Results for: is the us at war with iran

Laugh, Obama, Laugh,_obama,_laugh
– So soaring has been Obama's rhetoric and so dazzling his smile that we've missed the possibility that the Illinois senator is less … The World War II-vintage jokes simply aren't amusing anymore. … With a deft trip off the tongue, the cartoon and the baseless controversy would have been rendered impotent, revealed as what they…
The Way to Box in Barack on Iraq
The shadow of the Iraq War still hovers over the 2008 presidential race. … His next dodge will be to talk up diplomacy - that a dialogue with the mullahs can hold Iran at bay. … But no negotiations are possible with al Qaeda - and Americans realize that talks with Iran will go nowhere unless we have the leverage…
Rev. Jackson, the Fat Lady is Singing,_the_fat_lady_is_singing
– No, since both denounce the Bush administration, oppose the Iraq war, support universal health care, want taxes raised on the so-called … … (Kids should) replace the video game or the remote control with a book once in a while." … Rather than display pleasure at America's obvious progress, or pride in his role in getting us there, the anachronistic Jackson now…
The War With Iran
– Largely lost in the frenzy is an unhappy fact: The Iranian mullahocracy has been at war with this country since it came to power in … Not least, Iran is now armed with ballistic missiles of ever-longer range. … If we are already at war with the Iranian regime and the destructive power of our enemy is about to increase exponentially, what can…
Frankenstein Endorses Obama
– They become very indignant at the idea that we might even converse with anyone who is implicated in terrorism. … These facts remind us not only of the shortcomings of sanctions, which are not likely to work better with Iran than they did with Iraq … And it is this same person who would presume to lecture us on what we should now be doing with Iran.…
Moscow Rules
With the feel of a Cold War story, and a pace unmatched by most war-on-terror thrillers, this book is likely Silva’s best to date.  … The fact is that Russia today represents a greater threat to the security of the world than it ever did in the days of Cold War bipolarity … The new Russia is starting to strongly resemble the old Soviet Union - only with nicer cars. …
The Last Stand of the West
– It was, after all, the year Israel won its independence by defeating four invading Arab armies—the Arabic word for the war isThe … On the northern border, a major with the Northern Command is determined to provide a “liveable life” to the citizens in his charge. … The AIEF is a supporting charity affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).  …
Distractions for Obama in Berlin
– He forced Merkel into the schoolmarm mode, to raise an eyebrow at the choice the chancellor called "odd" for a candidate who was not … When William Jennings Bryan, at 36 the youngest man to be nominated for president, delivered his "Cross of Gold" speech at the Democratic … National Convention at the old Chicago Coliseum in 1896, the Democrats thought their "Boy Orator of the Platte" was irresistible,…
– Sometimes they jump out at the most appropriate time to describe a current event. In the case of the Iraq War, Sen. … They say they want to win only the war in Afghanistan but have less to say about how to prevail in the much longer war against the … , at a pace that is determined in consultation with Gen.…
Obama's Trip: Some Questions Katie, Brian and Charles Should Ask,_brian_and_charles_should_ask
– Your nomination opponents Dodd, Biden, Edwards and Clinton -- all in the Senate at the time -- voted for the war. … At the provincial level, oil revenues are being shared, and Iraq's oil production is at a postwar high. … But for the surge, wouldn't things in Iraq now be substantially worse? Q: You opposed the Iraq war and the surge.…
For McCain, Surge is a Losing Strategy,_surge_is_a_losing_strategy
– Yes, McCain heroically pushed for the surge when the war was at its most unpopular point. … It isn't, thanks to the high court's ruling. That's a huge boon. The surge has done likewise with the war. … But not with I-told-you-sos. Re-arguing the surge is almost as counterproductive as re-arguing the war itself.…
Jesus and the Case for War
– He thinks that the war in Afghanistan is justified. … As I mentioned in my last column, I believe the Iraq war is just. … As terrible as it is, War is sometimes the least bad choice available.…
Column One: Kadima's Legacy of Nothingness
– In the interim, and in light of the intensifying security crisis with Iran, a caretaker government could have been formed that would … the country during the war. … Indeed, it is far from clear that he ever considered the impact his actions would have on Israel at all.…
The Brangelina-fication of the Obamas
– "exclusive" first and last look at life at home with the Obamas. … Just try talking to one of the millions of people with their noses buried in People or Us about Obama's relationship with Jeremiah … Wright or Bill Ayers, his flip-flops on the Iraq war surge and his reckless naivete regarding Iran, and you'll see what I mean.…
Why Victory in Iraq Matters by Pete Hegseth
– What bothers me, however, is the self-aggrandizing notion that opposing the Iraq war then automatically devalues the important of the … importance of the Iraq war at every turn. … central front in the global war on terror because al Qaeda wasn’t in Iraq in 2003; second, Iraq is a distraction from the real war
Report From a Forgotten War (2nd in a Series)
– Helmand province is the heartland of the Taliban -- the Islamic radicals who won a bloody civil war to rule Afghanistan in 1996. … The unit's area of operations is more than 28,000 square kilometers -- roughly the size of Vermont. … Yet the unit's re-enlistment rate is 118 percent -- among the highest in the U.S. armed forces.…
Dangerous Times In Georgia Demand Serious Leadership
The U.S. and others use the word “unacceptable,” undoubtedly with the same effect that we get when we use it with the Iranians. … What is less understood is that some of the older, traditional kinds of threats are still very much with us, only heightened because … With hundreds of missiles pointed toward Taiwan, experts say China is developing the capability to take Taiwan before the U.…
Solzhenitsyn, Iran, and more About Folk,_iran,_and_more_about_folk
The death of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, at 89, recalls the centrality of this Russian mastodon. … criticizing Stalin (“the man with the moustache”). … The nuclear threat posed by the Iranian regime is not imaginary but real.…
Flying Back to Flying Man by Joel Arends
– cause for concern with recent events at the tactical level that may have international repercussions. … Furthermore, Moqtada Al Sadr’s relationship with Iran and the Quds force is troubling and reports show that special groups targeting … I intend to find out if that is happening.On the road from Baghdad to the airport is the beautifully optimistic statue of Abbas ibn…
Pushing Russia Into the Cold
At the time, however, Il Duce was also plotting revenge on Abyssinia for a bloody border clash with Italian Somaliland. … What do we do if Russia responds to our Patriots in Poland with the Russian S-300 anti-aircraft system in Iran and Syria? … Before we start down the road of isolating and encircling Russia with weak NATO allies, let us think through Gen.…
Pushing Russia Into the Cold
At the time, however, Il Duce was also plotting revenge on Abyssinia for a bloody border clash with Italian Somaliland. … What do we do if Russia responds to our Patriots in Poland with the Russian S-300 anti-aircraft system in Iran and Syria? … Before we start down the road of isolating and encircling Russia with weak NATO allies, let us think through Gen.…
And None Dare Call It Treason
the Cold War. … Now Scheunemann is the neocon agent in place in McCain's camp. The neocons got their war with Iraq. … They are pushing for war on Iran. And they are now baiting the Russian Bear. Is this what McCain has on offer?…
The Case Against Obama - In His Own Words
The following day in Billings, Montana he said:  “I’ve made it clear for years that the threat from Iran is grave.”  … Maybe that is why so many focus on the crowds at Obama’s events, rather than to what Obama is actually saying to them. … But if you listen to Obama’s words you will hear that he is very concerned about the least among us.…
War and Peace: Petroleum Gives Putin the Power to Wage the Former and Set Terms for the Latter…in_the_power_to_wage_the_former_and_set_terms_for_the_latter
– That will give Russia, along with Islamist Iran, a virtual monopoly over the substantial supply of oil and gas originating in the Caspian … Short term, there is diplomatic hardball which would include threatening Russia with expulsion from the G8 (which was meant to be a … Or we can sit back and watch as oil flows to us, while wealth and power flow to the despots ruling Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and…
Democrats Dismiss Logic and Realism
– Objective No. 1 in the political trade is sticking to it The Other Party. … Demagoguery -- note the Greek origins of the word -- has been with us always: an indestructible part of our Edenic inheritance. … The formerly serious and sensible cold war hawk, Sen.…
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