Results for: sign up to vote

Nazi Party Supports Occupy Wall Street
– It has been pointed out to me that many protesters are non-white and/or “communists.” Well my answer to that is: “WHO CARES?!”  … The unemployed left-wing 25-year-old holding up a sign, OR the judeo-capitalist banksters who swindled the American taxpayers out of … Even Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP had to vote with open communists on some issues to achieve their goals. …
The one-in-a-million problem
– I wrote about it at Common Sense, the daily commentary I’ve penned since 1999 (you can sign up for the email version on the Citizens … To the extent that we vote, and promote political ideas, each citizen has a political role. … Doubtless, though, it would be up to the citizens themselves.…
Meet the New Republican Frontrunner...
– But that doesn’t mean that Romney is unappealing to Republican voters. … [Nationally], Cain is up 30-22 on Romney with Newt Gingrich sneaking past Rick Perry for 3rd place at 15% to Perry's 14% with Michele … And his share of the vote has increased from 10% to 15%.…
Pop Goes the Green Jobs Bubble
– Before his American Jobs Act failed to pass a Senate cloture vote Tuesday, President Barack Obama made a last-ditch speech to talk … up his troubled bill. … the head of the line.I feel for trainees who sign up with the expectation that despite the jobless recovery, they'll land a good job…
Protests Offer Help, and Risk, for Democrats,_and_risk,_for_democrats
– The center has encouraged and sought to help coordinate protests in different cities. … He said Democrats are already looking for ways to mobilize protesters in get-out-the-vote drives for 2012. … farther to the right and made for intraparty run-ins.…
Land: God calls Christians to public service
– from society: "We're not supposed to go into a holding pattern until it's time to go up and be with Jesus. … "In fact, I used to vote to defund the Christian Life Commission when it was the most liberal agency in Southern Baptist life," and … "If you are willing to sign your autobiography and let God write the chapters, God will lead you in the way you should go."…
Washington Considers China Trade War
– this moment to the 1930s, when a financial crisis lead to the Smoot-Hawley trade war, which led to a decade long world depression. … President Obama has not yet revealed whether he would sign or veto such a bill if it got to his desk.But the doubt about letting abstract … begin to line up with the same sentiments in the broader public, it may be the beginning of an historic trade policy shift.…
The Demander-in-Chief Bus Tour
– As Obama begins his next prayer rally disguised as campaign whistle-stop tour, I’m wondering how much prayer it’s going to take to … Two of the three industry sectors that bumped up factory output are two of the sectors that Obama has tried his best to kill this year … Forget about the $4 trillion in federal debt the administration racked up; forget about the fact they can’t get one vote for a budget…
Sideshow and Sabotage
– Instead of inking the deal, Papandreou had the temerity to call for a public vote on the measure. … Not to worry. … The “summiteers” have convinced Papandreou to re-think his crazy idea of allowing the people of the world’s first democracy to vote
Gingrich Making the Right Moves in Primary States
– Judy Harrington, 72, drove from Calabash, N.C., to Myrtle Beach with her husband to see Gingrich last week, when he addressed a crowd … Newt’s a college professor and once he gets to talk, he’s going to talk for the whole 30 minutes or hour or however long. … “He knows how to maneuver around the system.”…
GOP Flip-Flopping Over Mitt Romney
– In response to this onslaught of new attacks from the right, a website entitled was set up to debunk accusations that … in a recent Associated Press/Gfk poll say they are less likely to vote for a Mormon. 30% of Christian conservatives, the largest voting … He is the only candidate to steadily maintain over 20 percent of the vote in polls.…
Innovators Don't Always Stay First
– It’s way to early in the competition to know what will happen, but Facebook has had to step up its game and innovate it’s platform … Merchants have incentive to sign up their customers, because Bellyflop can create lifelong customers. … Will they vote a World Series share to each of the NL All Stars that won the All Star game giving them home field advantage?…
For Supercommittee, Partial Failure is an Option,_partial_failure_is_an_option
– The supercommittee can aim lower, though, and reduce borrowing for the next decade – on track to go up by more than $10 trillion – … The idea of getting House Republicans to sign off on an election-year tax-writing panel sounds kind of farfetched. … So here’s the scenario: The supercommittee coughs up its partial solution on Nov. 23 and presents to Congress $800 billion in reductions…
A first: Senate committee votes to repeal DOMA
– The vote itself was a sign that supporters of gay "marriage" had made strides in the 15 years since the law passed. … vote. "... … don't want to vote on it, because it's not popular it's not going to become law," Sessions said.…
The Balanced-Budget Amendment Delusion
– Someone graduating today could sign up there and pursue the same goal. … The balanced-budget amendment has never gone away and never come to pass.Last week, a vote in the House of Representatives fell short … It wouldn't succeed, and it would distract from what we need to do to reach the goal.…
Left Big Green Agenda Abuses Working Poor
– cost of energy will go up. … The result, Coloradans will have less money to spend on everything from groceries to child care to school supplies. … the forest was to allow the WWF and its partners to share the selling of carbon credits worth $60 billion, to enable firms in the…
Not Getting What they Paid For
– These two classes are going to have different interests and vote accordingly. … Under true democracy, it would be easy for the majority (workers) to vote to take property from the minority (owners). … “The last thing you would want to do in any kind of sensible society is to have a set of rules in which one man/one vote dictates over…
Bitter Residue Remains in Pennsylvania
– President Barack Obama opted for ice cream instead and went to the Windmill, eight miles up the road. … conservative the voters – yet even the conservatives are registered to vote as Democrats. … Without a collapsing economy to remind these voters why they’re still Democrats, they will vote Republican.…
Audio: Newt Talks Skeletons, Attacks, and Immigration,_attacks_and_immigration
up to pass the bill. … Most of them end up going home. Even the ones who are allowed to be certified are certified for residency. … They’re not eligible to vote.…
David Cameron's Finest Hour
– With his no vote on fiscal union, Cameron declared to the EU: "British surrenders of sovereignty come to an end here. … The Sun featured Cameron as Winston Churchill, flashing a wartime V-for-Victory sign over the banner headline: "Up Eurs -- Bulldog … austerity, North Europeans fed up with having to bail out Club Med deadbeats who do not work as hard or as long.…
Russia to Putin: Yeah We Don't Really Like This Corruption Thing
– government buddies up with China, but at least the Russian people seem to be over the old school style of strong man Russian governing … At least 30,000 people and perhaps as many as 100,000 turned up Saturday despite the wind and wet snow in Bolotnaya Square to demand … Roman Braun, an entrepreneur in his mid-20s, held up a sign showing pictures of Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev, with a caption…
Surging Fast, Gingrich Looks to Take Iowa
– Mike Huckabee began to move up in October and took the lead for the first time in a Rasmussen survey released Nov. 27. … Huckabee won with 34 percent of the vote to Romney's 25 percent. … It's always possible that something "dramatically fast and dramatically late" will happen to shake up the race.…
ABC News/Des Moines Register Debate Preview
– Newt Gingrich is leading in the polls in all but one of the early primary states and there seems to be no sign of his campaign imploding … up his sleeves and get his hands dirty. … Simply put, Team Romney needs to do something to galvanize more support behind his once high-flying candidacy.…
Long Slog Lies Ahead for Romney and Gingrich
vote. … Gingrich remains unbeatable in South Carolina, yet Florida is up for grabs and Romney has locked up Nevada. … As the new speaker, he cut spending, passed welfare reform, and persuaded President Clinton to sign a GOP-passed capital gains tax…
Congress Targeting Palestinians For Scrutiny, Sanctions
– have to adjust to that reality, including looking for new possible designations by the Treasury Department." … for financing to enable U.S. oversight." … After the U.N. vote, the unity government and other recent provocations, he appears to have few friends left in Washington.…
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