Results for: sign up to vote

Three New Polls, More Bad News for Obama
– First up is the new daily tracking poll from Rasmussen, which shows Mitt Romney surging to a three-point lead nationwide:   … The numbers are a sign that those attempts to define Romney have largely failed to change the narrative in the race. … Romney can also point to his Olympics resume to illustrate his ability to extricate an enterprise from the throes of corruption and…
Farming For Food Stamps
– The United States Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, has been running an aggressive marketing campaign to sign … They are using Spanish-language ads in a soap opera style to sign up more people - and partnering with the Mexican government to reach … Republicans were elected to the House to stop spending.…
Why Should Massachusetts Beg Anyone to Vote?
– license, or for public assistance, with the chance to register to vote. … Or cajoling people to register when they sign up for food stamps, without even asking whether they're eligible to vote. … Registering to vote isn't complicated. By and large, Americans who don't vote don't want to vote.…
Chick-fil-A, Mayor Vincent Gray, and “Hate Speech”
– For expressing the opinion of the majority of voters in the 31 states where gay marriage was put to vote Chick-fil-A’s President Dan … The sign as prominent right over the barbed wire and next to the Soviet-trained machine gunners posted on the watchtowers. … dragging him to the stake.…
A Vote For Obama is a Vote For Corruption
– But, Chicago is a great city to live in. This quote from the article sums it up best. … He knows that the brightest crooks are the hardest to catch. They don’t hold out a sign that says “Put Cash in My Hand.” … When you decide to vote for Obama, you in fact are voting for Chicago corruption.…
Romney Needs Running Mate to Rally His Base
to another four years of Obama. … some are wondering if Romney actually wants to win. … He energizes Romney’s base more than anybody else is capable, and his populist streak appeals to middle class voters who are fed up
If You Like Obama's Failed Policies, Vote for Him
– He believes it to the point that he's willing to bankrupt the nation to do it. … up, not down, and dramatically so, and it's going to leave 30 million people uninsured -- he is more determined than ever to implement … The bottom line is this: If you like Obama's record, vote for him, because you're only going to get more of it -- way more if he wins…
Veepwatch: Place Your Bets
– Where are the top contenders, and what are they up to?    … Liberal academics are lining up to declare Ryan's budget the end of civilization, even though the opposite is closer to the truth.  … But he adds the element of outreach to the Hispanic vote and outreach to young people.…
WaPo/ABC News Poll: Romney Takes the Lead
– (5) A majority of voters attribute many of our economic problems to "unfairness" in the US system, a positive sign for Obama … Republicans hope to boost Romney's image on these fronts at the RNC. …   (8) Only about 15 percent of registered voters say their vote is open to persuasion at this stage.…
To California GOP, Tampa a Far-Away and Hostile Planet
– Vann also departs from the GOP base in her refusal to sign Americans for Tax Reform's infamous no-new-taxes pledge. … She doesn't plan to vote for tax increases, she said, but also, "I don't think it's good government to tie your hands." 2. … Now he is at odds with GOP stalwarts who have issues not only with his support for abortion rights and refusal to sign the no-new-taxes…
Extreme: Obama Says He's "Pro-Choice" on Late Term Abortion
– The Left has attempted to exploit the Todd Akin saga to toxify other Republicans, even those who have called for Akin to step down. … They've claimed that Paul Ryan is an "extremist" on the issue as well, hyping a story about his vote to "redefine rape."  … (The vote in question involved a bipartisan bill that tightened up the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion…
'iPledge' simulcast to urge Christians to vote
– others -- to vote, and (3) vote according to biblical values. … "So we hope that the 'iPledge Sunday' event will not only serve as a wake-up call for Christians to get off the sidelines and onto … Churches and families may learn about "iPledge Sunday" online and sign up to host a simulcast at…
Somebody Should Tell Politicians that the Military Budget is for National Defense, not Pork and Political Correctness…t_is_for_national_defense_not_pork_and_political_correctness
– I agree with George Will that it’s okay to reduce Pentagon spending. … The Army will sign contracts to buy the electricity generated by solar, wind, geothermal and biomass projects for up to 30 years. … To be sure, there are also big picture issues of national security that have to be resolved.…
US Diplomat Security Puts Americans at Risk in Pakistan
– Pyongyang to vote. … This is a wake-up call to those who think US ties with Russia might be reset. … Reservists who fled the country said thousands had been called up, but many are instead failing to report to duty or joining the exodus…
5 Reasons "Negro Spotting" At The Republican National Convention Is Stupid…gro_spotting_at_the_republican_national_convention_is_stupid
– When you consider that 90% of black Americans and roughly 70% of Hispanic Americans vote Democratic, you have to ask why there's no … After all, you wouldn't logically expect a lot of black and Hispanic Americans to show up at Tea Party rallies or at the RNC given … Jay Z would love to have 10 times as many white fans showing up because they'd be putting more money in his pocket.…
2016: The Next GOP Generation
– He went on: "College graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at fading Obama posters … "Paralyzed by our desire to be loved," he said, too many politicians think it's "more important to be popular, to say and do what's … Not while women have the vote, anyway.…
Romney and Ryan Must Knock it out of the Park in Tampa
– convince undecided swing voters he is uniquely qualified -- after a lifelong career of creating jobs -- to restore our economy to … manage and how to lead, how to grow businesses and make a profit to boot. … The CBO said that if the Bush tax cuts are allowed to return to their higher levels at year's end when they are due to expire (and…
Iowa Dems Put Obama On Notice
– Winery owner John Guinan said he “wanted to put a sign outside that said, ‘I can’t wait to vote,’ but I thought it was a bit over the … He admitted his passion to vote for Mitt Romney didn’t exist until Romney picked Paul Ryan as a running mate: “Right then and there … to another customer who pulls his pickup truck up to the Dairy Mart’s drive-thru window.…
Chicago: Teachers Go on Strike "For the Kids"
– Emanuel wanted principals to have more autonomy over hiring; he wanted teachers to be evaluated more stringently; he wanted to encourage … Emanuel tried to circumvent the union by asking individual schools' teachers to vote to waive the contract and make the school day … If you have no alternative options for childcare, visit here to sign up your child, or call 311.…
Republicans Must Offer Alternative to Democrat Moral Bankruptcy
– It took three boisterous floor votes to add these principles to the platform and listening to the ayes and nays in the third vote, … If you think debt, government dependence, broken families, and moral relativism is the path to a strong and prosperous America, sign … Republicans need to step up to the plate and start talking about our nation’s real crisis – our moral crisis.…
The DNC As I Saw It
to appeal to the large Hispanic vote in California. … Martin O’Malley came out to make up for admitting the Sunday before that we’re not better off than we were four years ago. … On order of the president, Villar called for a voice vote on amending the platform to add a mention of God and Jerusalem as the capital…
An alternative to Democrats' moral bankruptcy
– Listening to the ayes and nays on the third vote, it is questionable that they actually got the two-thirds that were needed. … If you think debt, government dependence, broken families and moral relativism form the path to a strong and prosperous America, sign … Republicans need to step up to the plate and start talking about our nation's real crisis -- our moral crisis.…
The 10 Commandments of Political Warfare for the Romney Campaign
– Listen, if you want to vote for feel-good failure, vote for him. … If you want to vote for success and accountability, vote for me.” 6. … Romney’s base is motivated to vote against Obama, but it is definitely not motivated to vote for Romney.…
CULTURE DIGEST: Gender-specific events banned by school district
– "Not every girl today is interested in growing up to be Cinderella -- not even in Cranston," Brown wrote. … The vote amounted to a reversal of the board's June decision to exempt existing clinics from the rules. … committing to make the life issue the most significant one in their decision to vote for president and all other offices.…
Heh: Reid Tries to Embarrass Scott Brown, Fails Miserably
– What a joke:   The bill Reid wants the Senate to vote on is the Sportsmen's Act of 2012. … It's a bill meant directly to appeal to Tester's constituents, which is why Reid wants a vote on it, even though it's expected to fail … "Harry Reid is literally holding up a bill to fund the government so that Jon Tester can use the Senate floor as a campaign studio,…
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