Results for: is the us at war with iran

Media Hiding Big Truth About Elections
– We now know Jimmy Carter is as "born-again" as Hillary, but in 1976, the media cooperated with the Democrats in the Carter hoax. … When his supporters looked at Clinton, they saw the messiah who would deliver, as Barak Obama is preaching: "the kingdom of God on … John Kerry couldn't "believe I'm losing to this guy."' 2008: With the possible exception of Mike Huckabee, the American voter is
Ronald Reagan Would Back McCain
– Shah of Iran from power and create the Islamic Republic of Iran with a bunch of wild-eyed mullahs running the show. … Now we have another world-wide war going on with a hidden enemy sworn to kill us all, and the policy of the Democrats running for the … If John McCain is the nominee of the party, this Reagan will happily campaign with him.…
For Democrats, Failing Grades on Iraq,_failing_grades_on_iraq
with the dangerous despots who rule North Korea and Iran. … At the end of her position paper on "Ending the War in Iraq," Clinton said she "would devote the resources we need to fight terrorism … At the end of Obama's position paper, in which he promises "I will end the war in Iraq," he said, "If Al Qaeda attempts to build a…
Huck's Hour of Power
The truth is the prospective Republican nominee is frozen in the past. … He warns us new wars are coming, demands the ouster of Vladimir Putin from the G-8 and threatens Iran. … With the president at 30 percent and the party about to lose seats in both houses of Congress, conservatives should not be closing…
Words Aren't Cheap
– A young Hubert Humphrey gained prominence at the 1948 Democratic convention with an uncompromising speech on civil rights, confronting … But McCain's delivery is often rigid and old-fashioned -- sprinkled with "my friends" in the manner of Richard Nixon or Gerald Ford … Would Obama really devote his first year in office to a series of surrender summits with the leaders of Cuba, Iran, Venezuela and North…
The World in 2009
– who offers hope, or at least change, to the world? … For starters, the next American president will have to deal with Vladimir Putin's Russia, which is proud and angry for reasons that … They think the future is theirs, the past ours.…
McCain on Feingold Bill
The reason is clear.  … East that is roiled by wider regional war and riddled with terrorist safehavens.    … The American soldiers we have sent to battle deserve to return to us with honor – the honor of victory that is due all of those who…
Snatching Defeat Away From Victory
– "National" is a way to ignore what is taking place at the local and provincial level, such as Shiite cleric Ammar al-Hakim, scion of … with the Sunni sheiks. … Are the Democrats so intent on denying George Bush retroactive vindication for a war they insist is his that they would deny their…
The Least Unpredictable Campaign Ever?
– John McCain will talk about the wide war and the dangers our enemies pose. … have left him extremely ill-prepared for the way the world is. … What is it about the world that D.C. elites have brought us do you wish to continue?…
The High School Massacre
– However the real story is the failure of much of the world’s media to report this story in context, and to see it for the pure evil … Israel on the other hand is waging a war against Palestinian terror and trying hard to avoid Palestinian civilian casualties. … This month and its message of Jewish survival is not a good month to mess with the Jews.…
Obama's No Ronald Reagan
– In Iran, U.S. policy had helped topple the Shah and usher in the Ayatollah Khomeini. … If Obama wants to get troops out of Iraq, what is his alternative strategy for winning the war against radical Islam? … But in the end Obama’s argument is a non-sequitur.…
Iran's Betrayal Leaves U.S. Suffering Pulp Fiction
– In real life, of course, Iran is responsible for many of our nearly 4,000 war dead in Iraq, many of our nearly 30,000 war-wounded in … At the Iraqi presidential palace, Ahmadinejad was greeted with multiple kisses from Iraqi President Jalal Talabani. … At the same time, Qatar -- which hosts a colossal pre-positioning base for the U.S. military -- is supposed to be a "moderate" Islamic…
Stop Talking and Start Doing
– On the campaign trail the buzzword is “change,” and the two remaining Democratic candidates are all for it. … In his post-Sept. 11 address to Congress, President Bush famously announced, “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists … Yasser Arafat’s PLO decided to come to the table because it respected the strength shown by the U.S. in the first Gulf War -- a war
The Care and Feeding of an Angry Territory
– Hamas, according to The New York Times, is mimicking Hezbollah, the Lebanese terrorist organization funded by Iran and Syria. … The irony is that the "Jewish entity," as Hamas sometimes calls it, is obligated, according to human-rights groups, to provide food … But is it possible? The answer, at least for the foreseeable future, is "no."…
Jihadism's Dangerous Liasons
– Thomas contends the attacks would come at a time when the Bush White House is all but “spent,” and the Democrat and Republican parties … or retain a Congressional seat – is talking about the threat, except to downplay the danger, or say that the threat is nothing more … Most Americans I’ve spoken too say either the threat is not as great as counterterrorism experts say it is – that the threat is based…
Hillary Hits Obama, McCain on War,_mccain_on_war
– 5-year anniversary of the Iraq war. … They both want to keep us tied to another country’s civil war, a war we cannot win.” … Hazelbaker said: “The point that Senator McCain [at the town hall meeting] was making was one about American troop presence versus…
Teflon John? Democrat Attacks Fall Short
– on the Iraq war. … Let's disregard the evidence that Iran is, in fact, aiding Shiite and Sunni extremists in the region and accept the notion that McCain … At this early juncture, however, with the Democrats still seeking a nominee, Republicans should be buoyed by the notion that this election…
Plainly for McCain
– But his position is no worse than that of the Democrats, and at least I’m confident that he’s opposed to the illegals having the right … Furthermore, unlike the Democrats, he recognizes that Islamic fundamentalists have declared war on us and every other democracy, and … Some of those people who dismiss McCain do so because he helped create the Gang of 14. At the time, I, too, was irate with him.…
The Latin Crisis
– This month Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez opened the next phase of his dangerous political career by nearly provoking a war with … Of course, there is something more important at stake than oil — namely, reducing the danger of terrorism. Mr. … Chavez has made common cause with Iran, the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism. Mr.…
Whittling Away at Sadr
– Other Shia militia and gangs confront Iraq, but Sadr is the most vexing case. … Al-Qaida massacred en masse, to the point that U.S. Sen. Harry Reid (D for Defeatist) declared the war in Iraq lost. … Think of the Iraqi anti-Sadr method as a form of suffocation, a political war waged with the blessing of Ayatollah Sistani that requires…
Should We Fight for South Ossetia?
– Can any sane man believe the United States should go to war with a nuclear-armed Russia over Stalin's birthplace, Georgia? … But President Bush is no longer the problem. John McCain is. … But with the Joint Chiefs warning of a war-weary Army and Marine Corps, who will fight all the new wars the neocons and their new champion…
Israel's Exposed Flank
– Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle East—and America’s only true ally there. … A bloody civil war in Iraq would only be the beginning. … Many of us have forgotten—perhaps because the press declines to air it—that videotape of Palestinians dancing with joy on September…
Casualties of the Campaign
The Clinton legacy is wrecked. … Whatever the final result of the 2008 campaign, the image of an above-the-fray Bill is no more -- shattered somewhere between the disclosure … No one has offered a better way of dealing with an ascendant but lawless China, an unhinged Iran or the ongoing war against Islamic…
Observations on the Fly
– of us making billions of calls a day, the FBI is actually monitoring all the insipid gossip we’re exchanging with friends and relatives … However, when I suggest that with Islamic nuts having declared war on all us heathens, paying close attention to calls to and from … And when you get right down to it, how different is screaming “The sky is falling” from screaming “The earth is warming”?…
National Security is THE Issue
– I believe the Iraq war has everything to do with our national security. … And don't forget that Democrats refuse to discern that Iraq is a part of the war on terror and so, regardless of the specific consequences … By contrast, I think most Republicans, in varying degrees, believe Iraq is part of the war.…
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