Results for: sign up to vote

Congress Targeting Palestinians For Scrutiny, Sanctions
– have to adjust to that reality, including looking for new possible designations by the Treasury Department." … for financing to enable U.S. oversight." … After the U.N. vote, the unity government and other recent provocations, he appears to have few friends left in Washington.…
House Republicans to Reject Payroll Tax Compromise?…icans_preparing_to_reject_the_senates_payroll_tax_compromise
– The resulting version then returns to both chambers for a new vote.  … The House should bring the Senate bill up for a vote and defeat it.  … Unless and until that vote is held, Democrats are going to dig in their heels.  Yeah, it's unfair. …
Now Leading In Iowa: Ron Paul
– His share of the vote has gone from 27% to 22% to 14%.  … And there's been a large drop in his personal favorability numbers as well from +31 (62/31) to +12 (52/40) to now -1 (46/47). … Romney's vote share is up 4 points from a week ago to 20% from it previous 16% standing.…
Which Candidates Walk the Talk of Being Pro-Life?
to all from the moment of conception, and have scraped by on promising to sign a myriad of well-intentioned but ineffective legislation … Candidates are still welcome to sign on to the pledge at any time between now and the January 3rd Iowa Caucuses. … I have previously said that Paul made my list of candidates I was willing to vote for, but that was before this pledge became a part…
Pull the Parachute
– He would respond that if they thought they deserved an increase, they should be willing to openly vote for one. … To say that Congress is somehow immune to sacrifice is just wrong." … "Either incumbents sign on, or they're going to be giving their opponents some serious leverage."…
Iowa Caucus Eve: Assessing the State of Play
to further dilute and disperse the conservative vote.  … Huntsman even demonstrated a willingness to denigrate Iowans in order to pander to New Hampshire voters: "They pick corn in Iowa; they … That adds up to a stunning degree of volatility. …
Republican Voters' Choices
– So Republican voters who want to be realistic need to understand that they are going to end up with qualms and nagging doubts about … process to pick someone into whose hands to place the fate of the nation.People who think this way tend to vote for someone they just … would devastate Obama in head-to-head debates on substantive issues nevertheless claim that all Obama has to do is come back with…
Republicans Assail Democrats on High Oil Prices
– -Alaska) ten years ago and promised if she could convince ten Republicans to vote for increased fuel efficiency standards for cars, … he would get ten Democrats to sign on for drilling in ANWR. … Murkowski was unable to come up with the votes, so, according to Schumer, the deal didn’t go through.…
How to Hit Obama
– He gave up after trying earlier this year to moderate an anti-Obama ad by the North Carolina Republican Party. … Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia to sign a letter pledging that "I will vote to increase U.S. oil production to lower gas prices for Americans … Signatures also were mounting on two petitions to force Democratic-controlled committees to send to the House floor two mandatory oil-drilling…
A Time to Drill
– Their responses are meant to confuse the electorate in order to turn public opinion back to their position on the environment. … to extricate. … If they can force a vote and pass pro-drilling legislation, President George W. Bush will sign it into law.…
This Broadcaster Wants Freedom
– If a speech was reprinted in a newspaper, it would take weeks to publish and even longer for the words to be picked up across the country … encourage the House of Representatives to sign a discharge petition that would call for an up or down vote on H. … given an up or down vote.…
Gen. Clark's Attack
– Democrats do not want to vote on increased oil drilling, which gets a high rating from voters as a means of eventually reducing prices … Coburn has held up the bills to stop the practice of passing legislation without amendments or debates. … If Reid uses the same tactics on the combined bill, Coburn is threatening to tie up the Senate with parliamentary tactics.…
A Weakened Pro-Family Movement
– The Republican Leadership managed to tie up the hate crimes bill last year and this year as well. … Unless and until the pro-family groups again are able to go on the offense they are likely to loose ground. … To return to the offense the pro-family forces would need more Members of Congress.…
Barack Obama: A Liberal For All Seasons
– on their government, divvy it up by individual portions, in the form of tax breaks, hand it out, and encourage everyone to use their … Obama says his plan will create a system so attractive that people will want to sign up for it.  … That legislation allows children of illegals to grow up as Americans and received a higher education.…
Obama, "The Vast Majority Of Muslims," And The Rest Of Us,_the_vast_majority_of_muslims,_and_the_rest_of_us
– Obama lied to the Israeli reporter - - and to the rest of the world - - with these remarks. … So what are we to make of this? … Can I sign-up for their newsletter, or attend a rally? And who speaks for this “vast majority?”…
Cornering Pennsylvania
– “If Obama were to lose Pennsylvania, it would be because he didn't appeal enough to her voters, even less so than John Kerry” in 2004 … Ceisler says Obama's map to winning the state is the same map that any Democrat uses: “Roll up big numbers in the city of Philadelphia … The key for McCain is to win over Clinton Democrats from the primary as well as to maximize turnout among Republicans and pro-McCain…
A Commendable Secretary of Labor
– Instead, union organizers would be able to put pressure upon workers to sign up. … If a worker refused to vote for a union to organize his plant he could have all sorts of pressure placed upon him to conform. … She would like to see that money converted into vouchers to permit workers to help them acquire job-training skills.…
Newsweek Story on South Paints Untrue Vision
– It's likely that Dickey's view of how to evaluate the politics and people of the South in 2008 is something akin to how I might report … They include a faded sign in the woods that says "Jesus Saves Vote"; a room full of bigoted collectibles such as KKK hoods and the … Obama already polls 23 percent among white voters there, and there are still a lot of undecided whites still to make up their minds…
Why I Miss the House
– As you all have heard, House Republicans decided to forego the August District Work Period to stay in D.C. and work on an energy bill … While the Democrat leadership turned off the lights and went home, House Republicans flew back to D.C. to continue work on the energy … Tell your member of Congress to sign the discharge petition that will bring H.R. 6566 – The American Energy Act, up for a vote despite…
Boehner Calls Blue Dog Bluff
– -Calif.) and join the GOP to force a stand alone vote on offshore drilling. … Under House rules, Pelosi is required to schedule legislation for a vote if 218 members more sign a document called a “discharge petition … “They’ll have to use their imagination as to how they can get a vote,” she replied.…
Congressional Irresponsibility
– The leadership in both parties repeatedly refused to permit up-or-down votes on energy-related matters. … If the Leadership will allow an up-or-down vote, fine; if not the Senators plan to force a vote. Very likely they will prevail. … Members can sign a discharge petition and force an up-or-down vote. But Speaker Pelosi is very tough on discharge petitions.…
Ludacris Does Politics
– Never should have hated You never should have doubted him Note to self: look up this word, “doubt.” … And all you other politicians trying to hate on my man Watch us win a majority vote in every state on my man Rhyming ‘man’ with … The threats ain’t fazing us, the nooses or the jokes So get off your ass black people, it’s time to get out and vote Now there…
Talking About Race Doesn’t Make Anyone Racist’t_make_anyone_racist
vote. … continues to play to the victim thinking mentality. … If Barack Obama continues to bring up race in this campaign, let’s hope for a thicker skin for all of us and a little less name calling…
Senator George S. McGovern, Manifesting Wisdom as to the Union Card-Check Issue…cgovern,_manifesting_wisdom_as_to_the_union_card-check_issue
– Obama has pledged to sign it if he were to become President. … To fail to ensure the right to vote free of intimidation and coercion from all sides would be a betrayal of what we have always championed … I was pleased to be associated with my fellow broadcasters precisely because we had the privacy of the vote.…
A Crude October Surprise
vote on whether to allow new offshore oil-drilling. … "With all due respect, President Bush would have to sign the moratorium into law for it to exist." … "And my advice to him today would be to start the process up right now for what we do on Oct. 1 when this moratorium is ended and move…
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