Results for: sign up to vote

Makers and Takers
– Schweizer: Conservatives are much more likely to give to charity and they are also much more likely to donate their time to charity … Kengor: How does the giving of Barack Obama measure up to, say, George W. Bush, or the nefarious Dick Cheney? … All you need to do is vote for the right candidate and support government programs. Other than that, you are off the hook.…
Voters Say "Drill"
– The near $20 jump in oil to $140 a barrel, the unexpected half-point increase in the jobless rate to 5.5 percent (the biggest monthly … Yet he, like Obama, would have voted for cap-and-trade, which went down to defeat in last week’s Senate vote. And while Mr. … Either way, voters will move to the candidate who connects with their worries. Right now those worries are up for grabs.…
How Far We Have Come; How Far We Have to Go;_how_far_we_have_to_go
– This is the subliminal appeal to Obama's presidential candidacy: he seems to represent the exception to every black stereotype. … By voting for Obama, the White voting populace was presented with a unique opportunity to vote for someone who evoked none of the black … At the same time, American Blacks seem to be regarding the mere fact of a black face in the White House as some sign of fundamental…
Congress’ New Secret Plan to Pass ObamaCare – The Nuclear Option…ress’_new_secret_plan_to_pass_obamacare_–_the_nuclear_option
– The left had to retool their strategy, because there was no will in the Senate to take up and pass ObamaCare again. … to shut off debate on legislation, for the purposes of passing multiple pieces of legislation that add up to ObamaCare. … They have disdain for those that show up at Town Halls to voice opposition to the bill.…
The Debt Reduction Commission: Another Gergen-Shields Show
– That ought to be cheap to run. Just imagine the staff, travel to research sites for that! … Gergen then opened up on Scott Brown. … Would you really sit in “Ted Kennedy’s seat” and vote against the cause to which Kennedy devoted his life?…
Unlearned Lessons
– rich to other states. … As more become dependent on government, more vote to preserve the status quo. … Social Security and Medicare should be means-tested with incentives for people not to sign-up for them.…
Obama's Approval As Chilly As the Weather
– When Americans are asked how they would vote in the midterm House elections, they are split right down the middle, 46 percent to 46 … pick up as many as 30 House seats, possibly closer to 40, and anywhere from six to eight seats in the Senate. … the number of Americans who have given up looking for work, which rose to 1.1 million last month.…
The Democrats' Pickett's Charge
– And now the House Democrats line up at the instruction of their blind commanders for a final charge into glory as they battle to foist … Each will ask himself whether he is really prepared to throw away his career for this vote. Is this it? … congressman's backyard pressuring their member to vote no.…
Deficit-Enabling Media
– Bunning pushed the stop button on the perpetual federal spending machine by holding up a $10 billion package to extend (yet again) … ask the Senator why he is blocking a vote that would extend unemployment benefits to more than 340,000 Americans, including Brenda … A sign, perhaps, that public pressure on him is building over his controversial decision to block a short-term spending bill in the…
Crack Versus Powder Cocaine Should Not Be Black and White
– Last week by voice vote, the Senate unanimously approved a measure to reduce the infamous 100-1 disparity in federal mandatory … Yet it has taken decades to win a floor vote to address the disparity, and then only part way. … Maybe sentences of five years or 10 years (the sentence for 50 grams or up to 250 doses of crack) do not seem like harsh punishment…
Will Stupak Be Silenced by Executive Order?
– So what to do? … Bart Stupak and his pro-life colleagues are feckless enough to sign on to the nationalization of 1/6 of the American economy and the … Coming up: President Obama plans to meet with the Democratic caucus at 3:00.…
Don't Worry -- Everyone Will Know
– With this week's health care vote, that's the voters' job. To snap the House back to reality. … Since no House member wants to vote for the Senate bill, Pelosi is trying to figure out how to get the legislation enacted without … As for me, I'm glad to have true friends who speak up and bring me back to reality when needed.…
Constitutional Law 101
– support, while almost all polls are showing support for the current bill to be at only 25 percent to 35 percent. … It speaks to the sturdiness of the system our founders installed that it is, as intended, so resistant to passing major legal and cultural … violate the Constitution in order to get her way.…
On Obamacare: Just Say No
– lives in history without a single Republican vote and, against the will of the people, Obama will sign it into law. … Democracy -- what the American people actually want -- is just not going to stand in the way. … Nancy Pelosi must persuade, bribe, and threaten to get 216 House Democrats to support this despite having 253 sitting House Democrats…
The Heavy Weight of Scandal
– Charles Rangel had to give up the chairmanship of Ways and Means but not before Speaker Nancy Pelosi defended him, then waffled, then … House Republicans, though, forced a vote on a resolution to force the Ethics Committee to decide whether it should reopen the case … meeting with … Axelrod, to express a fear that Republicans are seizing the high ground on cleaning up Washington."…
Obama's Gifts to the 'Outlier' Have Only Just Begun
– Yes, that evil old United States -- you know, the "outlier" who, up to now, has not forced millions of people who don't want to buy … The Democrats' message to Republicans: Give it up. … they get a chance to vote for him.…
More “Hateful” Propaganda from the Left“hateful”_propaganda_from_the_left
– in their power to lower the temperature." … You didn't elect us to represent you; you elected us to rule over you. … But then he tries to redeem Democrats by referring only to "members of Congress" or "senior party officials."…
We've Been Had
– Stupak ended up surrendering his opposition in exchange for President Obama’s pledge to prevent federal funding of abortion via Executive … did, we stayed true to those principles – or vote no... … He was a NO vote on legislation that would prevent underage girls from traveling across state lines to procure an abortion, and a NO…
Triumphal March Atop Rumbling Volcano
– Will there be one or two bills for the president to sign at the end of the process? Or do I hear three from the next bidder? … We citizen-patients are to adopt an air of quiet resignation; it's time to brush away any controversy. … The House now has cast its vote. We the People get to cast ours in November.…
AARP sells out American Seniors - Redux
– Just moments before the big vote on Health Care, Nancy Pelosi gave a shout out and quoted only one organization in America. … If you're over 45, and conservative, go to and sign up. … It's the only way to stop AARP the ext time they try and sell out seniors on Capitol Hill.…
As the Elites Celebrate, the Resistance to Obamacare Begins,_the_resistance_to_obamacare_begins
– In other words, leave policymaking to your betters. Shut up and take it. … The bill, which passed without a single Republican vote, goes directly to the president, who will sign it this week, thus placing another … House leaders did abandon the ill-conceived idea to “deem” the Senate bill passed without a vote, a parliamentary trick so odious that…
The Health Care Bill Has Passed
– The Speaker and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate have to sign the official copy of the legislation which will then carried to … So, the Senate will wait to take up the fixes until after the signing ceremony at the White House. … At about 10:48 last night, the vote was gaveled into history and the bill was adopted 219 - 212 - three votes to spare.…
The GOP Must Take Charge on Stevens Replacement
– adhere to the group’s beliefs, and whether people can sign petitions to protect traditional marriage without their addresses being … Liberals support activist judges, who declare the Constitution to mean whatever they want it to mean, according to their own liberal … Conservatives need to make clear to moderates within the party that this is no time to abandon conservative principles.…
Dems' Stakes High in PA-12
– This was the only congressional district to vote for John Kerry and Jack Murtha in 2004; they trended against the grain and voted for … To win this race, these two candidates must appeal to voters’ needs: Jobs. … Burns’ challenge is to not allow the race to become a referendum on confidence.…
When It Comes to Earmarks in DC, It's 'E Pluribus Oink',_its_e_pluribus_oink
– With that attitude, they ought to put up a new Welcome to Washington sign that reads: Prodigo ergo prodigo. … During the 2008 campaign, Obama pledged to reduce earmarks to less than $7.8 billion, the level where they were before 1994. … Unfortunately, that's a price Congress has been all too willing to pay -- because, well, Congress doesn't have to pay it.…
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