Results for: is the us at war with iran

Georgia-Russia Crisis
– A military cargo plane loaded with supplies is already on the way, and Bush said that Russia must ensure that “all lines of communication … Most experts agree that though the situation in Europe is volatile because of the Russia-Georgia crisis, there is little chance that … on the situation and will keep their pulse on the problem until it is resolved.…
John McCain's Acceptance Speech
– We’ll go at it over the next two months. That’s the nature of these contests, and there are big differences between us. … The work that is ours to do is plainly before us. We don’t need to search for it. … end of the Cold War.…
JFK: Democrats' Role Model?
– tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now. … And the reason is that only full employment can balance the budget, and tax reduction can pave the way to that employment. … In fact, the past is going to be with us for a good many years in uneducated men and women who lost their chance for a decent education…
Changes in Politics
– Despite the incessantly repeated mantra of "change," Barack Obama's politics is as old as the New Deal and he is behind the curve when … World War II has been credited by some with getting the United States out of the Great Depression. … He tried to dismiss the threat of a nuclear Iran with because Iran is "a small nation"-- even though it is larger than Japan, which…
A Snapshot of Joe Biden's Foreign Policy Judgment
At first glance the addition of the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a man with 35 years in the Senate, might seem … RUSSERT:  Your presidential campaign is on the air with a political ad about Iraq.  Let’s watch it for a second. … Iraq and featured his statements with the headline “US plans to disintegrate Iraq.”…
Obama's Speech Excerpts
– “We meet at one of those defining moments – a moment when our nation is at war, our economy is in turmoil, and the American promise … “But the record’s clear: John McCain has voted with George Bush ninety percent of the time. … Because in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle-class.…
Stop the War on Poor Families
The eventual switch to alternative energy is obviously decades away. … is half the rate for white Americans. … The disparity in heat-related deaths has nothing to do with climate change, and everything to do with the inability of poor families…
Hezbollah Kills Lebanese Army Officer
– (which calls for the disarming of Hezbollah), tells me: “This is tantamount to a declaration of war by Hezbollah, and if they … But it is one of the boldest attacks to date against the army. … that he is not only yielding to terrorists, but he is perhaps collaborating with Iran and Syria.”…
Idols of Crowds
– Nowhere is that truer than when it comes to picking the leader of a nation, which means entrusting that leader with the fate of millions … Those of us who talk about the threat of Iran are just engaging in "the politics of fear" according to Obama, something to distract … us from "the real issues," such as raising taxes and handing out largesse with the proceeds.…
The Neocons' Palin Project
– She has no option at present but to follow the line laid down by Scheunemann. But make no mistake. Sarah Palin is no neocon. … Yes, said Palin, "if there is legitimate and enough intelligence that tells us that a strike is imminent against (the) American people … But the battle for Sarah's soul is not over. For, again, the lady is no neocon.…
Fightin' Republicans
– Although Americans have shown fatigue with over five years of war in Iraq, public opinion polls from the beginning of the war remind … us that Americans have a greater tolerance for resorting to the military than is sometimes realized. … While “change” is the theme of the day, the fight for democracy, freedom and justice is the story of our nation.…
Future Tense
– But this week, in the September/October issue of The National Interest, Kay proffered yet another caution: "It looks as if Iran is … This week, the U.S. departments of State and Treasury announced that the U.S. assets of the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines … vision of a confrontation with the West.…
Some Things Are No Laughing Matter
– Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran. … What has me shaken is that I recently laughed at a joke about incest. … Perhaps that cute, adorable Mahmoud, the one who wants to eliminate Jews, can tell us Aiken would turn straight if he moved to Iran
The Secret War on the Dollar
The bills also have turned up here at home. … While the so-called mainstream media were preoccupied with presidential politics, the Wall Street meltdown and the O.J. … His book, "The Last Undercover: The True Story of an FBI Agent's Dangerous Dance With Evil," was released the week before he took the
The Wisdom of New York
The portrait book drives home the timelessness of our need for warriors by opening with historical figures from the Peloponnesian War … Everything that is at stake now -- in Iraq and Afghanistan, in the threats posed by Iran and North Korea, in the insolence demonstrated … by Russia in its invasion of Georgia -- is the same “everything” that has always been at stake for as long as men have made war.…
The Man Who Never Was
The image of Obama that the press has presented to the public is not a fair approximation of the real man. … So, too, the man the media have presented to the nation as Obama is not the real man. … You don't see Obama's ludicrous gaffe that Iran is a tiny country and no threat to us. Nor his 57 American states gaffe.…
Some Jews Ain't So Smart
– This is the height of idiocy. In the possibility of a nuclear Iran, Jews face the gravest menace since the 1973 Yom Kippur War. … Any rational group would use their anti-Iran rally as a forum for candidates, allowing those with the most pro-Israel message to capitalize … And in a single voice, we must be loud enough for the whole world to hear: Stop Iran!" This is strong stuff.…
The Party's Over
– Yet, who got us into this mess if not the government -- the Fed with its easy money, Bush with his profligate spending, and Congress … An unelected financial elite is now entrusted with the assignment of getting us out of a disaster into which an unelected financial … What the Greatest Generation handed down to us -- the richest, most powerful, most self-sufficient republic in history, with the highest…
Defenses for a Dangerous World
– Luckily, with the help of our allies, our military is responding to the growing threats. … The missile-basing agreement also matters because it shows the U.S. is ready and willing to stand alongside the Poles and Czechs. … ties with NATO and the U.S.…
Brilliant Job, Governor Palin!,_governor_palin!
With a solid, articulate, polished performance tonight at the debate, Sarah Palin made liars of the MSM, which has used edited interviews … This, of course, is highly defensible given that the world knows Gwen Ifill wasn't going to do much on terrain that's unfriendly to … He did a very good job (aside, of course, from insisting that Iran is far from obtaining a nuclear weapon).But it was Sarah Palin who…
America's Nervous Breakdown - And the World's
At about the same time, a Russian flotilla was off Venezuela to announce new cooperation with the loud anti-American Hugo Chavez and … The natural order of the world is chaos, not calm. … XXXX (Victor Davis Hanson is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and a recipient of the 2007 National Humanities Medal.…
Liquidating the Empire
– Even the post-Cold War world of George H. W. Bush, where America was a global hegemon, is history. … Yet we have two wars bleeding us and many more nations to defend, with commitments in the Baltic, Eastern Europe, and the Balkans we … Is it essential to keep 30,000 troops in a South Korea with twice the population and 40 times the wealth of the North?…
John McCain Can Still Win
– A: I think Barack Obama at core is a quintessential pragmatist who is interested in advancing the career of Barack Obama. … A: My guess is Barack Obama is looking on the idea of any war with Iran with less enthusiasm that John McCain and Joe Lieberman would … I think what is killing the Republican Party is the alteration of the electorate.…
McCain the Stalwart
– -- with the race-baiting Rev. … The financial crisis has made us forget, or just blindly deny, how dangerous the world out there is. … But the barbarians will still be at the gates. Whom do you want on the parapet?…
The Next Crisis
– Who is most likely to generate the kind of crisis Biden envisions? The mullahs who rule Iran have to be near the top of the list. … "They hate us," noted Reuel Gerecht, a former CIA operative, now a Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington … Martin Indyk, director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, said he is optimistic that an Obama…
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