Results for: sign up to vote

Academic Liberalism Replaced with Leftism
– sick baby to the first day of class. … Meanwhile, at the University of Minnesota Duluth, administrators are spending $4,000 for speaking fees and expenses to bring to campus … identify their political party and sign a pledge toVote for Barack Obama and Democrats up and down the ticket” was a no-no.…
Inside Team Romney's Plans To Win
– In a sign of the times, a sign hanging in the copy room reads: “Shred everything you wouldn’t want to see #trending” – a cautionary … Heading into the debates, the race is going to be a toss-up. … We’re going to be up some places, and we’re going to be tied or slightly down other places.…
Indoctrinate U: Professor Forces Students to Pledge They Vote For Obama and Democrats…_forces_students_to_pledge_they_vote_for_obama_and_democrats
– A professor in Florida is under fire today after forcing her students to sign a pledge to vote for Barack Obama and Democrats. … sign a pledge to vote for President Obama in the upcoming elections. … to vote for President Obama and Democrats up and down the ticket.”…
The UN Gun Control Treaty Is Bad for Gun Owners Everywhere
– The goal was to disgorge a treaty in time for the Obama administration to sign it before Election Day. … I'm proud to serve as the honorary chairman of Trigger The Vote, the National Rifle Association's nonpartisan campaign to register … Protect your rights by registering to vote today.…
CULTURE DIGEST: NYC schools dispense 'morning after' pills
– "Some people left the church; they thought it was a bad sign, that this was a bad place to be. … Motion sponsor Stephen Woodworth of the Conservative Party promised after the vote he would continue to work for its passage. … The New York Organ Donor Network pressured hospital staff members and hired "coaches" to train them to persuade family members to approve…
Obama's Not Mr. Right
– The shopper can choose any item from a particular floor, or go up to shop on the next floor, but she cannot go back down except to … This floor only exists to prove that women are impossible to please.” … That is the case where the two most popular candidates divide, say 60% of the vote, where both lose to the third most popular candidate…
Democrats In Iowa Push for Early Voting
– While some point to this as a good sign for President Obama, Iowa GOP strategist Steve Grubbs points out that this is a difference … Democrats need to vote early because they only have fewer reasons to vote for Obama as the election grows closer. … The Obama campaign even asked Jason Alexander to make a stop in Des Moines to encourage voters and try to hype up enthusiasm.…
Voter Fraud Is the Way to America's Destruction
– 2012 and still are registered to vote. … --Volunteer to be a poll watcher in your precinct, or sign up for True the Vote's poll volunteer program. … are qualified to vote.…
The "Not My Fault" Administration
– be bothered to show up for briefings wherein they could learn the truth. … I vote for numbers 1 and 3. … Even if Biden showed up for the meetings, he'd likely be laughing and interrupting so much as to not hear what was said. …
Colorado Swings Towards Romney
– down to about 47 percent of the vote. … The House race at the center of the presidential election has Coors up 45-to-36, with 55 percent of the district favoring repeal of … Known for its picturesque mountains and ski resorts, it also is home to enormous energy resources – gas, oil, coal – as well as to
10 Most Vulnerable House Seats
– Now she's attempting to win re-election in a district that will no doubt vote for President Barack Obama. … He has found ways to win in districts that he wasn't supposed to cycle after cycle. … But he's got to convince more voters than ever to split their tickets.…
Why Another Terroristan?
– FDR may have had his own ideas as to who was the greatest living American. … Marshall was so vehemently opposed to President Truman’s plan to recognize the infant State of Israel that he threatened to vote against … Putting conditions on Palestinian Statehood—achieving democracy, giving up terrorism, accepting Israel’s right to exist—will only put…
Rubio to Obama: Your Presidency is a Profile of Failure
– Florida Senator Marco Rubio is fed up with the Obama Administration and disgusted with Obama's rumored upcoming request to ask … In a letter to the President, Rubio made it clear he will not vote for yet another debt ceiling increase unless there is a substantial … While you may choose to run your reelection campaign against a "Do-Nothing Congrsss," your insistence on doing nothing to meaningfully…
The right to recall and, in Wisconsin, the wrong
– Besides, Wisconsin’s rules are far more lax than most states’: any resident — registered to vote or not — may sign. … On the other hand, that’s apparently tougher than the prerequisite to actually cast a vote in the Badger State’s elections, where Illinois … residents have been noticed driving north to help those cheese-heads make up their minds.…
With N.Y.C. churches set to get booted, N.Y. Senate passes bill
– "It would open up the schools to anybody. It might include the Ku Klux Klan. … If you're going to do anything, you're going to have to make the city make a determination as to what's an appropriate use of the schools … pass and the governor to sign legislation amending the New York state education law to grant houses of worship maximum access to school…
Memo to the Catholic Bishops
– And it’s time to wake up and realize that government isn’t the answer to the social ills. … You have to consider issuing a declaration obliging American Roman Catholics of good conscience to vote against the re-election of … Do you really think he didn't sign off on this? Has he returned any of your calls? Did you even try to call him?…
Chris Matthews Repeats "Tea Partiers Spitting on Congressmen" Lie
up their claims, so they manufactured it instead. … The first sign that a plan was in place was the ham-fisted, high-camp posturing of the Congressional Black Caucus to walk through the … peaceful Tea Party demonstrators on their way to vote for the health-care bill on March 20, 2010.…
Five Reasons So Many Grassroots Conservatives Don't Like Mitt Romney…asons_so_many_grassroots_conservatives_dont_like_mitt_romney
– where the taxpayers and the FDIC had to pick up the tab, or that it looks awful for Mitt to make millions on deals where businesses … If you want to know why you're seeing so many Tea Partiers lining up behind Newt Gingrich, who despite his flaws has done more for … Since he's proven too unlikable to be pulled up very much, Mitt's strategy has been to pull the other candidates down, even if it leads…
Proof Voters Are Smarter Than Media and Washington Elite
– have come to a consensus backing Santorum, the initial vote of those leaders split almost evenly between Santorum and Newt, 57-48, … Globe described as "GOP insiders (rising) up to cut Gingrich down to size" -- the Los Angeles Times reported this past week that " … to keep that dream alive."…
CULTURE DIGEST: NASCAR sponsor is pro-Israel
– The two men hope to sponsor the car in races past Daytona but will have to raise additional funds. … While the method works to restrict ovulation or prevent fertilization, it also has a back-up chemistry that can operate after fertilization … connect to a broader audience.…
Poll: Santorum Closer to Obama than Romney
– Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update). Last week, Santorum had a one-point advantage over Obama. … I don’t have old scores to settle or decades of cloakroom deals to defend.  … , that’s the same politician who will try to sell you a Bridge to Nowhere.…
Hail to the Victor: Romney Wins Michigan, Arizona
– He proceeded to squander his chance to reignite economic growth in favor of Left-wing adventurism.  … Over to you, Rick Santorum, one month ago:   "We want the activists of the party, the people who make up the backbone of … I believe that states should only allow Republicans to vote in Republican primaries."…
Let the Democrats Vote For Santorum
– Any registered Democrat may show up to a polling place, sign in (not sure if ID's are required, but if they are, you know, racism!) … Santorum has put out robo-calls to Democrat voters, asking them to vote for him. He's pro-actively pursuing Democrat votes. … Yes, let the Democrats vote. It doesn't hurt the field, as the Democrats want to think.…
Must Win Tuesday Looking Better For Romney
– else to write about. … Washington does not register by party so, according to the Washington GOP's web page: To participate in the caucus, you need to … be registered to vote, and be willing to sign a form that you "consider yourself to be a republican" and you will not be participating…
Femi-Regulars For Rick Santorum
– They are more interested in voting for principled, honest, strong, America-loving folks who will stand up to evil, advance liberty … men down in order to build themselves up. … Every once in awhile we regular folks rise up and storm the establishment and try to sneak in one of our own.…
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