Results for: is the us at war with iran

The International Crisis Testing Obamas Mettle
The second lie, the greater lie, is that the U.S. is somehow directly or indirectly at fault when a crisis occurs. … So what is coming home to roost with what Biden assures us is Obamas imminent test? … Perhaps a war with Iran over Iraq or the Persian Gulf or in the aftermath of an Israeli strike on Iranian nukes?…
Believers in Obama
– It is much the same story with true believers in Barack Obama. … In czarist Russia, for example, the economy was worse than ours is today and the First World War was going far worse for the Russians … Fannie Mae and Raines were at the heart of "the mess in Washington" that Barack Obama claims he is going to clean up under the banner…
Liberals Lie, Conservatives Die... Laughing,_conservatives_die_laughing
– colleagues held the reins, the truth is that the Democrats brought on the financial catastrophe by forcing the major lenders to do … business with black and Hispanic deadbeats, and by intimidating the gutless Republicans on the Committee with threats of outing them … Frank, formerly at the epicenter of a homosexual prostitute ring in Washington, can’t compare with Joe Biden.…
The Look Ahead
– Roosevelt of the Great Depression era has a president assumed the office with the nation in worse trouble. … But be comforted because our Savior is still the Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords. He will never forget us nor forsake us. … Man does not have all the answers, Jesus does. Let us be ready to share the true hope that is the basis of our faith.…
Obamageddon... Fiction?
– ready to be president as we face another chapter in our relations with the rest of the world, and that is the rise of great powers … Line in the Sand:  Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border.”  … His ideology and the ideology of those he surrounds himself with, prevented him from seeing, or at least acknowledging the obvious.…
No Longer a September 10 Election
– That opened the door for a return to discussion of Obama's comments about meeting with Iran without preconditions, his opposition to … Although the issue is no longer at the top of many voters' checklists, it is more important now than ever that we not risk another … For the next four days that is where I would hit him hardest, while at the same time making the case that a strong foreign policy and…
Top Ten Reasons to Vote for McCain/Palin
– Obama, whose turn of mind is different, cautioned that the problem is sometimes us: " a lot of evil has been perpetrated based on the … It is McCain's proposal, not Obama's, that will give individuals the choice to stay with the plan they have or take the tax credit … The triumvirate will do this at a time when a vibrant America is more necessary than ever -- with Iran seeking nuclear weapons, Pakistan…
Joe Biden's History Lesson
The test came after a deeply humiliating confrontation Kennedy had with Khrushchev at the 1961 Vienna summit -- not unlike the summit … Dwight Eisenhower, who built the nuclear arsenal that kept the Soviets at bay. … In the end, of course, Kennedy didn't back down, but he brought the United States to the brink of nuclear war -- all because he was…
Stop the War on Poor Families
– They know world energy demand is surging, while US production is prohibited and declining. … The eventual switch to alternative energy is obviously decades away. … is half the rate for white Americans.…
They Shilled for Obama
– "The number of Obama stories since Nov. 11 was 946, compared with McCain's 786. … Reagan inherited a presidency in full Cold War mode; the Islamic country of Iran just released 52 hostages held for 444 days; the Soviet … Raising taxes on the so-called rich is bad. Giving welfare "tax credits" to those who pay no federal income taxes is bad.…
Testing the New President
– . approached the idea of nuclear war. … For some of those allies, the primary threat they fear is a nuclear-armed Iran. … President-elect Obama is busy with preparations for the transition to his new office.…
Meeting Medvedev Halfway
– Dmitry Medvedev went on that day, in his first State of the Union, to charge America with fomenting the Russia-Georgia war and said … As NATO is a military alliance, at the heart of which is Article V, which obligates every ally to come to the defense of a member who … power to drag the empire into war with Germany over Danzig, which is exactly what the Polish colonels proceeded to do in 1939.…
Before We Carve Barack Obama's Face on Mt. Rushmore
– Topeka activist Sonny Scroggins, with the support of the NAACP, is actually working on a national holiday for Obama. … Speaking of the Clintons, with all the Clinton staffers Obama is hiring, you have to wonder how many of these people will ultimately … The economy is now officially in the toilet and is likely to remain so for at least a year or two -- and the bailouts?…
Can This Marriage Last?
– Yet, the suspicion is broad and deep in Washington and Tel Aviv that Iran is hell-bent on building an atom bomb. … If war with Iran is to be averted, the new team must move swiftly to talk to Tehran and put its cards on the table. … two disagree on whether the survival of Israel is at stake?…
Obama and His New Crew
– country is passing the torch from the brash, rule-breaking Capt. … Jones Jr.: It turns out that, to the horror of some enviroes, Jones is involved with Chevron and the U.S. … On foreign policy, the left will have to content itself with Obama talking with Iran -- the left loves talks -- and honoring his pledge…
The Return of Hope
– James Jones, most recently employed at the U.S. … Whatever the caveats, Obama is doing something marvelously right: He is disappointing the ideologues. … This is more than many of us hoped -- and it is causing some of us to raise our hopes in Obama again.…
Enough of Radical Islam
– Enough with the pseudonyms. Western civilization isnt at war with terrorism any more than it is at war with grenades. … Western civilization is at war with militant Islam, which dominates Muslim communities all over the world. … Treating them as friends in this global war is simply begging for a backstabbing. Enough with the myths.…
The Impending Collapse of Our Enemies
The Depression -- let’s call it what it is -- leaves us, well, depressed. But there is very good news from around the world. … In Iran, the sanctions imposed by the United Nations, the aggressive efforts of the U.S. government, and the actions of states like … Feeling cold times ahead, Chavez is desperately pressing ahead with a new attempt to abolish term limits in a vote set for the end…
Will Hillary Pressure Dubai over Iran?
– Indeed, Dubai is the mainstay of Iranian foreign trade, exporting about $13 billion each year to Iran, including $8.5 billion in goods … If Hillary and Obama crack down on Dubai and on the European countries that supply Iran with gasoline, they could bring quick, acute … This gasoline bill is a huge burden on Iran, a nation with a GDP of only about $270 billion.…
What's in a Middle Name?
– In an exclusive interview with the Chicago Tribune, Obama said he'll use his full name in the ceremony like every other president. … mistreatment of inmates at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq." … But what is most troubling about Obama's plan to "reboot" our image in the Muslim world is its unspoken premise that terrorism is fueled…
Israel Must Fight and Win
– And so the idea of approaching war half-heartedly or without the same willing commitment to destroying the enemy as is his toward usThe enemy is certainly fighting us on all fronts, and he is cleverly forcing Israel and the West onto ground, which – for the good … that the Gaza war – triggered at the request of Tehran in the framework of an ongoing regional strategy pursued by the Khomeinist…
Think 2008 Was A Bad Year? Reconsider '68 For A Sense Of Perspective…2008_was_a_bad_year_reconsider_68_for_a_sense_of_perspective
– For several reasons, however, the nation faces less dire challenges in the 21st Century than we did at the dawn of the 1970's. … the most non-violent among us should prepare for bloody struggle in the streets, with the only serious question which side of theat the end of 1982.…
Obama's Inexusable Indecision on Syria
– He conceded that the Syrian dictator "is obviously not a reformer now" and that continued engagement with the bloody regime in Damascus … During the Cold War, it was a reliable supporter of the Soviet Union; today it is a close ally of the brutal theocracy in Iran. … And during the US war in Iraq, it dispatched thousands of jihadists to kill American troops.…
Pact With the Devil
– Americans should have learned as much by now, the 150th anniversary of the great war that made us a nation. O, Freedom! … Just as it does now in Egypt, where a new regime is flirting with the mullahs in Iran and trying to cloak one of the world's more notorious … The unspoken idea is to replicate the old pact but with a different set of players with whom the West can continue to do business on…
Obama and the Arab Spring
– Specifically, it is engaged in a war in Afghanistan and is in the terminal phase of the Iraq war. … The Afghan war is stalemated. Following the death of Osama bin Laden, Obama said the Taliban’s forward momentum has been stopped. … At no point did Obama address the question of Pakistan and Afghanistan or the key issue: Iran.…
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