Results for: is the us at war with iran

An Enfeebled Obama
The fact of the matter is that Brzezinski's view is in line with the general disposition of Obama's foreign policy. … Instead, Obama announced that he is sending a senior US official to meet with the Iranians on October 1. … And indeed, the notion that the US would go to war against Israel to protect Iran's nuclear installations is laughably absurd.…
Americans Have Finally Achieved Reality
At times, Obama appeared to be the grown-up in the campaign as McCain made misstep after misstep. While it is doubtful that Mr. … The most heated disputes have occurred around foreign policy issues -- Viet Nam, Iran-Contra and the Iraq War have all raised greater … The problem is that no matter how bad the current economy is, it is not the second Great Depression.…
Pakistan Notebook
The third was at the military's General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi, where Taliban insurgents, armed with automatic weapons, grenades … Pakistan is having a historic debate and it is having it in the midst of a civil war. … I'm persuaded that the majority in this country is on the right side of the debate, the civil war and the global conflict.…
Natural Born Losers
– again, that Afghanistan was a "war of necessity" while the war in Iraq was a "war of choice." … As liberals endlessly reminded us during the three weeks of war in Afghanistan before the U.S. military swept into Kabul, Afghanistan … Liberals sneered at Bush's description of Iraq as the "central front of the war on terror" and a step toward the "democratization of…
Here Comes Iran's Nuke
at the site. … The switch from nuclear power to nuclear weapons is less a scientific than a political decision for the Iranians at this point. … left to Nicholas Sarkozy to tell it with the bark off the next day at the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh: "President Obama himself…
Main Street USA: Political Delusions
– Plutarch tells us that, back in the fifth-century B.C., when the citizens of Athens were voting on whether to ostracize -- i.e., … It is the point, what happens when the air starts to seep from a balloon flying improbably high? … The Nobel Peace Prize is just the latest instance of dangerous overstretch on the part of people who have invested their dreams in…
How Turkey Was Lost
– TURKEY'S BREAK with the West; its decisive rupture with Israel and its opposition to the US in Iraq and Iran was predictable. … and proof positive that the US and the West have no problem with political Islam. … This is just as true for Turkey as it is for the US, for Iran and for Sweden and Egypt.…
Selective Thoughts #2
– It really became apparent with his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. … FDR would tell them the war is over when we win; not when it gets tiresome. … The problem is once that requirement is established, the Democrats will begin to lard up the policies with other requirements like…
Are You with Us or with Them?
– As they dodged the blows of the militia, they chorused: "Obama! Obama! Either you're with them or you're with us." … He could have expressed his hopes for good relations with the people of Iran. … In Iran, the violence is coming exclusively from the government, which is firing upon unarmed demonstrators.…
Fighting Radical Islam in Afghanistan Must Be Priority 1
The latter would exhaust the American public’s limited patience – this because of an unending and costly war with nothing to show for … Let us be thoroughly mindful that time is fast working against us, for very soon we will no longer have the relative freedom of action … America, the doomsday clock is ticking.…
A Curious Lack of Curiosity Over Intelligence Outrage
– who are allied with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (who herself is in open war against the CIA, calling them criminal liars to Congress … Is it the group in the White House closely allied with the Defense Department, which -- for deep institutional reasons that transcend … Is it some political player at the White House acting in the interest of some other faction at the CIA, which many knowledgeable people…
The Fruits of Intervention
– -Iran talks? Or is someone trying to torpedo the talks and push Iran and the United States into military collision? … war with Iran would be an act of madness. … being pushed from behind into a war with Iran.…
Dismantling America: Part II
– I rose at the faculty meeting to say that I knew practically nothing about whether the program was good or bad, and that the information … As for the benefit of the doubt, no one-- especially not the President of the United States-- is entitled to that, when his actions … Countries in South America know that Hugo Chavez is allying Venezuela with Iran.…
Jihadists in the Military
– No amount of evidence -- from Koran verses urging the killing of "infidels," to cries of "God is great," reportedly shouted by the … Sun Tzu famously wrote that all war is deception. … It is irrelevant that some have put the number of radicalized Muslims worldwide at 10 percent.…
4 Reasons The American Dream Will Be Over Unless We Act
The stigma for taking government assistance is fading, government is taking over the role of charity, many liberals mock the idea of … If the bonds that hold us together disintegrate or the fundamental decency of the American people is no longer a given, our nation … That's the future we're headed towards unless Iran is stopped and the consequences will be more devastating than most Americans can…
Lessons of Fort Hood
– When a military officer participates in a war against his own country, that is high treason, and that is the charge that ought to … in the US army is if his intention is to follow the footsteps of men like Nidal." … The revolutionary jihadis also have this advantage: the reluctance of so many in the West to accept that a serious war is being waged…
Vicarious Conversation: In the Company of Fools
– . -- During a war in Afghanistan, you're picking fights with the Afghan government over corruption, not to mention undermining trust … As with so much else, why is any of this necessary? … of nuclear weapons, and the UN says Iran probably has numerous secret sites with centrifuges for plutonium processing -- beyond the
Lebanon's Legacy in Afghanistan
– Hizbullah's rise was stymied temporarily in 2003 with the US-led invasion of Iraq. … But the message he sent US forces is far from resolute. … told the Afghan people that they have no reason to collaborate with US and NATO forces on the ground.…
Anne Graham Lotz downplays religion
– "Abraham is considered the patriarch of these religions, but he actually left religion in order to pursue a personal relationship with … "I want to know Him, not the way people say He is or people think He is or people hope He is. … "The world is such dangerous place right now, and there are many people who think that we may be on the brink of a war if Israel goes…
Forward on Afghanistan
– Mentioning the cost of the war is another caveat that ought to be less important than he made it. … There is a cautionary note in the polling. Only 30 percent in the USA Today/Gallup Poll think the war is going "moderately well." … The failure of the Obama brand of diplomacy is on display in Iran.…
Straight From the Newt's Mouth
At one point when people are killing you, you start to think, 'Gee, maybe this is a war.'"" … I don't think the administration or the State Department understands with just how much contempt we are viewed in the world right now … It is global...this is a real war.…
Bush Rockin' a News Conference in a Few
– Along with this Mark Kennedy ad in Minnesota, is this a signal of a bolder move to politically face the Iraq issue head-on? … No-win for him with the media. You say you'll entertain any idea to help us win? Will you work with Iran and Syria? Huh? Huh? … "If they will verifiably stop enrichment, the United States will be at the table with them." …
Christian Politician Assassinated in Lebanon
– Gemayel is the fifth figure to be assassinated in the past two years in Lebanon. … Phalanage Party that fielded the largest Christian militia during the 1975-90 civil war between Christians and Muslims. … Amin Gemayel is the current leader of the party.…
Iraq Study Group: The 'Graveness,' the Redeployment, the Response (Updating...)…group_the_graveness,_the_redeployment,_the_response_updating
– AP leads with the pull-out: A commission on the war in Iraq recommended new and enhanced diplomacy Wednesday so the United States … And I understand how difficult that is, but this report will give us all an opportunity to find common ground, for the good of the … If the war in Iraq is truly lost, then fine -- it's lost.…
Descending on Beirut: Iran/Hezbollah/Syria Protestors Unite Under Lebanese Flag…irut_iranhezbollahsyria_protestors_unite_under_lebanese_flag
– According to LBC, the Christian participation is weak, with even lesser participation by Beirut Sunnis... … Abu Kais, at Michael Totten's place, is reporting from Lebanon, I believe. Read the whole thing. … And any effort he would make to establish an Islamic theocracy like the one in Iran would be met with stiff opposition from this, the
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