Results for: Barack Obama Website

Anger Over Health Care Costs Will Be a Factor Next November…er-health-care-costs-will-be-a-factor-next-november-n1770499
– WASHINGTON -- If you struggled through the sluggish, job-challenged, stomach-churning Obama economy in the past five years, 2014 may … As Barack Obama enters the sixth year of his problem-plagued presidency, his job-approval polls have fallen into the low 40s -- briefly … The Obama administration announced Sunday that 1.1 million people have signed up online for Obamacare, well short of its expectations…
Whew! 2013 is Over
– Treasury's website, the national debt at the start of the year was $16,433,000,000,000 (read that aloud as "16-point-433 trillion." … Neither did President Barack Obama have the best of years. … According to Gallup's never-ending tracking survey of Presidential performance, this week one year ago Obama approve/disapprove was…
Ouch: Obamacare Enrollment Numbers Fall Two Million Short of Goal…lment-numbers-still-fall-two-millions-short-of-goal-n1769611
– Though surpassing the million mark is a positive sign for President Barack Obama’s landmark health care reform, the administration … — despite the website problems, despite the messaging problems.” … Obama (@BarackObama) December 29, 2013 However, based on America's reaction to the bill, few people will be…
Khodorkovsky and the Freedom Agenda
– They translated their information into English and posted it on a website (, and ask that Western governments freeze … Since President Barack Obama pulled all US forces out of Iraq in what he claimed was a “responsible end” of the war, Iraq has descended … Obama doesn’t simply neglect democratic forces in favor of authoritarian regimes.…
Obamacare Whac-A-Mole
Obama has successfully flouted the law since 2009. … In the pre-Obama world, this would have been the province of the courts. Obama behaved like a dictator, and few protested. … It's even more dangerous that Obama has undermined the rule of law and gotten away with it.…
Gingrich: GOP Needs ‘Team Campaign’ to Win White House, Congress.…grich_gop_needs_‘team_campaign’_to_win_white_house,_congress
– His campaign is even launching function on its website, calling “On the First Day,” soliciting ideas for everyday Americans to pitch … President Barack Obama was the focus of his wide-ranging speech.…
Is the Obama Campaign Getting Special Favors From Google?
– The saleswoman, Sirene Abou-Chakra, replied by suggesting that Obama had a special deal. … Well if Google and the Obama campaign both deny it, it must have no basis in fact -- even though an NRSC staffer saw an Obama-tailored … Team Obama ran technological rings around the McCain campaign in 2008. …
Confronting our subversive institutions
– According to Obama administration officials, during his recent meeting with US President Barack Obama, which preceded Netanyahu’s stormy … visit last month, Peres and Obama agreed that a future deal between Israel and the Palestinians must be based on the 1967 lines with … While he acknowledged that Netanyahu completely opposes these parameters and would openly oppose them if Obama adopted them publically…
The Cost to Taxpayers of Missing Fathers
– The left is content to let this problem persist because 70 percent of unmarried women voted for Barack Obama for president. … more about Phyllis Schlafly and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Website
BP Ledger, June 13 edition,_june_13_edition
– The center's website, at, includes a growing list of educational resources. … The original executive order President Barack Obama signed on September 29, 2010 named eight Iranian officials. … Details about IDAP can be found through its website:…
AmeriCorps' Favorite Scandal-Plagued Mayor
– He donated the maximum individual amount to Obama for America, campaigned across the country for Obama in 2008, and bragged to California … media during his mayoral run about his friendship and access to both Barack and Michelle Obama. … (My most recent check of the website shows the city has taken in at least $32 million in stimulus cash.)…
INT'L DIGEST: Iran pastor to be executed?
– drawdown in Afghanistan could spell doom for the country's Christian minority, an Afghan exile warned in late June, as President BarackObama announced his plans for phased troop withdrawal. … The statement, which was posted on the website of Human Rights Watch,, only called on Hamas to "immediately end the cruel…
Bush Still a Bogeyman to Europeans
– and e-mails from friends are any indication, the overwhelming feeling about the American debt crisis here in Europe is that if Barack … Some argue that Obama is merely a victim who was in the wrong place at the wrong time when the till ran empty. … Her website can be found at…
Showdown at Washington's OK Corral
– At the end of that 30-second showdown, Virgil and Morgan Earp were wounded, and three cowboys were dead.President Barack Obama and … There is no better example of extreme partisan politics and underhanded compromises than President Obama. … Joe Walsh, R-Ill., lambasted Obama in a video posted on his website: "President Obama, quit lying.…
Dim Bulbs in Government and Hollywood
– If so, I’d like to congratulate you on your 8 point lead in the polls over President Obama in the 2012 race. … Seniors No Longer Need Fiber, Obama Will Just Scare The [BLANK] Out Of Them.    … Obama decides he’d rather pay for other things, like the EPA.  …
Fried Liver by the Pink Hamster
– In an ironic move, last Thursday, President Barack Obama nominated Richard Cordray to direct the newly formed Consumer Financial Protection … Its mission, according to its website, is "to make markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans -- whether…
Say What? -- Speech Codes Are a Danger to the Republic
– In an interview with the website Spiked, he points out that students are learning to let offense trump discussion, ending conversation … The school's website even encourages students to report political differences as a form of bias, saying that Barack Obama or Sarah…
Democrats Enlist Lobbyist to Help Sway Press on Aviation Bill
– "  - Candidate Barack ObamaApparently, Senate Democrats missed that memo: Senate Democrats tapped an airport lobbyist to help them … Barack Obama was never really serious about disrupting the scope and muscle of lobbyists.  … And when President Obama tries to recapture his campaign magic of 2008 by cranking up the lofty rhetoric, voters -- and maybe even…
Obama Defends Budget Proposal, Lies Repeatedly,_lies_repeatedly
– I meant directly from the White House website.  … Transcendently, epically wrong:President Barack Obama on Monday will propose a federal budget for fiscal 2012 that would pare back … The linchpin, then, is Obama.…
Liberal Website Calls Herman Cain "Black Garbage Pail Kid"
– In one of the greatest showings of racism yet from the Left-wing media, the progressive website Alternet just published a piece calling … And he doubles down by legitimating any opposition to President Barack Obama as virtuous and patriotic regardless of the bigoted well-springs…
Bill Ayers' Comrade Calls ME a Terrorist?!!
– When Obama told audiences during the 2008 campaign that "We are the change we've been waiting for," it must have been an unsettling … His brother - the one who was a blogger on Barack Obama's campaign website until he was wiped off the site after his past was discovered…
AOL/HuffPo Meet Corporate Greed
– Writer Mayhill Fowler recorded then-presidential candidate Barack Obama as he told swells at a San Francisco fundraiser that blue-collar … Last year, Fowler quit writing for HuffPo because the website refused to pay her. … OK, so what does he calling writing for a website that doesn't pay many of its contributors?…
Room for Disagreement on Gay Marriage
– President Barack Obama has been denounced by Republicans for asserting federal power at the expense of state sovereignty. … out more about Steve Chapman, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
On the GOP Menu for 2012
– Meanwhile, Huckabee thought the climate was ripe for a dissertation on Barack Obama's "Kenyan" childhood. … Except Obama didn't grow up in Kenya, and the more Huckabee tried to explain, the worse it got. … And Republicans will surely stomach the nominee, if for no other reason than they're ravenous to make Obama a one-termer.…
Do Obama’s Lousy Results Mean He’s Deliberately Destructive?’s_lousy_results_mean_he’s_deliberately_destructive
– Some conservative commentators spent their Presidents’ Day holiday ruminating over Barack Obama’s evil intentions, or denouncing the … This history makes some of the current charges about Barack Obama’s alleged malevolence especially distasteful and reprehensible—and … One typical column appeared on February 5th at the well-regarded American Thinker website, under the heading: “Obama Well Knows What…
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