Results for: is the us at war with iran

We Surge, Yet Iran Wins,_yet_iran_wins
– (region)," there are in fact other contexts involving Iran that have nothing to do with Israel, and everything to do with us. … With Karzai at his side, A-jad "accused the United States of promoting terrorism." … Anyone want to bet that Iran won't be the big winner again at the end of America's latest "surge"? Back to A-jad's busy whirl.…
Are the Actions of Iran’s Leaders Truly Unacceptable to America?’s_leaders_truly_unacceptable_to_america
– Since the beginning of the thugocracy in Iran that began with the 1979 revolution, Iranians have been paying dearly to bring change … England, Germany and France have greatly profited from dealings with Iran while looking the other way on the mullahs’ terrorist activities … We must understand and acknowledge that the current regime in Iran is bent on turning the entire planet into an Islamic one.…
The Obama Doctrine
The idea is to set an example and send a message that a nuclear-free world is achievable. … At best, START is like worrying about the guy smoking a stogie in the living room while ignoring the fire engulfing the kitchen. … "This is not honest and, frankly, I think it's hurtful in our relations with the Muslim world," Lieberman said on a Sunday news show…
Obama to the World: Damn America, Full Speed Ahead,_full_speed_ahead
– Soviet agent Alger Hiss worked as part of the American delegation at Yalta; communist superspy Kim Philby and the rest of the so-called … So it's fair to let FDR off the hook, at least minimally, for Yalta. Not so with President Obama. … Obama championed it in order to set an example for the rest of the world: "With this agreement, the United States and Russia … send…
Obama In the Nuclear World: The Enemy is War Itself
At that time, our President was still holding frequent press briefings in which he reminded us of the terrible $1.3 trillion deficit … Yet the time for “assuming the best” has expired with President Obama. … When quizzed about his new-fangled way of thinking by Ramsey, Hunter explains that “in the nuclear world, the true enemy is war itself…
Take the Painkiller and Go Home
– But the key is to think dynamically. Start with the brutal fact that this is not your father's Democrat Party. … The deficit for this year is now projected at $1.6 trillion. … Even the CBS/New York Times poll shows disapproval of Congress, with its huge Democrat majorities, at 73%, with only 17% approving.…
19th Century Americans
– And we have fewer friends and more adversaries than at the end of the Cold War. What has all this intervention availed us? … Her educational system at the primary and secondary level is a shambles. … war that has lasted a decade, the end of which it is impossible to see.…
Iranian Chicken: Is Obama Posturing?
– Mahmoud Ahmadinejad put on a predictable show at the U.N. conference on Monday, claiming the U.S. is actively threatening the world … The other school of thought is: if Hitler came to the US before World War II, and we would have known what he was going to do, would … Gardiner said he firmly believes the threat from Iran is imminent, and that the only acceptable way of dealing with it is by abandoning…
Security Policy by Bumper Sticker
– When I was a little girl, at the height of the Cold War, I used to wish, deeply and fervently, that nuclear weapons had … "This revised assurance is intended to underscore the security benefits of adhering to and fully complying with the NPT and persuade … This is a fatuous distraction from the main issue -- Iran.…
Kurdistan: the "Second Israel"
– Halabja, Iraq - Twenty-two years ago, in this dusty town hard up against the mountainous border with Iran, Saddam Hussein's military … At a university in the Kurdish capital of Erbil, students meeting with our delegation express admiration for Israelis' courage - somewhat … We think it is in the interest of Iraq to have relations with Israel.…
The World Is a Cruel Place -- and If America Weakens, It Will Get Crueler…a_cruel_place_--_and_if_america_weakens,_it_will_get_crueler
Iran Iran is ruled by the heirs of Nazism, if that word still means anything after being cheapened by the Left for decades, most … But there is more to the Congolese genocide -- the absence of reporting about it in the world's media and its being a non-issue atThe United Nations The net result of the United Nations is an increase in evil on earth.…
South Korea, North Korea, Israel and Iran,_north_korea,_israel_and_iran
– And it is true that the international media is pointing to the White House announcement as an indication that the US will stand with … But the Obama administration's relations with China on the one hand, and its emasculation of the US Navy on the other demonstrate that … Its stated aim is to destroy the global order, annihilate Israel and the US and usher in a Shiite messianic era in which Iran will…
Israel's Gaza Blockade: It Works
– To be sure, the boycott is mainly symbolic, but at least in principle the measure is aimed at hurting all Arizonans regardless of whether … The blockade, which is surely causing real suffering, is entirely the fault of Hamas and the Palestinians who support it. … And it would signal that Iran is the most important power in the Middle East.…
Threaten War to Keep Peace
With Iran pouring in rockets, missiles and reportedly chemical warheads to Hezbollah, the chances of a blood bath between Arabs … Be aware that the hour is growing very late to avert a major war in the Middle East. … With the blind leading the blind, never has the expression “head for the hills” had more meaning.…
The Plain Truth About Israel
– its alliance with the US. … But every time the US seeks to attenuate its ties with Israel, it is viewed as an untrustworthy ally by the nations of the Middle East … And that truth is that love the Jews or hate us, the US's alliance with Israel has been and remains America's most cost-effective national…
Random Thoughts
– I would be happy if they would just cool the rhetoric. A newspaper headline said: "U.S. Growing Impatient with Iran." … In both cases, the actual well-being of the mascots is not the point. Mascots exist to be symbols for others. … In all the years when the Arab states controlled the area that Israel took over after the 1967 war, nobody cared what happened to the
Israel's Daunting Task
– Its financial dependence on Saudi Arabia, its strategic ties with the US and the ongoing war between its government and the Taliban … Since the US invasion of Iraq and even more forcefully since the 2006 war between Israel and Hizbullah, Iran has taken the lead in … rewards US enemies at the expense of US allies.…
Let’s Go To The Video Tape’s_go_to_the_video_tape
The world almost at once, with a complicit United Nations and American mainstream media primed and eager to help, morphed into one … The United States’ official response has been tepid at best and shameful at worst. … Long thought to be an ally of ours—even in NATO these days—the simple truth is that Turkey is moving down the path toward radicalization…
– , the reality is that the Russian constitution is what Vladimir Putin says it is. … Putin is only No. 2 on paper. He is the premier. But the reality is that Putin dominates Russia today. … Signing an arms reduction agreement with them now makes no sense. They may not want war, but they want the fruits of war.…
Will Our Peace Prizewinner Lead Us Into a New War?
The melee on the ferry deck showed “peace” activists attacking the Israeli commandos with sharpened iron bars. … Who is responsible for this serious downward spiral in the Mideast? Who else? … Will this be one more chapter in the lamentable story of how weak and irresolute leadership leads us into war?…
Ending Israel's Losing Streak
– nature of the war being waged against us. … The reality is simple and stark. Israel is the target of a massive information war that is unprecedented in scale and scope. … Israel is the target of a massive information war.…
Netanyahu, Obama's Prop,_obamas_prop
The Democratic Party is feeling the heat for US President Barack Obama's hostility towards Israel. … The only difference between the Egyptian draft and the US draft on the issue is that the Egyptians call for the conference to be held … and that radical Islam is not a threat to the US.…
Just Asking - About Public Topics Near and Far
– -- Indeed, does the Obama administration know who our enemies are -- given that (a) a war formerly known as "The Long War" and "Theat the altar of dubious social policy? … "Any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized, and humane must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the
Alternatives to Surrender.
– And not only is it going in the wrong direction, it is doing so at Gilad Schalit's expense. … The government is acting with similar madness in its relations with the Obama administration. … loyal to the US-Israel alliance and that the Republicans are wrong to claim that there is a difference between the two major US political…
Saving Obama From Himself
– Or earlier pontificating at the Victory Monument in Berlin? … But now the once-enthralled electorate is starting to tire of the hope-and-change platitudes, and even of the easy blame-gaming of … The reality of Barack Obama is that he was an inexperienced community organizer with an undistinguished record as a Senate newcomer…
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