Results for: is the us at war with iran

The Dangerous Dog Days of Summer
– Maybe it is the effects of the heat, or the sense of urgency to do something before the cold of winter; but nonetheless, we've also … The world is once again heating up with the weather. Iran boasts of its new nuclear reactor -- with more to come. … Unfortunately, the past Guns of August teach us that war may be looking for those who are not looking for war.…
Prelude to Appeasement
– 6) even tough sanctions will not deter Iran -- moreover, Russia is too invested in Iran to truly cooperate with us, and even Europe … And, factually, they assume the danger is off by at least a year -- and that Iran is running into technical problems. … There is nothing wrong with appeasement if the aggressor can be appeased at acceptable costs.…
The 'End of the Beginning' on Shariah?
– It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." … The prospect that the tide is beginning now to turn in our generation's War for the Free World can be found in those signs. … , we may just be at the end of the beginning of this war to keep America shariah-free.…
Glenn Beck's 8.28 Restoring Honor Full Interview
– Something is happening at the end of the event that has not been done in about 240 years and its something I worked behind the scenes … The problem is sometimes, at least it is with me, I find doing what I think I’m supposed to do extraordinarily uncomfortable sometimes … The second thing is, and many in America will disagree with me, that this is the oldest battle known to man.…
Islamist Infiltration
Iran is feverishly working on nuclear long-range missiles; the failure to issue the smallest encouragement to the Iranian freedom … Let us teach them that the white man is the enemy of humanity and that they should destroy him at the first opportunity." … and partnering with the Brotherhood, that it is actively undermining our national security, and that it controls CAIR and at least…
Plan B
– As The New York Times reports, the Obama administration is now fighting a "shadow war against Al Qaeda and its allies." … At the same time, "the Pentagon is becoming more like the C.I.A." with Special Operations conducting "spying missions that were once … imperative to take the war to the enemy rather than wait for him to come to us.…
The Cakewalk War
– But then the tide recedes, for the one endeavor at which Islamic peoples excel is expelling imperial powers by terror and guerrilla … To stampede us into war, the neocons told us that Saddam was tied to al Qaeda and had a role in 9/11, that he had VX gas, botulism, … , did not threaten us and did not want war with us -- to strip it of weapons it did not have.…
The Worst of Times
The problem is with Israel's occupation of Arab lands ... not with the Jews.' Food for thought."Let's chow down. … in Iran, the ‘liberated' people of Iraq, plus several close Muslim friends of mine who are--at least, it seems to me--far more civilized … To attack the Islamists is, on the contrary, to defend the Muslims themselves, the first though not the only victims of the Islamists…
Book Review
– That would be fine with me if we could be certain about what was on the next page, or whether the "book," which is about more than … For the president, the next page is Afghanistan. … to bend the knee to Sharia law do not worry at all about offending us.…
On the Court, Colombia, Venezuela, NASA, Giant Carp, Etc.,_colombia,_venezuela,_nasa,_giant_carp,_etc
– Also, of the 50 states, at least 31 are insolvent. … Kennedy is the fifth, or swing, vote between the court's leftist and conservative wings. … He loves Comrade Fidel, makes nice to Iran and China -- and is a wannabe member of the Axis of Evil.…
The Mosque Controversy
– this calculated insult.What may surprise some people is that the American taxpayer is currently financing a trip to the Middle East … us a lot about the moral dry rot that is undermining this country from within.In this, as in other things, Barack Obama is not so … to enjoy a freedom that is all too rare in other countries around the world, even at this late date in human history.They think the
Time to START Standing Up for America
– interpretation hasn't been cleared with the Russians, who assert that the preamble puts a binding limit on the U.S. missile defense … the United States was committed to retaliate and dump massive destruction on the Soviet Union.In the years of the Cold War, we assumed … Most important, New START does nothing whatever to protect us from a nuclear Iran or North Korea or Syria or even China. The U.S.…
Crimes Against Liberty
The truth is, everyone has an agenda. The issue is not the agenda, but the evidence one presents! … Todd Graziano, Member of US Commission on Civil Rights, says there is a culture in the DOJ where they “don’t believe the voting rights … Barack Obama is not the President we’ve been waiting for, but Crimes Against Liberty is the book we’ve been waiting for.…
We've Been Warned
– As Bernie Marcus, the entrepreneur who founded the Home Depot recently said: “If the country is not strong economically, we can’t be … The Gulf is not the only area where vast amounts of energy are waiting to be tapped. … funded project that will bring oil to the US from the tar sands of Western Canada, creating 20,000 jobs with no taxpayer money.…
The Diminishing Returns of Reasonableness
– Guard) of scheming to commit an act of war against us, the administration made it clear that it wanted a diplomatic response to the … Bush spent a lot of time at the U.N. before we invaded Iraq. … Lose the fear, lose the incentive for reasonableness. Iran won't even consider being reasonable until it's afraid of us.…
McCarthy: No, the White House Didn't Fabricate the Iranian Terror Plot,_the_white_house_didnt_fabricate_the_iranian_terror_plot
– But this Iran case is not being run by Main Justice — and I don’t mean to cast aspersions at Main Justice, where many fine people work … The case is being handled by my old office (the Southern District of New York), where the U.S. attorney is a very honorable guy and … likely prevent the US from mounting much of a forceful push-back against Iran. …
The forgotten Christians of the East
– In Turkey, the Christian population has dwindled from 2 million at the end of World War I to less than 100,000 today. … Syria, the French Foreign Ministry reacted with anger to Rai's warning of what is liable to befall Syria's Christians in the event … Rai's visit to the US was supposed to begin with a visit to Washington and meetings with senior administration officials including…
Autocracies United
– regime than stand with the Syrian people.” … It was not settled by World War I or World War II or by the Cold War. … Putin supports the regimes that rule Syria and Iran not least because their aim is to diminish the United States -- which Putin sees…
Reflections on the Iranian Assassination Plot
The first is that, as history has shown, it is not unusual for Iran to employ unconventional assassins in plots inside the United States … He is purportedly the cousin of a senior Quds Force officer and was in Iran talking to his cousin when he was recruited. … covert intelligence war with the United States and its allies for several years now.…
Libya, Iraq: Now What?,_iraq_now_what
– Let us consider what is at stake here: Iran has enough influence to shape some Iraqi policies. … This is the nature of war. The idea of an immaculate war is fantasy. … It is not that war is not at times necessary, but a war that is delusional is always harmful.…
Aiding and Abetting a Real War
– any armored vehicle in the U.S. inventory.Now, with U.S. forces set to withdraw from Iraq by the end of the year, U.S. and NATO commanders … Despite claims of "religious purity," Iran has one of the world's highest drug abuse rates in the world.Meanwhile, the U.S. border … is a virtual "superhighway" for drug and human smuggling into the U.S.…
Iran's war to win
Iran declared war on the US in 1979. … Iran's war against the US is a war that only Iran is fighting. … And if something doesn't change very quickly, it is clear that since Iran is the only side fighting the war, Iran is the only side…
From the Mediterranean to the Hindu Kush: Rethinking the Region
– What is clear is that the Saudis, seeing themselves as caught in a struggle with Iran, were not going to hand the Iranians an excuse … At the same time, the United States likely was concerned with the possibility of Saudi Arabia trying to arrange its own deal with Iran … What we do know is this: The crisis over Iran that we expected by the end of the year is here.…
Obama Wears a White Hat
– For instance, the LRA is not a "Christian" militia. … The murderous task is considered properly executed only when the victim is mutilated beyond recognition." … Yes, the LRA is a terrorist group, but it's not at war with us.…
Iran at our Doorstep Part III, Boots on the Ground,_boots_on_the_ground
– Yet, for all the evidence to the contrary, the common misconception with the American public as well as many in Washington is that … Anti-American sentiment is ripe and likely expanding throughout Latin America with Hugo Chavez of Venezuela at the forefront of the … "It is well documented that Iran is using the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Quds Force, and Hezbollah as tools…
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