Results for: sign up to vote

When It Comes to Earmarks in DC, It's 'E Pluribus Oink',_its_e_pluribus_oink
– With that attitude, they ought to put up a new Welcome to Washington sign that reads: Prodigo ergo prodigo. … During the 2008 campaign, Obama pledged to reduce earmarks to less than $7.8 billion, the level where they were before 1994. … Unfortunately, that's a price Congress has been all too willing to pay -- because, well, Congress doesn't have to pay it.…
The Obama Administration and Abortion: Defining What "Is" Is
– Put simply, why would the president sign an Executive Order preventing something he claimed wasn’t there to begin with? … One other poignant example occurred just prior to the vote on March 22. … “I’ve never been able to come up with the words to describe the abortion procedure.…
Dicey Times for Dems
– And if the GOP were to net nine seats, "and it's still a long shot -- Lieberman would become either the Democrats' 50th vote or the … In the House, Republicans could pick up 25 to 30 seats -- and GOP strategists do not rule out the possibility of a net gain of 40 and … Charlie Cook is telling reporters that the Democrats are about to be swamped by a "classic wave election" that shows no sign of weakening…
Retiring Reps Could Doom Dems in Midterm
– whom polls now show to be in trouble. … find ways to reenergize their party's base. … Polls show voters planning to vote Republican are much more intense in their views than Democrats.…
The "Anti-Liberal" Mood
– on Mark Critz's victory in Pennsylvania: Even as Republicans take it as a warning that they can't win everything just by showing up … no-tax pledges -- to ask Democrat candidates whether they would pledge to vote against Nancy Pelosi for speaker.And if Democrats want … to keep winning, perhaps they'd better empty out the seats of all their members who voted for the budget-breaking "stimulus" plan…
SCOTUS Upholds Power to Forever Lock Up "Dangerous" People
– This case saw Chief Justice Roberts move to the left of moderate Justice Kennedy, and could be a troubling sign of things to come. … By a 7-2 vote, the Court held that the federal government has the power to keep such people locked up under the Constitution’s Necessary … power over the situation not to have to release someone if no state will take them.…
Will the PIGS Blow Up Europe?
– on the deficits they will be permitted to run. … The plunging euro is a sure sign the markets are coming to see that the only way the bonds of indebted European nations are going toTo show that they were good Europeans, they gave up their beloved mark.…
View From The Left
– They purport to “speak truth to power,” “afflict the comfortable” and a whole series of similar tired clichés. … When President Reagan was re-elected with 59 percent of the popular vote (to Walter Mondale’s 40 percent) it was rightly seen as a … Dire reports that oil is about to start lapping up on pristine beaches (“The urgent question along the polluted Gulf of Mexico: How…
Race of the Day: Democrats on the Run in Hawaii
– special election to fill the vacancy left by Congressman Neil Abercrombie. … In 2008, President Obama won the district with 70% of the vote.  … Case has placed himself at odds with much of the Democrat establishment in Hawaii as he has often jumped from race to race, even to
Speaking Out, Listening Up,_listening_up
sign on." … And, increasingly, the people who are willing to make the sacrifices to show up as elected representatives on Capitol Hill have little … It's a long road to November yet, but it's not a bad way to jump into the summer.…
Caring Enough to Cut Spending Responsibly
– Both leaders and citizens would like more money to spend, but the stark economic realities are forcing all to decide where to cut? … There is a sign in the CA State Finance Department that should have been put up long ago: “Nothing inspires genius like a tight budget … Support administrators taking on the challenge, and when you vote, send a message to Washington that we want leaders to care enough…
Baby steps
– going to jump, too? … of EU countries must sign a petition. … This step could lead to further steps.…
– Reagan never feared to negotiate—provided America’s military was second to none. … Do we want Japan, Germany, or even Australia to feel compelled to go nuclear? … Now is not the time to START. It’s the time to STOP.…
Obama's 'Chicago Way' Plunders the Private Sector
– An interesting thing about Barack Obama is that he chose, on two occasions, to live in Chicago -- even though he didn't grow up … Use some sweeteners to get the drug companies and the docs to sign onto the health care plan. … As witnessed by Bill Clinton's willingness to dangle some sort of job to Joe Sestak to get him out of the Pennsylvania Senate race.…
Selective Thoughts
– The people in the box next to us showed up 45 minutes into the first set and just ran their mouths during the entire show. … I came late to the Wooden fan club. I moved to Los Angeles in 1969. … On the other hand, they must be thrilled that they have another foot soldier to vote for their leadership in caucus.…
Marriage Petition Case Was Not a Defeat for Traditional Marriage
– Groups sought to get enough signatures to put the issue on the ballot, so that the voters could decide directly whether to change this … of petition signers, it’s beyond doubt that this disclosure is intended to threaten and intimidate people who sign the petition. … To the surprise of some, the vote most against the marriage supporters was delivered by Justice Antonin Scalia.…
Invisible Stimulus in Fly-Over Towns
– Below the 13,000-foot peaks ringing the pass, a large home-made sign grabs a traveler’s attention. “Vote Obama? Embarrassed Yet?” … “You had to be shovel-ready. … Public policy is supposed to be about fixing problems, a deliberate plan of action by the government to address an issue.…
Whitewashing Black Racism
– In the fall of 2008, just days before he showed up to hector white poll workers, Shabazz told the Philadelphia Inquirer:"I'm about … You got to take violence to violence."The desire to kill, subordinate and demonize white people is a staple of NBPP propaganda. … Thanks to Obama's feckless Department of Injustice, these black supremacist brutes are free to show up on the next national Election…
2010 Race of the Day: Golden State Needs A Little Red
– A field of strong Republican candidates stepped up to fight for Democrat Jerry McNerney’s seat—a clear sign that voters in California … Recognizing the severity of the Democrats’ job-killing agenda, Harmer aims to bring a fiscally responsible voice to Washington. … This fall, Republicans in California’s 11th District have the chance to elect this outstanding candidate and take a vote away from…
Suffering in Suffragette City
– Usually, people want to stand up and be counted. … In a June speech to the National Right to Life Committee, House Minority Leader John Boehner explained, "Americans love life, and we … And if such judges and politicians happen to be men, what's wrong with that? And if they happen to be women, super.…
Will Kagan -- and Recusal Law -- Cost Obamacare a Vote?
– " and would thus need to recuse herself. … record prior to making our recommendation to the full Senate on your nomination." … of Obamacare comes up.…
With Friends Like These, Who Needs Keith Olbermann?,_who_needs_keith_olbermann
– Responding to these vile charges, conservative television pundits think it's a great comeback to say: "There is the fringe on both … Did that occur to you simpering morons as a possible reply to the slanderous claim that conservatives are fiery racists? … vote.…
2010 Race of the Day: Taking Back a Longtime GOP Seat in Pennsylvania…e_of_the_day_taking_back_a_longtime_gop_seat_in_pennsylvania
– Carney will be forced to own up to his liberal voting record in a conservative district where his votes are not in line with his constituents … Prior to his service as a U.S. … In a sign that his campaign is on its way to success, Marino has earned “On the Radar” status in the National Republican Congressional…
Whatever Happened to the First Amendment?
up or down vote. … The bill passed in the House of Representatives by a vote of 219 to 206. … They were attempting to limit our ability to organize and get out the vote for this November’s elections.…
An Alaskan's Perspective On Why Murkowski Lost
– Bottom line up front: Lisa Murkowski's primary campaign should serve as a lesson in what not to do when you are being attacked by your … It shows a certain sign of weakness...3. Murkowski had the right response to Joe Miller ready to go, but never used it. 4. … While Miller's supporters had all the motivation in the world to show up, Murkowski gave no motivation to her base of supporters to
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