Results for: sign up to vote

Washington Beat Preview: Election Edition
– They’ll get to cross the finish line in what promises to be a wickedly exciting race. They’ll get to….  … Within the first few weeks of the new session, Republicans will have to vote to raise the debt ceiling — something Republican Committee … you haven't done so already, sign up for the Washington Beat before it goes out today at 1pm!…
Senate Rundown
– That means Republicans have to win 6 of the 7 following toss up seats: California, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Washington … Finally, remember to vote!  Not out of anger, not out of fear.  … Say a prayer and then vote.…
Shift in Washington State Boosts GOP Senate Hopes
– Most interesting was the fact that Barney Frank has dropped below 50 percent of the vote, a sign of possible defeat. … Please donate funds to help us move the numbers in these races. To donate, go to … It is up to each of us to make these poll numbers into reality Nov. 2.…
Post Mortem: Random Notes on an Election
– him to some of us. … Obama to follow suit. … Common Man show a little independence in a midterm election, rear up and vote Republican, and suddenly he's transformed into somebody…
A Freshman, Not a Rookie,_not_a_rookie
– Huizenga admits that lacking a Senate majority, much less the 60-vote margin needed to pass anything in the Senate, and a president … who is unlikely to sign any bill that would dismantle his premiere issue; the law will probably not be quickly repealed. … Has he figured out a way to respond to attacks by Democrats that Republicans only care for the rich?…
The Day Before
– You can look it up, as Casey Stengel used to say. … I vote for faith. It's also a tribute to experience. The American Dream isn't just a prospect. … It takes grace to remain unapologetic for material wellbeing. Indeed, to expect it. To plan on it.…
Lugar on New START: "The Votes Are There"
– They argue that their beloved boss would never sign on to such a raw deal for America, despite one of the 44th president's favorite … talking point: President Obama has taken to the airwaves to pump up support for the New Start Treaty with Russia by arguing that Ronald … George Will used his column last week to outline his skepticism over the treaty; it's worth the read.…
Why 'True Consensus' is Against Obama
– me more" not to. … jobs, only to have the President take credit for it and cruise to reelection. … And spiking into their faces the pathetic volley they had served up Saturday is an encouraging sign.…
The Making of a President
– With their three-to-two majorities, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid could have forced the Republicans to vote again and again during the … "He could have told the Republicans, 'No way do I sign a bill that gives tax cuts to the rich.'" … This is a relief for small businessmen and farmers who want to deed all they have built up to their kids.…
Even With Tax Compromise, Obama Won't Change,_obama_wont_change
– said was not going to get much better. … unemployment to 8 percent or less by 2012. … When the recent House bill to raise taxes on individuals, families and small businesses came up for a vote in the Senate on Saturday…
Conservatives Plan Countermeasures to Neutralize FCC Internet Edict
– Olympia Snowe (R-ME), who objects to FCC interference. “It’s important to force this vote, whether it succeeds or not. … sign such a petition, and vowing to compel a floor vote next session. … This fight is the first opportunity for Congress to show whether it has the will to stand up to these executive branch power grabs,…
New Year's Resolutions for State Legislators
– Explanation: Third-party payments are driving up medical costs; the best antidote to ObamaCare is more patient power. … Explanation: It is un-American to force a worker to donate to a candidate, yet many government unions support liberal candidates from … VACCINATION: "There shall be a philosophical exemption to all vaccination requirements, and no student shall be denied admission to
Not Just Whistlin' Dixie!!
– They would not dare to submit this issue to New York voters. … Not one state in New England that has tried to force acceptance of same-sex relationships as marriages has allowed the people to vote … It is certainly a hopeful sign when blacks and whites join hands to protect the most important of our civil institutions.…
House Raises the Ceiling
– He never sold his plan to Democrats in Congress. … This vote didn't have to come down to the wire.The administration's biggest miscalculation, however, can be seen in its insistence … have to give up something, too, or as the president said of the cuts-only plan last week, "it's not fair."…
A Conservative Case for the Debt Deal -- Plus: Does Boehner Have the Votes?…e_case_for_the_debt_deal_--_plus_does_boehner_have_the_votes
– Sooner or later the GOP had to give up the hostage. … I think these concerns are exaggerated for three reasons: (1) At least one of the six Republican members would have to sign off on … , and requires President Obama to formally request two more debt ceiling increases prior to the 2012 election.…
Hillary in '12! -- The Stupid Left-Wing Case for Dumping Obama!_--_the_stupid_left-wing_case_for_dumping_obama
– If you're a lefty, sure there's stuff to grumble about. … to the tea party-led Republicans on the debt deal. … sign on, and proclaimed it "bipartisan."…
Sic Semper Tyrannis
– Except, of course, to shut up and pay our taxes. … Loni Hancock acts to thwart Amazon referendum.” is financing a referendum to challenge and place to a public vote legislation … Hancock’s goal is to prevent just such a public vote.…
NY-9 Could Affect White House Israeli Policy
– afternoon, Ruth Lieberman, a veteran political consultant who has been helping Republican Bob Turner in his special election race to … Anthony Weiner's seat in New York, spoke with Townhall about the dynamics between Turner and the Jewish vote in this race and broader … The Turner campaign sent out 5,000 letters to registered voters in Israel, asking them to register for the ballots and place them in…
Ten Years, A Vapid Speech and Bans Galore,_a_vapid_speech_and_bans_galore
– I felt an uncontrollable urge to do something. What, I had no idea. I wanted to get to D.C., but that wasn’t possible. … The more freedom-loving people stand up to these micro-tyrannies dependent on pre-science, the better the chance liberty survives. … to come across him.…
NFL Fan Sues Player & Team Over Fan Appreciation Day Injury
– It’s nice to have football back. … During training camp that year, the Eagles opened up one of their practices for a fan appreciation event, where players sign autographs … As part of the fan interaction, Rocca booted a ball up into the stands, and told the fan who caught it to throw it back.…
This Is Where I Came In
– They wound up turning over their bases in the country to the Arab fighters streaming across the border from what was then Trans-Jordan … to resume. … Somebody really ought to put up a sign outside the UN's faceless building on the East Side whenever this show is revived: UN GENERAL…
Conservative: What’s in a Name?
– Now someone can cozy up to Islam and be a conservative. … Now someone can vote to raise the debt ceiling, continue funding broke welfare state entitlements, printing a fiat currency, bailing … The most blatant example: only 14 of the 87 Tea Party freshmen signed a pledge promising to vote for the “cut, cap, and balance” deficit…
De Pasquale's Dozen with Author Kurt Schlichter
– suck up the fact that I can publish it and you can read it and they no longer get a vote.” … You’re in it now, up to your neck! They told me that you’re a genius with explosives. Start proving it! … Before I went off to law school, my mom, who was a judge, told me to remember that “Everybody lies.”…
Stop Whining About 'Racist' Voter ID -- and Get Granny to the Polls
– Given that ex-felons are not likely to vote a straight Republican ticket, a cynic might say what drives the effort is the likelihood … Please sign your name there (pointing to the signature line in his huge book of precinct voter registrations). … If campaign workers can mount get-out-the-vote efforts, including picking up voters on Election Day and driving them to the voting…
Pakistan Convicts Five on Terror Links
– No single country is strong enough to stand up to China, but collectively, with US Naval back-up, the Chinese are no match for the … to 120 marines each to Russia's naval facility in the Syrian port of Tartus. … Israeli aircraft destroyed the vehicles, where the gunmen used to try to storm the fortified border.…
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