dip and sometimes ladle into restricted funds to make up for income shortfalls … But this year, "We have made up $158,000 of the $320,000 in restricted funds," Render said to sustained applause at his unexpected…
Kicking the Can Over the Fiscal Cliff
– Instead, they voted to not have to vote on base closures so they could later claim they had no vote in the matter (other than an up-or-down … Senate members couldn't come up with a revenue and spending package that would begin to reduce the growing debt. … That all had to do with the fact that we were bumping up against the debt ceiling that Republicans would only agree to raise if the…
An IQ Test for Criminals and Liberals
– But you also think, “Damned if I’m going to wake up early every day like that chump and bust my rear end to earn a good life.” … You sneak up to the house with the nice things and you suddenly see a sign. Here’s a quiz. … Prop 5 in Michigan – Would require a two-thirds vote of both the state house and state senate to raise any tax. Rejected 69-31.…
What Did You Expect from Short Term Thinkers?
– It’s human nature to want what others have and not want to do what others did to get it, but Obama has taken that to a whole new level … Don’t even bother to try to explain it. Tattoos are often a sign of short term thinking. … Every time you see a “tramp stamp”, (and they’re happy to wear pants low enough to show them off), consider that a vote for Obama.…
The GOP's Must Do List Before The 2016 Election
– This means that nothing passes the Senate without the hard-to-get 60-votes needed to take up any administration legislation. … Hispanics, on the other hand, inched up from 9 percent of the electorate in 2008 to 10 percent this year, and younger voters, age 18 … No serious Republican candidate can afford to lose 70 percent-plus of the Hispanic vote -- especially in battlegrounds like Florida…
Watch the Governors
– Secondly, Senators have to vote on things all the time. They have to question witnesses at hearings. … Mark Sanford have to admit to having run away from home to have a tryst with a woman from Argentina - IN Argentina. … Because they work in Washington, DC as to the national political reporters who make up the early lists.…
The True Disciple of Saul Alinsky
– Not only are you going to sign on to higher tax rates and higher tax revenues, we are going to rub your Tea Party noses in your coming … Pass the Bush tax cuts, and send them to Harry Reid and say:"Harry, you are going to have to pass this extension of the tax cuts, or … Edmund Ross rose to cast the decisive vote in the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson, he said, "I looked down into my own…
President Obama Pretends His Tax Plan is the Only Game In Town
– The Senate has already passed a bill to keep income taxes from going up on middle-class families. … They're ready to vote on that same thing. … So to take stock: President Obama wants Republicans to fall in line with legislation that has received only Democrats to vote for it…
Who's Afraid of the Fiscal Cliff?
– We need to cut tax rates to free up our private and productive sector and pull this economy out of the ditch." … Yet today the leadership is about to abandon this conviction to sign on to higher tax rates or revenues, while the economy is nearing … What are the perils for Republicans who sign on to an Obama deal?…
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