Results for: sign up to vote

A Crude October Surprise
vote on whether to allow new offshore oil-drilling. … "With all due respect, President Bush would have to sign the moratorium into law for it to exist." … "And my advice to him today would be to start the process up right now for what we do on Oct. 1 when this moratorium is ended and move…
Whose "Special Interests"?
– Moreover, the workers themselves know that, so they may find it prudent to sign up for a union, whether they want one or not. … The Congressional Democrats could of course vote to continue forbidding drilling in those places. … They not only contribute money, they can contribute people who walk the precincts on election nights, rounding up the faithful to go…
The Collapse of Anglicanism
– It’s a gentlemen’s agreement that not everybody—the bishops didn’t vote on it, they were not asked to sign up to it. … In fact I just looked that up to be sure and I find out that wasn’t binding either. … It’s a mess, and there is no short-term solution that I see to fix this problem save for one side giving up and going away.…
A Catholic Case Against Barack
– In the Pennsylvania primary, Barack Obama rolled up more than 90 percent of the African-American vote. … die or put to death? … Senate in 2001, the vote was 98 to 0 in favor.…
Obama Supports Union Ploy to Drop Secret Ballots
– But it is up to the workers, and they should be free to choose their process," campaign spokesman Nick Shapiro said. … But Obama, a lawyer, flatly says the bill "will allow workers to form a union through majority sign-up and card checks" -- bypassing … -vote majority to pass this dangerous and very anti-democratic legislation.…
Hillary's Speech
– Bill's screwing it up for her again.Opening video for Hillary: A hard rock montage to Hillary's best political moments. Odd. … Says she can't wait for Obama to "sign into a law a health care plan that covers every single American" and for Obama to bring the … She's reminding everyone it's the 88th anniversary of the day women got the right to vote. The crowd is eating all this up.…
Government Is One Big Traffic Jam
– We figured that it would be wise to leave Sacramento in the early evening to avoid traffic. … A sign. A large orange sign reading: Freeway Closed Ahead, 11 p.m.-4 a.m. … I wondered whether they smiled at the idea that they were paying the state of California up to 10.3 percent of their income.…
Barack Obama, For Real,_for_real
– act” -- won’t be to bring home the troops from Iraq, or to set up a government health care system or any of the other things that Barack … When I sat down to read it and fill it up with Post-it notes and underlines and everything, I realized that this is really a well-written … I really hope my book can start a national conversation that is not limited to people who already are going to vote against Sen.…
Why Obama's "Community Organizer" Days Are a Joke
– of registering dead people to vote, shaking down corporations and using the race card as a bludgeon. … of 37 ACORN employees accused of offering gifts to sign up voters (including prepaid gas cards and restaurant cards) or falsifying … With a wave of his magic wand, Obama amended his FEC forms to change the "advance work" to "get-out-the-vote" work.…
Liberal Feminists Commit Political Suicide
– Six planks of their first nine-plank platform dealt with abolition, equal rights for liberated slaves, and the right for them to vote … of Lincoln and knew the Democrats, who had proudly formed the KKK, would kill them if they tried to vote for a Republican. … that two men can replace a woman at any time, and I don’t recall Sally Quinn, or the other feminists standing up and saying to the…
The Need for Choice in Transportation
– It is highly unlikely that Congress will vote to increase the Federal fuel tax, which finances the Highway Trust Fund, in this election … Bush is all but certain to veto the increase. So what is a state to do to make up for the Federal revenue shortfall? … States and localities will be obliged to face up to their obligations and responsibilities to make transit the mode of choice for…
A Political "Solution": Part II
– One way to get some idea of the magnitude of a trillion is to ask: How long ago was a trillion seconds? … But now that the chickens have come home to roost, Senator Dodd wants to be sure to get some goodies from the rescue legislation to … pass out to people likely to vote for him.…
Obama Releases His "In-Your-Face" Hounds
– Warning: If your neighbor's got an "Obama '08" bumper sticker or lawn sign, you might want to double-check your door locks at night … Exorteth the One: "I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. … to target undecided voters -- and offering subsidies to volunteers.…
The Most Extreme Pro-Abortion Presidential Candidate Ever
– do as president is to sign that bill. … And I’ll be right up front to say the issue of the dignity and sanctity of human life is number one in my book before you get to other … George: I’ll have to admit too that I didn’t have to work very hard to dig up the information about Senator Obama’s record that I presented…
Uncertainty as to Progress in Railway Transportation
– And now he ends up signing the first authorization bill which could give Amtrak more than just enough money merely to survive. … What Amtrak actually receives will depend upon how many dollars the appropriators are willing to cough up. … , so to speak.…
Intimidation by ObamaNation
– Barack Obama says Republicans "are going to try to make you afraid of me." … Well, it's hard to imagine how the GOP could conjure up a more fearsome specter of an Obama presidency than the one created by the … And, of course, to vote for someone other than Obama is the telltale sign of racism.…
Will the Trend Continue?
– But he has to kick his campaign up several notches.  … The theory is that these votes will reveal a secret reluctance to vote for Obama because of his race.  … My point is simply that it would be wrong for evangelicals to vote for him because they buy into the idea that he thinks like them.…
The Coming Obama Thugocracy
– They seem determined to shut people up. … But you can expect the "fairness doctrine" to get another vote if Barack Obama wins and Democrats increase their congressional majorities … The unions' strategy is obvious: Send a few thugs over to employees' homes -- we know where you live -- and get them to sign cards…
The Obama Abortion Menace
– Though for Catholics, in the end, it's up to the individual, through prayer, to decide upon political matters, my conclusion is that … Harry Reid have not allowed this important act to even come to a vote. … In a land where we have devoted ourselves to the pursuit of life, this is unacceptable. Vote as if lives depend on you.…
An Open Letter to College Students
– A lot of my classmates showed up to vote for John Kerry. … And I'm sure that it's tempting to go sign up to phone bank next to that student wearing the "I Heart Abortion Rights" T-shirt. … So try standing up to the campus herd.…
Did a New Jersey Bishop Cross the Line?
– When the same legislation came up in the Judiciary Committee on which he served, he held to his opposition. … Every vote counts. … At this point, we are still free to choose! To read the article in full, click here.…
To The Undecided Voter
– the way they are going to vote. … A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public … To know what Obama is up to here, you need to know how union organizing works under the current law.…
A Role for Parents in the Election
– One day last week, on my way to class I was asked if I wanted to sign-up to volunteer for the Obama Campaign. … According to the ad, it is time for young people to even have “The Talk” with their parents to convince them to vote for Obama. … Are you ready to step in? Are you ready to have them move in with you?” This question should wake up young people.…
Media, McCain Ignored Key Issues,_mccain_ignored_key_issues
– But Barack Obama and Joe Biden were elected in large part because they managed, in the face of all evidence, to run to the right of … When the media ignore important issues, it is up to the candidate to raise them. … Obama has pledged as president to sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), which would sweep away any regulations on abortion in all…
Reader Email
– They had to split us up by last name or else it would have taken me an hour to vote.  … A good sign for McCain in this area.…
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