Results for: sign up to vote

Md. churches to unite, fight gay 'marriage' law
– Martin O'Malley -- who endorsed the bill in his State of the State address -- is expected to sign it. … Because of its proximity to the nation's capital, the Maryland vote figures to make national headlines. … As an African American, he said he is aware that blacks tend to vote Democratic.…
Ready To Join the Faith Dream Team?
– If you want to join the millions of others of us in Newt's corner, here are seven ways you can do so and to employ your faith to action … in Arizona, Michigan and Washington (the next states to have primaries, on Feb. 28 and March 3).         2) Sign up to be part of … Your vote counts!          In next week's column -- "For Whom Would America's Founders Vote for President?"…
Is Rick Santorum Really the Most Conservative Presidential Candidate?…santorum_really_the_most_conservative_presidential_candidate
– His record on social issues does not entirely live up to his rhetoric. … This kind of compromise will translate into compromising as president, since the president will need to sign bills in order to get … They were directed into Democratic households, urging Democrats to vote in the Republican primary against Romney since Romney opposed…
All Aboard
– of an America that's going to make it. … I have to say as an old school guy that likes to see the transportation stocks in the mix, it was pleasant to watch. … The fear was obvious, but to his credit he came into the ring, sized up Iron Mike, and took his shot.He missed!…
CULTURE DIGEST: Round-the-clock daycare?
– SIMILAR TO AFRICA -- The HIV rate among black women in some U.S. cities is similar to that of some African nations, according to a … The criticisms prompted McDonnell to urge the Virginia legislature to amend the bill to require an abdominal ultrasound but make clear … desire to live.…
Surprise: Obamacare's Price Tag Nearly Doubles
Up first is Obama describing his deep commitment to deficit reduction via entitlement expansion (think about that!) … not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future.  … I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period.”…
15 Responsibilities You Have As An Adult
– It has never been easy, but somehow everybody from cavemen to medieval peasants to Vikings managed to pull it off. … To live in comfort, you're going to need more money than that. … You don't have a responsibility to vote; you have a responsibility to be an informed voter.…
SCOTUS Momentus
– In this one, according to Amy Howe, writing in her column, the Liberal Justices appeared to raise the better issues … That, I mentioned at the time, is all you need to know about how people who have to stand for re-election act toward the public and … One to the Rich Wolf USA Today look at what happens now, and to Amy Howe's piece on the Medicaid issue.…
Hmm: Newt and Mitt Held 'Secret' Meeting Last Week?
– Rick Santorum, meanwhile, is shifting tactics to focus more of his criticism on President Obama, a possible sign that he's beginning … to accept the inevitable:   Rick Santorum has eased up on using phrases like “worst Republican in the country” when tearing … And he is no longer saying that a vote for Mr. Romney would be basically the same thing as a vote for President Obama. …
Great Determination in the Great Depression
– Kennedy is the swing vote and his comment related to the individual mandate was, "Do you not have a heavy burden of justification to … When Supreme Court Justices have to jump in and save the day, it's not a great sign for the argument or the person presenting the argument … I'm sure most minds are made up, but you don't sway the swing vote trying to use the curve system to win the day.…
Atheists Darken D.C.
– I'd prefer to vote for somebody like me, rather than somebody who is actually qualified to be president." … "Religion is Like a Penis," one sign read, "It's OK to have one ... … A woman held out a sign telling Christians, Jews and Muslims to "Get Out of My Panties."…
Santorum Takes a Sweeping Victory in Louisiana
– He has held a commanding lead in the polls and cleaned up in the exit polls today, allowing him to coast to an easy victory. … Twenty of the state's 46 total delegates are up to be won tonight, and the state portions them out according to percentage of the vote … The total vote for every candidate who crosses the 25 line needs to exceed 65 percent, or no one gets anything to show for it.…
Santorum Suggests Another Obama Term Better than Romney Presidency
– be preferable to the election of Mitt Romney. … However, Texas doesn't vote yet for a long time, and Santorum will have to be able to keep his campaign going through then. … Romney is working behind the scenes to attempt to shore up his conservative support.…
The Socialist and The Social Darwinist
– Each decade, more Americans are dropped off the income tax rolls, more move onto government payrolls, and more sign up for benefits … If you benefit from programs you pay nothing to support, why would you vote for a Republican president who would cut those programs … Nevertheless, while Romney stays on the high road, his surrogates may have to dial up their rhetoric soon to match that of Barack Obama…
CULTURE DIGEST: In video, Obama pledges to keep fighting for Planned Parenthood…_video_obama_pledges_to_keep_fighting_for_planned_parenthood
– He also said, "ver the past year, you've had to stand up to politicians who wanted to deny millions of women the care they rely on … aid self-professed sex traffickers whose prostitutes supposedly were in their early teens, seeking to cover up alleged child sex abuse … Nathan Deal is expected to sign it into law.…
Hillary for VP? The Saga Continues
– The theory goes that if Mitt starts picking up more support of the feminine persuasion, the Dems may have to drop Joe for Hillary. … While a majority of men tend to vote Republican, women usually lean Democratic and with bigger numbers. … Good points — up to a point. But if Obama needs her, she has little choice. If she says no and he loses, she’ll be blamed.…
Houston Baptist might drop 'Baptist' from name
– But school officials say the term "Baptist" limits the school's potential student pool to people who grew up in the denomination's … Students who did not grow up going to a Baptist church might not feel welcome at the school, officials say. … Each of the 36 trustees must sign a document affirming the preamble and a unanimous vote is required to change even one word of it,…
Scott Walker Can Relax
– Besides, eliminating the secret ballot makes it oh-so-much easier for union goons to retaliate against you if you dare to vote against … Well, since you know that you’ll be able to vote against the union on a secret ballot, you sign the petition.  … Sign the petition, shut the goonion organizer up, and wait to have your true say when the recall election comes around.…
Running Without An Agenda For The Next Four years
– bill or on final passage, and didn't bother to sign on as a co- sponsor, according to a report Tuesday by Politico. … Maybe a student will ask him why he didn't take the time to vote for it in the first place? … Both programs are facing enormous fiscal challenges before millions of baby boomers are due to sign up for the programs in the…
Obama Faces Defeat on Pipeline As Democrats Defect
– Now that it's an election year and the number is up to 69, look for Republicans to hold more pipeline votes before November. … In a vote last month, 11 Senate Democrats stood up against Obama to vote in favor of the pipeline. … In the latest House vote, the pipeline measure is attached to a larger transportation bill.…
Enthusiasm Craters for Obama Amongst Young Voters
– A new poll out shows that the youth vote that helped propel President Obama to the White House in 2008 won't be there for the Democrat … The youth vote isn't very big, but this is one more sign of waning support for the President amongst some of his most fervent supporters … Add it up, and the Youth Misery Index comes out to 90.6. The government is largely responsible for all three problems.…
Caution to Seniors About Obamacare- Let The Buyer Beware
– Clearly, the senior vote is important to President Obama, which is why he has employed the classic “bait and switch” scam. … In order to make sure that Medicare costs do not go up, the Independent Advisory Payment Board (IPAB) has been created- perhaps the … up for Medicare if they wish to continue to receive their Social Security benefits.  …
The Richard Nixon Disinfectant Rule
– Particularly if Hollande follows through on his scheme to push the top tax rate to 75 percent. … that the politicians will hit the wealthy and they don’t want to have to deal with that.” … In other words, just a productive people “vote with their feet” by escaping from high-tax hell-holes like California to zero-income-tax…
Five Reasons Why Liberals Shouldn't be in Charge of Anything
– -The Best Reason to Vote Against Obama: Self-Defense Dear Comrade Jim, Well then, you’ve come to the right place. … How does a sitting president get only 56.43 percent of the vote in a primary contest to “Who?” and “Huh?” … Instead of trying to pass more complex laws that make it more difficult to set up businesses, the government ought to examine why the…
Ohio, PA House Races Impact Obama
– make-up. … Romney does not need to win Pennsylvania but he does need to keep it close; in contrast, Obama does need to win Ohio. … To win back or to hold their House seats, Democrats such as Critz and Wilson not only have to distance themselves from Obama but have…
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