Results for: is the us at war with iran

National Security is THE Issue
– I believe the Iraq war has everything to do with our national security. … And don't forget that Democrats refuse to discern that Iraq is a part of the war on terror and so, regardless of the specific consequences … By contrast, I think most Republicans, in varying degrees, believe Iraq is part of the war.…
Jimmy Carter Doesn't Get It
The false premise on which all negotiations with Islamic terrorists have been based is that the terrorists lack something that, if … If the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, all our good intentions will produce is a superhighway. … Why do we persist in believing their lies when the only thing they have been consistent at is lying?…
The Republican Party's Real Problem In A Nutshell
– Worse yet, voters trust the Democrats more than Republicans on the economy, government ethics, the war in Iraq, health care, Social … However, there is one overriding problem that dwarfs all the others, a problem that few people in the leadership of the Republican … , but surely lose the war for the future of our country.…
U.S. Must Stay in Iraq Till Day is Done and Victory Won
– Oh, and declaring defeat in the war on terror. … the gains we have achieved in Iraq” — and how clear the choice “between the general who is leading us to victory and the critics who … Further, how much sense would it make to withdraw American forces from the Iraqi border with Iran — an Iran posing the largest threat…
Europe's New Pro-American Direction
– their support for the Iraq war. … The historical record is clear: the larger the prominence of Brussels in E.U. affairs, the smaller the aggregate role of Europe in … The unmistakable signal that such a policy sends to rogue states like Iran is that they can continue their progress on weapons of mass…
Is It Jaw-Jaw or War-War?
Is war with Iran inevitable, even imminent? Or is peace at hand? … that war with Iran is far from the mind of this city. … the opposite -- that war with Iran is indeed inevitable, and probably soon.…
The Judge's Strategic Gavel
– Some of us have been the subject of biographies. … Clark understood that Iran-Contra was, in essence, a classic war-powers dispute between the executive and legislative branches over … This is not the place to revisit the details of the controversy or to argue its merits, but it is the place to highlight how Clark…
O'Reilly-Clinton Interview Shows Dem Flaw
With American deaths now over the 4,000 mark and the seriously wounded at around 15,000, we are sick and tired of this war. … The truth is that the Democrats are cashing in on a mindless impatience with Iraq and an unwillingness to think through the consequences … If the candidate is Obama, their concerns will resonate with their perception that he is inexperienced and doesn't know his way around…
All the Wright Stuff
– . -- In the U.S. military, there is a wonderful little expression: "A good plan never survives the first contact with the enemy." … The corollary to this rule is: "Expect the unexpected." … Obama is a member, had "stood in solidarity with the peasants in El Salvador and Nicaragua while our government, through Ollie North…
Iraq War Architects Shrug Off Truth
– So there I was, listening to a few of the major "architects" of the war in Iraq -- Paul Wolfowitz, formerly No. 2 man at the Pentagon … They had assembled at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C., for a discussion of Feith's new book, "War and Decision: Inside the … Pentagon at the Dawn of the War on Terrorism," but what they were drawn to discuss was what went wrong with the war in Iraq.…
The Half-Won, Half-Lost War,_half-lost_war
The gloomy election-year refrain is that America is mired in Iraq, took its eye off Afghanistan, empowered Iran and is losing the … get the right officers in the right places at the right time. … But is the war then nearly won? Hardly. And that brings us to the bad news.…
Barack Obama: Rockstar. Motivational Speaker. President???
– Elsewhere Obama has suggested that he would meet personally with President Ahmedinejad of Iran. If the shoe fits, Mr. … But the policy of non-negotiation with terrorist nations is not merely a “Bush thing” or a “McCain thing” - - it’s an “American thing … The next President will have to grapple with the fact that some people around the world want to kill us - - and not because Bush is
The Great Divider
– As the president of the United States, he would sit down with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, one-third of the original … If this is the message you got from your mentor, would you expect that you could succeed? Would you try very hard, if at all?" … The change we need is a reality check on the road to Jan. 20, 2009.…
Israel is Not a Freedom Franchise, Mr. President,_mr_president
The man is leaving office in eight months; his presidency noticeably marked by the uneven tread of the lame duck. … Whether the subject is his feelings about Mexican illegal aliens, the war in Iraq or on-off Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers, I … the best way to keep us secure."…
Salter's Responds to Newsweek's Hit on McCain
– and the false charge that he is a Muslim is scurrilous. … voters from the real issues at stake in the election, and, thus, illegitimate. … Rather than argue that his position on Iran is the right one and has no bearing on how Hamas views him, Senator Obama makes a false…
Is McCain Sailing Into a Storm?
– That is the highest disapproval rating since Gallup began polling 70 years ago -- higher than Lyndon Johnson during the Vietnam WarThe sentiment is even more negative now than it was in 1992, when the GOP lost the White House. … "A desire to put this chapter behind us." The fallout is already apparent.…
Clinton & Obama: Gaffes, Switcheroos - Or Stupidities?,_switcheroos_-_or_stupidities
– In Oregon he said Iran and the others “don’t pose a serious threat to us.” … The next day, in Montana, he said: “I’ve made it clear for years that the threat from Iran is grave.” … For it suggests Obama is finding a major preachment (unconditional, no-strings talks in the first year of his presidency with Hugo…
Obama: See No Evil
– Initially his foreign policy platform was a naive pledge to meet "unconditionally" with the leaders of Iran, North Korea, Syria, Cuba … Obama's "strategy" for dealing with evil is the progeny of a secular age that sees everything bad as curable through counseling, good … Obama debunks the value of experience, claiming the experience of President Bush and John McCain got us into the lengthy Iraq War
Words of War
– of War" and "Mexifornia: A State of Becoming," he is the senior fellow in residence in classics and military history at the Hoover … with the premise that there was nothing at all possibly glorious about war. … Part of the problem with that genre is that, a), it's right in the middle of a war; and b), when Paul Bremer writes he's going to blame…
A Gaffe, an Absurdity, and a Policy,_an_absurdity,_and_a_policy
– Most of the time you don't negotiate with enemy leaders because there is nothing to negotiate. … (On the contrary. Islamic Iran is dangerously apocalyptic. Soviet Russia was not.) … The next day in Billings, Mont.: "I've made it clear for years that the threat from Iran is grave."…
Why I'm Afraid of a President Barack Obama
– “Green” is a veteran with two sons serving in Iraq. He is adamantly against the war and adamantly for Barack Obama. … Radical Islam is waging a holy war against us—and they have no intent on ending their war against the West. … I fear Iran will continue to develop nuclear weapons and breathlessly rush to the annihilation of Israel which will bring war to the
Reckless Obama Unprepared to Lead
– That is the fact." … What moral authority in the war on terrorism would Obama have left if he were seen sitting down with a lunatic like Ahmadinejad in … Council: "Through the years, this grim view (of Iran) is reinforced by the Iranian government's repression at home and its support…
Mythmaking for the Next War
At the height of the Cold War, the Soviet Union had some 45,000 nuclear warheads. At the moment, Iran has none. … Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s. … But there is no reasoning with McCain and his allies, who yearn for the simple clarity of the Cold War.…
Do We Still Have Grants and Shermans?
– Who becomes a general — and why — tells us a lot about whether our military is on the right or wrong track. … The Iraqi war is no exception. … The terrorist bands that sprung up during the occupation were at first dealt with through conventional tactics and weapons.…
'Appeasement' as a Hate Term
The long-deceased British prime minister -- remembered through the decades for his policy of appeasement and for the war with Hitler … As president, would he meet with the anti-American, anti-Semitic and seemingly delusional president of Iran, "without preconditions … To Obama, the term is redolent of that "divisiveness" that he abhors.…
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