Results for: sign up to vote

New Poll: PA Voters Move Away From Obama
– A new Franklin & Marshall College Poll (read it here) is a sign of just how damaging the race debate has been to Barack Obama: … Fewer than one in seven (13%) likely voters is currently undecided, and most (85%) are “certain” about their vote choice, up from 72 … Obama holds a slight advantage among those who say the Iraq War (42% to 35%) is their top concern. Prior to March, Mr.…
Anne and Emmett
– How ironic, Janet Langhart Cohen observed yesterday, that it is a black person, Barack Obama, who has been called up to the podium … gave black men the right to vote. … Clinton's supporters out of caucus sites to filling out precinct convention sign-in sheets during the day and submitting them as completed…
Obama Exposed As Mere Mortal As Hillary Fights On
– In that, I share the goal of Rush Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos” – an effort to get as many Republicans possible to vote in the Democratic … Hillary is now catching up in the polls and Republicans’ wish that the Democratic primary goes on for many weeks to come appears almost … that Hillary is going to give up anytime soon, things are looking pretty good for the Republican candidate for President right now…
Gypsies, tramps and thieves,_tramps_and_thieves
– But whether Dillon is to be recalled should not be up to the elite — or to me. … It should be up to whether enough citizens in the district freely sign the petition and, if enough voters sign, how residents then … But the blockers seek to remove “freely sign” from my previous sentence.…
The Year That Wasn't
– That’s not a good sign for a party that’s supposed to be a model of racial transcendence. … Millions want to vote for her in the remaining primaries. … By convention time, she could even end up with a slight lead in the aggregate popular vote.…
On The Beauty of Ambiguity
to back its ally? … So that for a man to predict Š what he is going to use and how he is going to use it would, I think, exhibit his ignorance of war … There's no need to be specific.…
Democrats Trade Hypocrisy
– face heavy tariffs of up to 35 percent -- and depending on the product, sometimes much more -- for everything from consumer goods … to agriculture. … Now, however, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is threatening not to allow a vote on the issue at all, jeopardizing not just this agreement…
In the Name of Political Hygiene
– When two residents proposed a vote on annexation of their subdivision to Parker, six others began trying to persuade the rest to oppose … It also said that anyone who had contacted them or received a lawn sign might be subjected to "investigation, scrutinization and sanctions … The Parker Six respond: We have secret ballots so government cannot compel voters to disclose how they vote in elections, so why should…
Huck for VP Website Warns McCain to Pick "Consistently Pro-Life" VP
– Nevertheless, they've got a page up.  Update:  Think this is a reference to Mitt Romney? … It is important to have a Vice President whose record has been consistently pro-life, not coming to the party simply to run for national … I sign this petition urging you to choose a pro-life, pro-family, pro 2nd Amendment, and supporter of our Troops...Mike Huckabee as…
The Michelle Factor: Forget Jeremiah Wright. What Does Michelle Obama Think About America?…eremiah_wright__what_does_michelle_obama_think_about_america
– They raise it up. They shift it to the left and to the right. It’s always just quite out of reach. … And if you’re lucky enough to have a job, nine times out of ten, your salary’s not keeping up with the cost of living. … Teachers don’t have the resources to teach, the freedom to do what they know that they need to do.…
The Spirit of '68
– "Why don't we just vote to strike tonight, and we'll decide tomorrow what we're striking for?" … In France, the government was rocked to its foundations; in the Eastern Bloc, a crevice was opened up in the Berlin Wall; and here … Means relate to ends.…
Who Will Stop the Madness!!
– Obama depends on winning over 90% of the African American vote to achieve his large margins. … Even as Obama racked up large margins in his preferred demographics Hillary’s constituency refused to be swayed. … A sure sign that she is planning to fight to the very end is news that she has loaned the campaign $6.4 million in the last month for…
As Maine Goes
– According to GOP state chairman Mark Ellis, self-identified Republicans make up the smallest number of Maine's voters (28 percent … In a reference to Sen. … To be a conservative Republican in Maine takes a lot of stamina; something like enduring winter up here.…
Czar Nancy's Rule
– Two Republican committee members told me they had received the high sign from the party leadership that it was all right to vote for … With a rare opportunity to go on record against entitlements, House Republicans voted 128 to 62 for spending. … The state of the GOP is indicated by the fact that the 104 to 86 vote by Republicans was seen as progress, while Flake's proposal failed…
Hillary's Spending
– free to vote their own interests. … This was seen as caving in to the "aggies." The outcome of Wednesday's vote was a foregone conclusion. … Paul, the Libertarian candidate in 1988, has never ended his campaign for the Republican nomination and has continued to pile up impressive…
"An Evangelical Manifesto": Timely or Timeless?
– Loyalty to personality has replaced commitment to principle. … The “Manifesto” forces us to face up to some very inconvenient truths and we naturally recoil. … We have taught our people how to vote (and for whom to vote) all the while leaving them clueless as to how to pray (and for whom to
Guns and Judges: Electing the Supreme Court in 2008
– At least some of these questions will find their way up to the Supreme Court years later. … Both Clinton and Obama refused to sign that brief, instead supporting the District of Columbia’s law that prohibits its law-abiding … vote to uphold individual gun rights.…
Israel at 60: Strong Democratic Ally or Festering, Open "Sore"?,_open_sore
– Its economy continues to grow. … Someone has apparently forgotten to pass this information along to Senator Barack Obama.  … attention, and we stick up for our friends.…
McCain’s Winning Wild Card—Trust’s_winning_wild_card—trust
– I didn’t even vote for him in our primary, but I’m coming to appreciate what I think a lot of Americans understood about this rock-solid … There’s no better sign of character than the ability to honestly confront one’s own party when you think it’s wrong. … He may not have voted for the Bush tax cuts, but he has voted to sustain them and promises to work to extend them if elected.…
Race Cards and Speech Codes
– Now, undoubtedly, Clinton was trying to belittle, to diminish the importance of the South Carolina vote for Obama. … But why is it racist to say what Clinton was implying: That, in a Southern state where a huge share of the Democratic vote is African-American … Here's what she's really saying to party leaders: There's no way that white people are going to vote for the black guy.…
Teach Your Kid How to Sense BS
– as sharp as a sack of wet rats and assist them to discern that which is detrimental to their lives—even if it’s all dressed up as … to manipulate the audience to get it to do whatever one wants done.” … Yes, parents, it is your job to make your kids healthily suspicious before they date it, buy it or vote for it. 2.…
What Went Wrong With the Evangelical Manifesto?
– You probably heard about it some time ago and you chose to sign it. Why? … I want Christians to vote and be involved and to express their worldview. I think this document undermines a lot of that. … And with less than half of Christians even registering to vote, there’s a disconnect.…
The GOP Veep List: Pros and Cons
– With Jindal on the ticket, voters wouldn’t have to go to the Democrats in order to elect our first person of color to national office … His up-from-the-bottom personal story (first member of his family ever to graduate high school, let alone college) and successful struggle … As governor, she masterfully finessed the gay marriage issue – agreeing to sign a civil union bill, but only if it came attached to
The rule of law vs. the rule of Land
– Now, if it were established law that a petition circulator had to be registered to vote, or a resident of the district, one could agree … And statewide officials, public officials at all levels, have a duty to know enough about the Constitution to follow it. … There exists no good reason not to allow a democratic decision to be made by the people of this Michigan district.…
The Economy: A Reality Check
– The Consumer Price Index was up 3.9 percent, largely due to price rises in energy and food. "Core inflation" was 2.3 percent. … Those are numbers that would have been taken as a sign of very good times when I was growing up. … Voters, most of whom had vivid memories of the Depression of the 1930s, tended to vote for Democrats when the economy sagged.…
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