Results for: is the us at war with iran

Iran at our Doorstep Part III, Boots on the Ground,_boots_on_the_ground
– Yet, for all the evidence to the contrary, the common misconception with the American public as well as many in Washington is that … Anti-American sentiment is ripe and likely expanding throughout Latin America with Hugo Chavez of Venezuela at the forefront of the … "It is well documented that Iran is using the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Quds Force, and Hezbollah as tools…
If Israel Strikes
The Huffington Post’s Britishedition reports Netanyahu saying this: "One of those regional powers is Iran, which is continuing … What is clear is that theefforts of the Obama administration to restrain Iran over the past three yearshave been an utter failure. … The fact that Iran is daily interfering with internalaffairs all over the Middle East seemed not to faze this administration. …
Sideshow and Sabotage
– Washington, DC – Our head of state is now in Cannes, France, at the G-20 summit, gallivanting with elites from the planet’s most powerful … Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou – not an official participant in the summit – has been handed the role of “skunk at the picnic … trying to get out of their country – not unlike the final days of the Vietnam War.…
Losing the peace in Iraq?
– But what is good for the Obama re-election effort may be calamitous for Iraq and for US interests in the Middle East. … But when the United States bugs out -- as it did in Vietnam after 1972, or in Germany at the end of World War I -- the … In pulling the US military out of Iraq, the president is doing what he said he would do.…
Republicans and Risks
– It ought to be apparent where the O-Team is taking us. … Paul Vallely notes: "We're making the same mistakes we made at the end of the Vietnam War. … We now have fewer combatant ships at sea and carrier battle groups able to project power than we had at the start of World War II.…
As the world turns ... and the centrifuges whirl in Iran
– Gosh, what a surprise: According to the United Nations, Iran seems to be at work on developing a nuclear weapon. … Sarkozy's words is a little familiarity with the games of French diplomacy -- and with the history of successive French republics, … moment at the G-20 made it into the record after all.…
Open Mic, Closed Minds,_closed_minds
At the very moment when the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has confirmed that Iran is rapidly developing a nuclear … Is that supposed to reassure us? … Even the anti-Semitic Richard Nixon was there for Israel, when the chips were down during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.…
Saturday Night: GOP Foreign Policy Debate
– Gingrich is quite comfortable with foreign policy issues - he has agreed with President Obama on the need for a timely end to the war … While Perry is an old pro at giving great speeches, debating is just not his forte. … Santorum leans pretty hawkish and anti-isolationist, is against starting a trade war with China, stands with Israel, and has called…
With Friends Like These
– Could it be they don't like the way he is managing their beloved "peace process" with the Palestinians? … Only when Netanyahu embraced the false claims of the likes of Obama and Sarkozy that it is possible to reach a peace deal with the … Because the truth is that Israel never had a chance of achieving peace with the Palestinians.…
Waiting out Obama
– This view is reasonable because the US has the military capabilities to destroy Iran's nuclear program completely and do so with minimal … As he put it, the US is "absolutely" concerned about a potential Israeli attack, and "increasingly vigilant" with regard to activities … to US interests than an Israeli military strike to deny Iran nuclear capabilities is in line with the administration's consistent…
A nuclear Iran would be the gravest threat
– And even as the US role in Iraq winds down, the menace represented by Iran grows. … Last week, Reuters quoted the warning of a "senior US military official" that Iran, not al-Qaeda, is now the biggest … The birth of a nuclear Iran would be the gravest development in world affairs since the post-Cold War era began.…
Intelligence Experts Say CIA Penetration by Terrorist Group is “Catastrophic”…rts_say_cia_penetration_by_terrorist_group_is_“catastrophic”
– America), tells us, "This latest operation by Hezbollah’s against a major U.S. intelligence agency is bordering on an act of war. … But it is the effective penetration of a U.S. intelligence agency by Iran and Hezbollah that disturbs most. … “That person or persons is either a member of Hezbollah or they are working with the terrorist group. The U.S.…
Calling Things by Their Proper Names
– In Libya, after facilitating Muammar Gaddafi's overthrow, the US is faced with the prospect of dealing with an even more radical regime … How is it possible that the US finds itself today with so few good options in the Arab world after all the blood and treasure it has … Rather than fight to defend the US, the US went to war to transform the Arab world from one imbued with unmentionable religious extremism…
The Scourge of Clientitis
– In the immediate aftermath of the Cold War, the Clinton administration began transforming in earnest the US armed forces' role from … In Israel, with the onset of the peace process with the PLO in 1993, the IDF was ordered to change its operating guidelines. … But because the law is not subject to interpretation, US leverage over the UN actually increased in the aftermath of the UNESCO vote…
The Next War
– That's how we ended up with the War of 1812. … But now, after a decade of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Obama administration is following the too-familiar pattern and gutting … Meanwhile, a brutal anti-American regime in Iran is moving at full speed to build nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them.…
Iran Options
– Lead from behind: Geographically and theologically, the “Little Satan” is on the front lines of the War Against the West. … with its back against the wall. … Ahmadinejad and Khomeinei may actually believe that an apocalyptical war is necessary to summon the Hidden Imam, the Mahdi, the Savior…
Why Does America Defend the Weak and Small
– China is more than 1 billion strong, with the fastest-growing economy in the world. … A million Armenians perished during the breakup of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. … The new Turkey is beginning to look a lot like the old imperial Ottoman Sultanate.…
An ally no more
The Egyptian military is US-armed, US-trained and US-financed. … The Suez Canal is among the most vital waterways in the world for the US Navy and the global economy. … counter-terror hub in the US-led war against international jihad.…
Do American Muslims Want To Take Over Our Country?
– Islamic laws instituted throughout the nation, with the name of Muhammad revered throughout society, with the Koran memorized by children … Islam says: Whatever good there is exists thanks to the sword and in the shadow of the sword! … (perhaps several hundred million) who are in complete harmony with Khomeini, and it is foolish to ignore the violent rhetoric of a…
The real war in Iran
– Something is happening in Iran. Forces are in motion. But what is happening? And who are the forces that are on the move? … Since this week's bombing in Isfahan, the world media is rife with speculation that the war with Iran over its nuclear weapons program … to Iran's attack on the British Embassy, it is possible that these goals can be accomplished even with the US following far behind…
And Was the Mission Accomplished?
– To Kagan, an enthusiast of the war, everything vital that we won in almost nine years of fighting is at risk. … Yet the disaster that may still befall us in Iraq has not in the least inhibited the war hawks who, even now, are advancing identical … arguments for a new war, on Iran, a country three times the size of Iraq.…
Holiday Greeting's From Iran: Grim, Cynical and Desperate
– , Iran) insecure, we will make the world insecure." … Iran possesses sufficient military forces to seal the channel. … The regime buys what domestic peace it enjoys with oil money. Choke the strait, and the ayatollahs strangle themselves.…
Gingrich's Fresh Hope
– Throughout the Arab world, Islamist forces are on the rise. Iran is on the verge of becoming a nuclear power. … Gingrich's willingness to state and defend the truth about the nature of the Palestinian conflict with Israel is the perfect response … with the Obama administration abandoning traditional US support for Israel, it is becoming less and less reasonable to expect Israel…
The Covert Intelligence War Against Iran
the covert intelligence war against Iran (and the Iranian response to this war) is clearly not a new phenomenon. … What the activities of recent months do tell us is that the covert war between Iran and its enemies will not be diminishing anytime … The Covert Intelligence War Against Iran is republished with permission of STRATFORRead more: The Covert Intelligence War Against Iran
GOP Presidential Race: What's the Rush?
– This time, the GOP field is not getting the same courtesy. … about the Iran-Iraq war: It's a pity only one of them can lose.   … -ly -- and his promises to dazzle us in his debates with Obama, Gingrich is the bad-boy suitor of the race.…
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