Results for: maricopa county

Mexico City, Washington Gang up on Phoenix,_washington_gang_up_on_phoenix
– With any luck, this will give the administration a chance to give up for global censure Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio as a too-flamboyant…
Dreams of Obama
– ·        January 2011: The newly-elected Senate confirms Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz. as Director of Homeland Security…
Low Self Esteem: Boo Hoo
– open border activist group Derechos Humanos, which advocates for the elimination of the border fence, amnesty and the removal of MaricopaCounty Sheriff Joe Arpaio from office.…
The Democrats' War on the West
– For its part, the Obama Justice Department's Civil Rights Division has targeted Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio for more … Uintah County, Utah, officials have sued the Interior Department over the rescinded leases, which have cost the state untold millions…
Gov. Jan Brewer vs. Chuck Norris
– Recently added to liberals' notorious list of outlaws is Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who not only has a bounty on him by Mexican…
The Price of Victory
– The Maricopa County loudmouth has earned a national reputation out of his hard-line on illegal immigration and happens to be under…
Briefs: On Yousef, McChrystal, Manning, ObamaCare, the Shroud, Etc.…s_on_yousef,_mcchrystal,_manning,_obamacare,_the_shroud,_etc
– ." ***** Bulletin: A Mexican drug cartel has put a $1 million bounty on the head of Arizona's Maricopa County Sheriff Joe…
Race of the Day: Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District Rematch’s_fifth_congressional_district_rematch
– The district, which includes Scottsdale, Tempe, and the northeastern corner of Maricopa County has a Cook Partisan Voting Index of … As Treasurer of Maricopa County, he responsibly handled billions worth of taxpayer dollars, as he implemented a tax system that was…
Of Course: "When Should You Shoot a Cop Flyers" Blamed on Tea Party
– Last week I brought you a story about flyers instructing and encouraging cop killing being found by a Maricopa County Sheriff Deputy…
Occupy Phoenix Asks: When Should You Shoot a Cop?
– question and laying out justifications for doing so were left at the Occupy Wall Street location in Phoenix, Arizona and found by a MaricopaCounty Sheriff Deputy. … The presence of the letter was reported to the ACTIC by a Maricopa County Sheriff's Deputy who had responded to an unrelated call and…
Riding in the Desert: Child Sexual Exploitation, Drug Running, Human Smuggling and Violence…exual_exploitation_drug_running_human_smuggling_and_violence
– Pinal County, Ariz. … -This week I was privileged to participate in a ride along with the Arizona Pinal County Sheriff’s Office and got a first hand look … I started off the day by driving to Florence, Ariz. where the Pinal County Sheriff’s headquarters is located.…
Obama Targeting Police Nationwide to Divert from Fast and Furious…_targeting_police_nationwide_to_divert_from_fast_and_furious
– on law enforcement agencies began last week on December 15, when the DOJ announced vague racial profiling accusations against MaricopaCounty Sheriff Joe Arpaio. … The Meridian Police Department and Lauderdale County Juvenile Detention Center are under investigation by the DOJ for alleged discriminatory…
Sheriff Joe Arrests Hundreds of Illegal Aliens
– "Operation Sky" another success for Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Maricopa County Sheriff Arpaio calls this month long operation a major … The operation featured Sheriff's posse members flying in small planes searching for smugglers in rural Maricopa County.…
Concerns Over Illegal Immigration Becoming Mainstream
– Regular sheriffs like Arizona’s Paul Babeu of Pinal County and Larry Dever of Cochise County are speaking up loudly about their frustrations … County Attorney Andrew Thomas is now being eroded. … Pinal County has become the number one pass through county in the nation for drug and human trafficking.…
Arizona Prospering After SB 1070
– Illegal immigrants were already leaving Arizona before SB 1070 was passed, due to previous enforcement efforts led primarily by MaricopaCounty Sheriff Joe Arpaio, former Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas and Senator Russell Pearce.…
Obama's War Against Arizona
– Obama’s Justice Department has also targeted Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. … Maricopa County is responsible for one out of every four deportations in the country. … When the sheriff of America’s fourth largest county is threatened by foreign enemies, you would think that the president would assist…
How America Can Stand By Arizona
– When Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio cracked down on illegal immigration without getting permission from Obama, they threatened…
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Blasting Christmas Carols to Inmates
– who are away from friends and family during the holidays, not just the inmates, but the dedicated men and women who work in the MaricopaCounty Jails," the sheriff said in an announcement Sunday. … The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, to which Sheriff Arpaio was first elected in 1992 after a 25-year career at the U.S.…
Courts come through with back-to-back-to-back Home Runs
– The unanimous decision of a three judge panel overturns an injunction previously imposed by a Maricopa County Superior Judge and allows…
Michele Bachmann Seeking Sheriff Arpaio Endorsement
– Michele Bachmann is trying to lock down an endorsement from Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio as the race for the White House continues … Get the endorsement of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the self-proclaimed toughest sheriff in America whose uncompromising stand…
Recall of Senator Russell Pearce Spearheaded by Far Left
– Afterwards, he turned around and sued the county for $500,000. … The Arizona State Bar is trying to disbar former Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas, known for his aggressive efforts fighting … The Maricopa County Republican Party Executive Guidance Committee issued a resolution this month denouncing the Bar’s prosecution,…
Conservative Icon is Under Assault
– He served at every level rising to become Chief Deputy for Maricopa County Sheriff's Office.…
CULTURE DIGEST: Pastor jailed, fined for home church; city says it's a zoning issue…or_jailed_fined_for_home_church_city_says_its_a_zoning_issue
– In a decision upheld on appeal, the Maricopa County Superior Court found Michael Salman guilty of 67 building code violations.…
Jan Brewer's Photo With Obama
– laws against illegal aliens, withdrawing National Guardsmen from the Mexican border, initiating a civil rights investigation of MaricopaCounty Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and the scandal of the "Fast and Furious" gun-sale operation.Fast and Furious was a secret Obama administration…
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