Results for: is the us at war with iran

Egypt and the Idealist-Realist Debate in U.S. Foreign Policy
At a time when the United States is trying to end its wars in the Islamic world (along with its NATO partners, in the case of Afghanistan … At the same time, the physical safety of the United States is not always at stake. … This brings us to the second point, which is that sometimes, in confronting two different forms of repression, the issue is to select…
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers
– After bottoming out at 56 years, life expectancy for males is back up to 63 years old in Russia, while in the US it’s 77. … If the pipeline is developed the inevitable conclusion will be that the US should start to exploit its own tar-sands.  … After all, how silly is it to require some conspiratorial explanation as to why Obama would declare the Iraq war over when the soldiers…
Make Congress Vote on War on Iran
– If Iran is doing experiments consistent with building an atomic bomb, as the IAEA reports, why does the U.S. intelligence community … Rick Santorum says we are already at war:             "Iran is a country that has been at war with us since 1979. ... … If, after leaving Iraq, we are going into yet another war of choice, let the Congress debate and vote on this new war with Iran.…
Christmas 2011
with the U.S. … Though the White House is showering itself with accolades for this remarkable feat, the credit really belongs to those wearing flak … way so that the rest of us can enjoy the blessings of liberty.…
One-Man Intervention: Ron Paul Challenges His Party's Mindless Militarism
The implicit assumption that violence is the only way to interact with the world reflects the oddly circumscribed nature of foreign … The war, which replaced a brutal dictator with a corrupt, wobbly elected government that may not be able to defend Iraq's borders or … At the Nov. 22 debate, Paul corrected Mitt Romney, who complained that the Obama administration is "cutting a trillion dollars out…
North Korea: The Kim is Dead, Long Live the Kim
– North Korea's propagandists tell us the deceased thug passed on the family tyranny (complete with various extortion and smuggling rackets … Or so the propagandists assure us. … Four to 5 trillion is one wild estimate floating around of the cost of a reignited Korean War that puts the global powerhouse economies…
Merry Christmas, Welcome Home and Job Well Done
At this point in time, it seems it is safer for those who could not militarily strategize their way out of a paper bag to err to the … After all, the mission in Iraq is as accomplished as it can be - considering the commander in chief had promises to keep with an anti-war … Islamic regime of Iran is a crap shoot at best.…
Get Lean: Obama's Defense Strategy Pares Down MIlitary
– He promised a 'leaner' yet capable military, to reflect the fact that "the tide of war is receding." … to Iraq, would be far more limited, with the force no longer sized for large-scale, long-term missions. … Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta allegedly was at odds with the White House over defense cuts this past summer, and is reportedly…
2011: Out With a Whimper, Not a Bang
– Meanwhile, the world's failed states, such as Iran, North Korea and Pakistan, just keep on failing. … too much money at the expense of others. … The year 2011 taught us that when things logically should not go on, they usually don't -- though they end not with a bang but with
The Importance of Ron Paul
– Republican opposition to Paul is also easy to understand. He opposed the Iraq War. … Paul does not believe that we are at war with Islamofascists. … Is there room for a "9/11 libertarian" -- one who thinks we are at war against a ruthless, determined Islamofascist enemy that could…
Iran threatens U.S. Navy, Obama Wavers
– “The only certainty is that it is unlikely to resemble anything taught at the U.S. Naval Academy,” he adds.  … Iran is very much aware that having their hands on the throat of the narrow water passage through which 40 percent of all the traded … Tensions in the Middle East continue to escalate, and Iran is at the center of nearly all the trouble.  …
Voters Like Paul's Honesty
– Let us also stipulate that Paul is not going to be the Republican nominee for president. … They ask if war with Iran is the only solution. … Michael Tanner is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and author of Leviathan on the Right: How Big-Government Conservatism Brought…
The Real Ron Paul Stands Up
– Johnson says the CIA coined the term “blowback” as “a metaphor for the unintended consequences of the US government’s international … Is he pro-Iran? No. … Paul also believes that “sanctions are the initial step to war” and we risk blowback by levying heavy sanctions on Iran based on our…
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers
the definition of the word is, is"? … My issue with Bennet- and you- is the one of having dual rules. … The problem with most economists is that every problem looks the same to them.…
The Keystone XL pipeline—a line in the sand for America's future
– Because there is not enough pipeline capacity, Bakken oil is currently being taken to refiners in Louisiana via rail with the Bakken … Once refined, the fuel, as always, gets distributed throughout the US, but is now also sold and shipped to countries worldwide. … (and the White House standing with them) is able to stall or stop it.…
Obama's Foreign Policy Spin
– Against the public entreaties of the US commanders on the ground, Obama is carrying through on his pledge to withdraw all US surge … In the meantime, the US is engaged in negotiations with the Taliban. … That is, the purpose of the talks is to set the conditions for a US defeat in Afghanistan.…
Ron Paul is Dangerous
– (The only American people running with this policy risk running the rest of us off a cliff.) … He went on to reject a U.N. agency report that indicates Iran is within months of developing nuclear weaponry, calling it “war propaganda … reason why, the reason why I would say that is because we know without a shadow of a doubt that Iran will take a nuclear weapon, they…
The Implausibility of Nuclear Terrorism
the knowledge that the next time the terrorists strike, it could be not with airplanes capable of killing thousands but atomic bombs … Iran, a longtime sponsor of terrorist groups, is trying to acquire nuclear weapons. … But it offers good reason to think that in this war, it appears, the worst eventuality is one that will never happen.…
Beyond the Beltway: Conviction & Consequence in 2012, A New Years Resolution
– For Hitchens’ contributions, atheism was momentarily in vogue and the Iraq war found an eloquent defender. For Mr. … The War on Terror changed the terms of the terrorism debate – America entered the contest and took the fight to the enemy on the enemy … Such charisma has proven hollow for the despondent lovers of freedom in North Korea, Egypt, Iran, and Eastern Europe, and the Christians…
If You Thought War Expensive, Wait Until You Pay for Obama's Peace
The free flow of oil is the main strategic reason that the US is involved in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. … Think the “end” of the Iraq War as announced by Obama is the beginning of peace? Not so fast. … with the US on one side and Iran on the other.        …
Defining Down the Enemy
– Thus, we are encouraged to recognize that the war - now re-euphemized as "Countering Violent Extremism" - is just about over, to theThe only problem with this rosy picture is that it bears no resemblance to reality. … , Judge George Daniels ruled that Shiite Iran is liable, along with the Sunnis of al Qaeda and the Taliban, for the attacks that killed…
Who's Planning Our Next War?
– Yet Israel is even today pushing Bush into a pre-emptive war with a naked threat to attack Iran itself should Bush refuse the cup. … If Bush is discussing war on Iran with Ehud Olmert, why is he not discussing it with Congress or the nation? … Is it not time the American people were consulted on the next war that is being planned for us?…
Myopic Hysteria
– Eroding it is a dour powerlessness that is chipping away at the country's sturdy conviction that destiny can be commanded with sheer … Of course not -- especially not in a world where Iran is working hard to be in a position where it can blackmail the entire world withIran isn't holding our citizens hostage.  And the misery index isn't 22%, as it was at the end of the 1970's. …
Summer School for Democrats
– Hundreds slain in explosions at the US embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. … war against us. … Moment of Truth in Iraq is not a partisan polemic designed to canonize President Bush and rally support for the war.…
The Facts in Iraq Are Changing
– Iraq is spiraling into civil war, we invaded unwisely and have botched things ever since, no good outcome is possible, and it is time … I can remember how opponents of the Vietnam War simply tuned out news of American success when at Richard Nixon's orders Gen. … Opponents of the Iraq war, including Obama, seem to have been doing the same.…
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