Results for: dissent from supreme power

Woke Academic Gobbledygook Makes You Rich and Famous
– Spelman College, a JD from Columbia Law School, a Ph.D. from Columbia in anthropology, and a career in classical ballet is somehow … All that matters, in true Foucault fashion, is power. … That, presumably, is the reason why Bridges treats dissent as a form of violence -- oligarchs usually do.…
As Journalists Continue to 'Fight' Disinformation, They Ignore Mounting Examples Seen in the Press…ion-they-ignore-mounting-examples-seen-in-the-press-n2610072
– It came under fierce criticism, including from Fox and right-wing media." … These are serious cases of medical misinformation receiving little to no outrage from other members of the press, the same sources … Not only was this an old story from June 2021, but it was completely debunked over a year ago.…
Trump Is Not an 'Insurrectionist'
– Damning," the New York Post wrote: "His only focus was to find any means -- damn the consequences -- to block the peaceful transfer of power … The Wisconsin Supreme Court, also on procedural grounds, ruled against Trump 4-3. … But the chief justice of that court, in a dissent, argued among other things that the use of drop boxes violated the law.…
A Truth Not Self-Evident: Only Americans Should Make U.S. Laws
Supreme Court. Fortunately, a solution to the problem is being proposed. … In 2005, the Supreme Court held that the Eighth Amendment – which bans cruel and unusual punishment – prohibits the execution of murderers … One of the true believers is Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer, who, in his desire to turn our country over to the “international…
I Feel Your Pain. Not Theirs. Yours.
– God save us from liberal "empathy." … Obviously, disadvantaged children from single-parent homes suffer the most from inadequate public schools -- and their tragic outcome … "Empathy," in Liberalspeak, is nothing but raw political power.…
Liberals Hijacking U.S. Census
– the function of counting the number of US citizens and residents living in the US and its territories was non-political and free from … Groves, 60, currently a professor at the University of Michigan, will face a hailstorm of dissent from conservative groups and politicians … Abuse is already rampant in the collection of fraudulent income tax refunds from the IRS -- especially by illegal immigrants.…
Violence in Iran: What the West Needs to Know
– disputed June 12 presidential elections in which – according to the Wall Street Journal – “hard-line clerics have rallied behind Supreme … WALID PHARES: The Iranian people have a unique opportunity to liberate themselves from 30-years of oppression embodied by the Vilayet … Lebanon's Cedars Revolution, which has been under attack for the last four years may also derive tremendous benefit from the youth…
Constitutional Blunder
– quintessential example of judicial activism, and it has to be the greatest exercise of (to use Justice White’s phrase) “raw judicial power … In any other case, the Supreme Court’s “jurisdiction” might have ended there, answering the question that was actually presented to … And Justice ultimately comes from God’s hands, not the Supreme Court’s. [1] Roe v.…
Upskirt Invasions, Urinary Usurpations,_urinary_usurpations
– So Americans have come to expect some degree of freedom from government prying — and government protection from private snoops as well … And on Thursday, the issue was decided by the state’s Supreme Court. … It is demonstrated criminal behavior that should warrant the intrusions of police power. Not mere generalized suspicion.…
Justice Ends the Holiday
Supreme Court ruled with a 7-2 decision Wednesday. … There were three concurring opinions, and one dissent, written by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and joined by Justice David Souter. … In 2005, the British medical journal The Lancet reported that blood samples taken from executed prisoners showed concentrations of…
Questions for McCain
– The California Supreme Court recently postulated that limiting marriage between one man and one woman was unconstitutional. … Why are you undermining California Supreme Court Justice Baxter's dissent, in which he forcefully and compellingly defended constitutional … You have also proposed a 66% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 (from 2005 levels of 5.8 billion metric tons).…
Justice Kennedy: American Idle
– Such power is committed to the executive as part of the commander in chief's power, and thus implicitly denied to the judiciary, just … as is the power to declare war is unilaterally committed to Congress. … That may be the only place left that is safe from Justice Kennedy.…
The Most Fearsome Power
– WASHINGTON -- The day after the Supreme Court ruled that detainees imprisoned at Guantanamo are entitled to seek habeas … As such, the Supreme Court's ruling only begins marking a boundary against government's otherwise boundless power to detain people … No state power is more fearsome than the power to imprison.…
Iran Sacrifices its Future
– But today let's give the devil/grand dragon/Supreme Leader his due. … further study, or maybe from society in general. … The American method of suppressing dissent is more subtle, and effective.…
Repeal the 17th Amendment
– The nature of our government is largely a product of political power being applied to lawmakers and executors. The U.S. … Chicago); continuing in 1947 with Justice Hugo Black's famous dissent in Adamson v. … Only by changing the architecture of power will we change the shape and exercise of power.…
Fight the Power
– When Congress sought to stop people from drinking, it recognized that amending the Constitution was the only legitimate route. … Likewise, one searches the Constitution in vain for the power to create a national board of censors charged with regulating the content … Justice Clarence Thomas highlighted this problem in his dissent from the 2005 Supreme Court decision that upheld the federal government's…
Liberal Ninth Circuit Praises Limited Government
– The Supreme Court reversed that decision on a technicality, and recently, the Ninth Circuit got to try again. … the state, but from a “higher power” beyond the state. … somewhere higher than the state—from the “Creator,” the “Supreme Judge,” and “Nature’s God.”…
No (Political) Experience Required
– By 1939, the Supreme Court had been embroiled in political controversy for half a decade. … Hugo Black had been a senator from Alabama. … Bill Clinton seriously considered four prominent politicians for Supreme Court nominations -- New York Gov.…
Constitutionally Dangerous
– In upholding that policy on Monday, the Supreme Court not only blessed yet another use of psychiatry to escape the safeguards of our … criminal justice system by disguising punishment as treatment -- it also encouraged Congress to pile one dubious assertion of power … ' any enumerated power."…
Relativism Rampant
Supreme Court didn't exactly defend Plessy v. … But the generation in power in 1954 looked at enforced separation without the revolting background of slavery. ... … Because, to quote from Mr.…
Terrorist Support Case Hints Kagan May Move to the Left
– On June 21, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project (HLP). … Justice Stephen Breyer took the unusual step of reading his dissent from the bench, joined by Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor … Stevens is the last military veteran on the Supreme Court, and it informs his understanding of the scope of federal power to protect…
Shocking Setback for Religious Freedom in Supreme Court
– On June 28, the Supreme Court handed down a deeply-disturbing decision in Christian Legal Society v. … its messages, those living in such a way—including sexually-active gays—are ineligible to lead those Bible studies or have voting power … This, despite the fact that as Justice Sam Alito argued in dissent about this policy (joined by the other conservative justices), “…
Yes, We Kenya!,_we_kenya!
– We have had this administration pushing vigorously for abortion-on-demand from the first day they took office. … She assured House members she would do all in her power to help overturn foreign countries’ pro-life laws. … No, Joe, responsible dissent is one of the strengths of democracy; bribery is one of its drawbacks.…
Marriage Judge Is on Shaky Ground
– The good news is that Walker committed the supreme judicial faux pas by flipping off the U.S. Supreme Court in the process. … The Supreme Court held in Baker v. … Take, for example, Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissent in Roper v.…
More money would mean better football
– She added that the late Supreme Court Justice Byron White had predicted this chaos. … Based on bowl revenue from 2010-11, that’s about $1 billion. … Still, it’s never too late to unleash the power of the free market.…
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