Results for: is the us at war with iran

Truth and Terror
– That's bad enough, but now the O-Team is talking about protecting us from terrorism. … Worse still, Brennan's solution for handling the problem of radical Islamic terrorists dying to kill as many of us as possible is to … "We need no lectures about the fact that this nation is at war," Brennan expounds.…
The Trouble With Elitist Theories
– What's behind the Tea Party protests, low approval ratings for Congress, distrust of the media and unease with experts in the Obama … Meanwhile, back in the U.S., portions of a very cold East Coast have been blanketed with unprecedented snowfall levels -- at a time … "Outreach" and "reset" with the Islamic world became instead the talking points.…
We're All Infidels Now
– hands of Israel once a war with Iran begins. … that they are bristling for war, is Iran. … Bush as “Satan” at the U.N. General Assembly and who is a staunch ally and trading partner with Iran.…
Obama's Problems -- and Ours
– But neither should anyone minimize the problems confronting us. First is the debt crisis. … Second is the war situation. Where Gen. Tommy Franks' Army occupied Iraq in three weeks, Gen. … Meanwhile, pressure on the president is mounting for "crippling" sanctions on Iran that could lead to a third U.S. war against a nation…
How to Stifle Speech
– That means recognizing that a war is being waged against what we used to call, also without embarrassment, the Free World. … moment, the West is putting up a feeble defense. … The latter, it is argued, is worse than the former and so merits additional punishment.…
Obama Discovers Iran's Preconditions
us on the outside." … in the appearance of discussion, of being seen at the table with the U.S. instead of actually doing serious business." … Is Obama finally educable? Does he understand the threat presented by Khomeinists with nuclear arms?…
Liquidating the Empire
– In 1989, however, the Cold War ended dramatically with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the retirement of the Red Army from Europe, the … Liquidation of this empire should have begun with the end of the Cold War. … Now it is being forced upon us by the deficit-debt crisis.…
Brits Messing With Tejas? Why are WE Messing With the Falklands?
– She is buying trouble for us around the globe. … From a failed “Re-Set” button with the Russians, to a dangerous appeasement of Iran and China, from bribing the PLO on the West Bank … opening the door to a second Falklands War, this administration’s foreign policy is in shambles.…
A Near Total Disaster
– It is always difficult, but rarely has a President been so out of touch with the people of this nation. … For seven years after 9/11, the Bush Administration kept us safe, but now all hell is breaking loose. … Bush made a legitimate effort at the beginning of his term by negotiating with Ted Kennedy and other Democrats on important bills (…
A Sorry Complaint About Obama
The kind of president who didn't feel the United States is always in the wrong? I have fond memories of when George W. … Republicans who take credit for toppling Saddam Hussein often forget that the U.S. provided help to him during the Iran-Iraq war. … No government is perfect, and no nation is exempt from the temptations of self-interest and hypocrisy.…
– Contrast that with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, who, along with only about 6,300 staffers, is responsible for … being run while being oblivious to the terror network entrenched within its midst and at worst URWA is complicit. … Me trailer: There are several ways you can engage with the movie: Let us know you want to see U.N.…
So Israel's the Bad Guy Here? Really?
– Such is the babble of the jihad-blackmailed. And the problem with giving in to blackmail is that it never ends. … Q: Since when is assuaging "Arab anger" and demonstrating "engagement" to Arab leaders the concern of U.S. war planners? … He is using the classic buzz terms for the Arab-ist slant on the jihad (not "Arab anger") against Israel.…
Peace Later
– Now would be a particularly bad time for Palestinian leaders to seriously consider settling the conflict with Israel because Iran - … If that happens, Iran will become the region's strong horse, and no Palestinian leader is likely to be so foolish as to put his head … "I urge the Administration to spend more time working to stop Iran from building nuclear bombs and less time concerned with zoning…
Obama Wags the Dog with the Obama Intifada
– They want us to look and see what is the best thing for America." … This is paternalism of the highest order -- he knows what's better for us than we do ourselves. … It is he who has suggested that the Palestinian Arabs have legitimate grievances, that Israel is the victimizer, and that the United…
Obama's Iran Conundrum
– Iran's mullah-led regime is already at war. It is at war with Iraq. It is at war with Israel. … In historical terms, the descendant regime of the Ayatollah Khomeini has been at war with the United States since, oh, 1979? … Moreover, the corrupt dictatorship is fighting a civil war in slow motion with the Green Movement, the hodgepodge Iranian opposition…
The Anti-Fascist
At a time when President Obama insists that the most pressing threat facing America is the growing cost of health care, a recent speech … in Britain's House of Lords by Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders is a salutary reminder of what is really endangering us all: The … But it does matter to us. The entire leftist elite is guilty of practicing cultural relativism.…
Where Do Jews and Christians on the Left Get Their Values?
– Leftism with "Jesus" rhetoric added, and Judaism is Leftism with Jewish terms -- such as "Tikkun Olam" ("repairing the world") and … Many even opposed the Gulf War. -- believe that the moral wasteland known as the United Nations is, or must be the greatest force … Israel is threatened with a Holocaust by Iran and tens of millions of Islamic supporters outside of Iran, and Palestinian society is
Obama Slights Our Friends, Kowtows to Our Enemies,_kowtows_to_our_enemies
– and to the only nation that has fought alongside us in all the wars of the last century -- is of a piece with his foreign policy generally … The idea that allies can cause you trouble is not totally without merit. The Cold War caused us to embrace some unsavory folks. … The candidate who spoke in Berlin is now the president with no sympathy for the leaders of peoples freed when the wall fell.…
Politics vs. Principle
– Health care is the president's piglet, and he's determined to protect it with the ferocity of a biting sow. … Obama's dispatch of Hillary Clinton to display what looked like a white flag in the Middle East is likely to embolden Iran, with consequences … But it's still with us.…
The World Is About To Get a Whole Lot More Dangerous
The world is about to get a lot more dangerous. … War, the reality was that our superiority over our enemy and our unwillingness to foreswear the use of nuclear weapons prevented theThe strategy he outlined is a virtual blueprint to those who would seek to destroy us.…
What the Euphemisms Tell Us
– to the Nuclear Security Summit -- are aimed at containing the world's two most provocative nations, Iran and North Korea, the stream … Doesn't anyone at the White House get a chill down his spine at the word, which is part of the title of the GRU, the KGB's sister agency … The New Start Treaty is of a piece with this foreign policy of polite feebleness.…
Nuclear Posturing, Obama-Style,_obama-style
– Under President Obama's new policy, however, if the state that has just attacked us with biological or chemical weapons is "in compliance … The president immediately calls in the lawyers to determine whether the attacking state is in compliance with the NPT. … The naivete is stunning.…
Losing the Stomach for Humanitarian Interventions
The Iraq war was justified under the terms of U.N. resolutions 678, 687 and 1441. Unfortunately George W. … Moreover, the economic interests of the rapidly growing nations of what we once called the Third World are in conflict with the slow-growth … Unfortunately, the Obama approach of kicking our friends and groveling to the unfriendly heads us in the wrong direction.…
Nuclear Roulette: the Obama Doctrine
At about the same time, Winston Churchill was saying much the same thing to the House of Commons. … Strange as it may seem, it is to the universality of potential destruction that I think we may look with hope and even confidence." … At least till now. But the prospect of universal destruction will deter only if it is convincing.…
What War with Iran Means
– As with Iraq in 2003, the war will be launched by the United States against a nation that did not attack us -- to strip it of weapons … But let us continue with Graham's blitzkrieg war. … Before the War Party stampedes us into yet another war, the Senate should find out if Teheran is really on the "verge" of getting a…
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