Results for: sign up to vote

Plumber Prediction
– "Your common sense, again, just to reiterate, is it's going to be a tough one if John McCain's going to pull it out tomorrow?" … after, it's not too early to buy tickets to a Jan. 20 inaugural ball. … sign up for the hottest inaugural event in Washington."…
Anecdotes from a Battleground State
– Virginians are working hard to get out the vote. … I was surprised to learn how many Virginia voters hadn't made up their mind just two days before the election.I called one such undecided … to volunteer for McCain.…
Big Labor Versus Workplace Democracy
– The solution to labor is called “card check.” If unions can convince a majority of workers to sign up, the union wins. … Real intimidation comes from union activists, who routinely pressure workers to sign up. … The best way to determine what workers want is to let them vote.…
Freedom Matters
– We will be back home in time to vote in hopes that this right of the people won't be infringed. But I wonder. … He claimed that he had the flu and that his doctors would not permit him "to go up to the Capitol." … They didn't sign up to fight for gold or colonial conquest or "the economy."…
Thirty Reasons to Vote for John McCain
– John McCain wants to cut the tax to keep businesses in the U.S. and create jobs. … Barack Obama does not. 25) Barack Obama will sign the Union Card Check Bill that will end the right to secret ballots for union … Furthermore, since when do we give up the right to have a secret ballot in America?…
Obama's Agenda is So "Gay"
– It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. … If elected, Obama has promised to sign radical thought-crimes legislation into law, effectively criminalizing respect for biblical … So yes, if elected, Barack Obama – the "change candidate" – will undoubtedly live up to his name.…
1968: Lyndon, Dick, and Billy,_dick,_and_billy
– talk to the nation.  … Most memorable, and appropriate for the moment, was his reference to a sign he saw “at the end of a long day of whistle-stopping” in … I think this election is a wake up call to many Christians – one that reminds us that, in the final analysis, our mandate is not to
MN Recounter Supported by Communists, ACORN,_acorn
– Norm Coleman and comedian turned candidate Al Franken is a known Democratic cheerleader with ties to far-left organizations including … The group is accused of failing to turn in registrations within the required 10-day period in Hennepin and Ramsey County. … Matthew Vadum has more details on Ritchie up HERE.…
Mourning In America
– “It's pretty silly to be listening to someone give advice to the incoming Obama administration while wearing a black armband”, he … These angry people even motivated me to try and Google references to black armbands somehow being offensive to Black people. … Over and over, we were told that a vote for Barack Obama would be a way to “pay the debt” owed to millions of Black people.…
What Would the Sage of Fair Lane Think?
– try to persuade strikers to quit and get back to work.  … And in a secret ballot – emphasis on that word secret – Ford workers elected to go into the UAW by a 97 percent vote.  … I wonder what Henry Ford would think about company executives jetting privately to Washington to beg for money to “save” an industry…
The Right To Win
– Americans have long had the right to put their candidates and their ideas to a vote. … Apparently Mormons don't have the same rights as other Americans, at least not if they don't vote the way gay activists want them tovote.…
Lawrence of Eurabia
– Three members of the CRs hung the sign up in the Café.  … They took the sign down and put it back up in the Café.  It was yet again taken down.  … The next day, Mimi went to the poster room and picked up a number of posters Chris had left there.…
The True School Scandal
– They have insisted that D.C. teachers not even be allowed to vote on the contract. … The Democratic Party continues to tolerate this sort of thing because public school teachers continue to be reliably liberal voters … School choice has much to recommend it.…
Republicans need to get back to business
– It's different when you are looking for a caretaker - someone to keep a good thing going - as opposed to a turnaround specialist - … someone to transform a loser into a winner. … Republicans must get their message to the many diverse communities that make up our great country that they have ignored.…
President Bush and the Ghost of New Years Yet to Come
– The liberals and conservatives join to filibuster the president's plan. A cloture vote fails. The tax increase is defeated. … The limitation on this power is that Congress must get the president to sign new tax bills into law, or override his veto. … to prop up auto manufacturers," said Grossman and Gattuso.…
RNC Chair Candidates Respond to Morton Blackwell's Questionnaire
– identify and register supporters, communicate to those supporters, and get them to vote. … to help them sign up the members of their congregations who are not registered to vote; * Expend an unprecedented amount of RNC … Releases should also offer the opportunity for recipients to contribute, sign-up online, and get involved with our party in other meaningful…
Dishonest Abe - Interview With Tom DiLorenzo
– Don't hold your breath waiting for economic historian Thomas DiLorenzo to show up as a guest lecturer at your local Republican Party's … Aristocracy Row," was his next-door neighbor's house, and the sign said he sold all the tin cups to the U.S. … I grew up and went to public school in Western Pennsylvania and I never heard of that.…
Sorting Out the Burris Appointment
– Senate Democrats might be able to use the Secretary's refusal to sign to refer the appointment to the Rules Committee where it could … take up to 90 days to figure out what to do with Burris. … Therefore, if Burris was seated and Reid wanted to get rid of him, Reid would need to get a 2/3rds vote in the Senate AND to show Burris…
The Real Deal Republican Candidates
– She fled her state's governorship under Democratic fire before her term was up, and has made no serious effort to put together a campaign … Huckabee, who surprised everyone by winning a handful a GOP primaries in the 2008 race, did not want to give up his lucrative Fox TV … signals end to silly season."…
A Sharper GOP Field
To have Gingrich out there defending the mandate -- and by extension Romney -- had to have the former Massachusetts governor jumping … It's hard to throw someone under the bus when it's not your bus. … Daniels, however, also steadfastly refuses to sign anti-tax activist Grover Norquist's pledge to never raise taxes.…
7 Of The Most Ridiculous Cries Of Racism Ever Made
– Yet, all the Left has to do is say, "Those Republicans are racist," and it locks in 90% of the black vote. … The next thing you know, such a furor rose up that Howard had to resign because so many ignorant people didn't know the difference … …I am loathe to bring up what is in our head because we don’t like to talk about it so much.…
As Goes Jobs, So Goes Ohio,_so_goes_ohio
– “We moved years ago up to Route 7 when the center of town dried up,” said McNears’ son, Joe. … Which is why he thinks the president may be forced to shift from relying on Ohio as a must-win state to relying on a mix of southern … The southern county of Belmont – French for “beautiful mountain” – lives up to its name, with rolling hills to either side.…
Why Do Liberals See Women As Stupid?
– This past week the "progressive" left laid claim to the women's vote of 2012. … keep the district coming back to vote her back in year after year. … She is also the mother of three children and from every outward sign seems to be pretty good at it.…
Obama's Opportunity
– He was referring to Hamas, which not only refuses to recognize Israel but is openly committed to her extermination. … But if the price of a Palestinian state is ending the conflict with the Jewish state, he may not be willing to sign the check. … On Sunday, Obama said, "the United States will stand up against efforts to single Israel out at the United Nations or in any international…
A Ban on Circumcision?
– If the measure passes, anyone convicted of circumcising a baby boy could be fined up to $1,000 and sentenced to a year in prison. … "On the contrary, it is known to be harmful to girls and women in many ways." … Irrespective of any medical value, it is the sign in the flesh that for nearly 4,000 years has marked Jewish males as heirs to the…
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