Results for: is the us at war with iran

The High Price of Coalition Stability
– Barak is also the deep strategic thinker who brought us the Palestinian terror war. … statehood; to accept US mediated indirect negotiations with Fatah; and to pretend that the Obama administration is a credible ally … He also knows that the US president is not going to do a thing to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power.…
Weathering the Approaching Storm
– among them while ignoring the emerging threats with the potential to lead us to great calamities. … While in all likelihood today the Iranian opposition green movement is unable to overthrow the regime, if Iran initiates a war against … The longer term lesson of the Mavi Marmara incident, and the threats that emerged in its wake is that war is too serious a subject…
Why Don't You Get It, Or Do You Get It Too Well?,_or_do_you_get_it_too_well
– This is, as I have said memorably, "the war that has to be won." On dealing with insurgencies, Petraeus wrote the book. … Government by the worst men, sir....And the inability of you and the esteemed secretary of state to get the Chinese to agree with us … I hope you're not laughing at the great Paul Krugman and the great me and our policies to spend and tax to get us out of this mess.…
Is Democracy Overrated?
– During our war with Mexico, the Brits were on their side, not ours. … During our Civil War, Tsar Alexander I wished us well, while the British wanted to see the United States permanently divided and weakened … Patrick Buchanan is the author of the book "Churchill, Hitler and 'The Unnecessary War."…
Making the World More Dangerous
– Kerry stressed that his visit and the decision to send an ambassador to Damascus reflect the fact that engagement with Syria is "a … At a grinning joint press conference, the two competed to spew insults at the United States. … his strategic alliance with Iran."…
A Bipartisan Moment
– In the House, the tally was an overwhelming 408 to 8, with 17 members not voting. … What we can say with certainty: This is the last peaceful means to that end, the only way left, short of military force, to do something … As the threat from Iran and North Korea grow the case for delay shrinks.…
(Even a Few) Words Matter
– Why, after a horrendous war with Iran, would Saddam Hussein have risked another one with Kuwait? … Kuwait ... the Kuwait issue is not associated with America." … To the world at large, Obama apologized for Guantanamo Bay, the war on terror, and some activities of the CIA.…
Kagan's Shariah Problem
– There is a serious problem with the nomination of Elena Kagan to a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court:  "...As Dean [of theAt a minimum, if confirmed, Kagan should be required to recuse herself from dealing with any matters coming before the court involving … Kagan's association with and enabling of Shariah is flatly at odds with the Constitution's stipulation that it is the supreme law…
Fidel Castro Predicts Nuclear War
Iran in the straits of Hormuz. … For us, war was unthinkable. … Nuclear superiority over the Soviets at the time of the (so-called) Missile Crisis (five thousand nuclear warheads for us, three hundred…
From Berlin to Jerusalem
The notion that the Israelis would raze Al-Aqsa to build a temple on its ruins — as the mufti has also claimed — is a ludicrous slander … Also overlooked is the historical context. In the 1930s, the mufti of Jerusalem was Haj Amin el-Husseini. … The number of people who appear to be buying these fictions is not insignificant.…
Obama the Gipper?
The Political Left is in a meltdown. There's no way to sugarcoat the calamity. It is falling apart. … Obama said during the presidential primaries that he would meet with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea without … At the height of the Cold War, Reagan invited newly-appointed Mikhail Gorbachev, leader of the 'Evil Empire,' for a summit in Geneva…
The Desperation of an Afghan Deal
– A consensus is growing among foreign policy realists, skittish NATO allies and anti-war activists that the time has come to cut a deal … with the Taliban. … The only hope is to pursue not only reintegration of low- and mid-level Taliban fighters into Afghan society but reconciliation with
The New, Improved Obama,_improved_obama
– and Israel, it certainly sends a clear signal that this is the direction the US is heading. … Iran's goal is to present the image that the US is withdrawing in defeat. … As for Afghanistan, last March the Sunday Times reported that Iran is training Taliban fighters at camps inside Iran.…
Change We Must Believe In
the delusion that all is not lost with Turkey. … The last thing the top brass wants is to give an impression that they are cozying up with Israelis..." … And the more powerful the Brotherhood becomes in Egypt, the more likely it is that Egypt will abrogate its peace treaty with Israel…
Quotables by Walesa, Pence, Wilders, Coolidge, the 2011 Budget, Etc.…es_by_walesa,_pence,_wilders,_coolidge,_the_2011_budget,_etc
– Mike Pence, Republican Congressman from Indiana, at a Republican retreat with President Obama: "Your administration . . . told us that … Well, unemployment is (9.5) percent. . . . Now, Republicans offered a stimulus bill at the same time. … Ralph Peters, New York Post columnist and author of "The War After Armageddon": "It is a (literally) bloody disgrace that our ragtag…
Rising Speculation About Bombing Iran's Nukes
– This is not out of line with his views over the years. Gerecht assumes that the United States will not launch an attack. … The fact is that Iran has been at war with the United States since 1979, when it seized and held our diplomats for 444 days -- an act … War with Iran would be a terrible thing.…
Sanctions Plus?
– Does that leave us, as French President Nicholas Sarkozy phrased it, having to choose between an Iran with the bomb, and the bombing … It’s crazy to let Iran also beat us in the race for fuel diversification and security.2)      Tehran is planning to build natural gas … risk – are trying to change the way Iran is ruled?…
Castro Prepares for a U.S. Bail-Out
– "The embargo against Cuba is the stupidest law ever passed in the U.S." … Stupidity is our issue—more specifically, the stupidity (or dishonesty) of claiming the U.S. embargoes all commerce with Cuba. … them at a higher rate pre-war Hitler, who came closest of anyone in history to nuking us, who right before 9/11 stood arm in arm…
GOP Blank Check for War?
The Pentagon has made clear that with two wars of nearly a decade's duration bleeding us, we do not want a third war with Iran. … And half of the centrifuges at Natanz have broken down. Undeniably, Iran is gaining knowledge of how to build a bomb. … Why, with all the issues going for them, House Republicans would announce full-throated support for a pre-emptive war on Iran that…
None Dare Call It... What?
– In a speech last week at The American Enterprise Institute in Washington, Gingrich said, "this is not a war on terrorism ... this isThe problem, he said, is that too many leaders are "sleepwalking" and won't face the threat. … The problem is that too many are imprisoned in denial.…
Gen. Jones Is Not a Useful Idiot
– Syria is widely viewed as a client state of Iran, whose own nuclear ambitions have the world—even the normally impotent UN—so alarmed … Jones, the Post informs us, is a light sleeper. … Reading how closely he is working with his “opposite number”—as he calls Prikhodko—is enough to cause all of us to lose sleep.…
Coming Home at Last?
At home, the war led to the rout of the Republicans and the election of an anti-war liberal Democrat. … And we wonder why these ungrateful people hate us. The Afghan War was, at its inception, a just war. … Not at all. They are debating and devising a new war -- with Iran.…
Why Does America Always Have To Prove Its Good Will?
– he thinks, at the very least, that the United States has mistreated and antagonized the world's Muslims. … we have given the impression that we are at war with Islam? … Bush's frequent, adamant assertions that "we are not at war with Islam."…
Israel's Made-in-America Enemies
– UNFORTUNATELY, THE LAF is not the only military organization aligned with Israel's enemies that the US is arming and training. … The significance of this is that at the start of a new battle [with the Palestinians] the price that we will pay will be higher. … It is true; the US is abetting and aiding the war against Israel by sponsoring the LAF and the Palestinian military.…
The Future for a Radical
– , the anti-Vietnam War protester who blew up a building at the University of Wisconsin, killing an innocent physics researcher, Robert … None had much promise, but there was a tremendous legitimacy to them at first, at least in comparison with those of us who favored … gifts at obfuscation to argue that he was talking about peaceful ways to end the Vietnam War, though what they might have been is
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