Results for: is the us at war with iran

Obama Turns On Freedom Around the Globe
– Ronald Reagan championed it when he won the cold war, George H.W. … The NED asked the White House for a presidential meeting with dissident Bertha Atunez, who headed the Cuban Rosa Parks Women’s Movement … The President needs to worry less about getting along with tyrants and instead concern himself more with the security of the American…
Sanity From the Indian Subcontinent
– Yet the Indian is in good company. … "The fires are getting bigger. ... The sea level is rising." … The surprise is on us.…
Young Voters Should Take Another Look at Obama
The intention here -- Obama said it back in 2003 and hasn't denied it since -- is to send us down a road that leads to government-provided … That leads me to wonder whether you were dismayed when Obama responded with stony indifference to the people in the streets of Iranwith Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the mullahs.…
The Rigged Game
At that point, Obama can be counted on to claim that it was Israel's recalcitrance in the negotiations with the Palestinians or the … As Follath sees it, both are equally responsible for the rising likelihood of war between Israel and Iran that is liable to suck in … Whether Netanyahu is dealing with Obama or European leaders, the game is rigged against us.…
Remembering Ted Kennedy
– It is not the amount of coverage that bothers; it is the quality of reporting. … Along with the inaccurate suggestions we're hearing from the press that he was beloved by all are the suggestions, again echoed across … On CBS, reporter Bill Plante asserted the Iran-Contra affair helped "set the stage for the first Iraq war and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism…
Obama Cannot Escape Hard Choices in September
the angry left angry at him. … The third issue on which Obama will need to choose is Iran. … Earlier this year he set a deadline of September for the beginning of talks with Iran.…
Scotland Isn't the Only Country Releasing Terrorists
The U.S. military released a senior Shiite terrorist with close ties to Iran in early June 2009. … The terrorist, Laith al-Khazali, is a member of the terror group Asa'ib al-Haq. … Barack Obama is attempting to buy peace with terrorist organizations by negotiating the release of their combatants in our custody.…
Only a Fool Calls It Surrender
– thinking, from the conventional wisdom to war strategy. … The point of withdrawal is to stop trying to create an American ally out of Sharia-supreme Afghanistan, something we attempted at great … Quick facts: Pakistan's army's motto is "Faith, piety and holy war in the path of Allah."…
Why Is Missile Defense Controversial?
– But the Bush administration outsourced negotiations with Iran to European diplomats who made no progress. … This would provide "the fastest and most cost-effective protection against the long-range missiles that Iran is projected to have by … At the same time, Iran's ruling mullahs will be delighted to learn that the West not only is unserious about preventing them from acquiring…
Jimmy Carter and the Elvis Factor
The former President is not content having left office with high inflation, high interest rates and high unemployment. … Nor is he content with having cut the legs from under the Shah of Iran, which led to the establishment of the Islamic theocracy in … Nor is he content -- as ex-President -- with writing a book in which he likened the state of Israel and its treatment of the Palestinians…
The Crisis of Health Care Reform
– America needed to "cope with a crisis that otherwise would overwhelm us." The speech had immediate influence. … And so Barack Obama's address to Congress on health care, at a minimum, must answer the question: What is the crisis? … dissatisfied" with the health care they get in other ways.…
Ready, Aim, Fire McChrystal,_aim,_fire_mcchrystal
– are "reluctant to align with us" is due to the "perception" -- eight years and untold billions in largesse after we entered the country … And that, according to the report, is why we're losing this war (fireable offense No. 2). … the country doesn't grant us staging rights for an attack on Iran (or anywhere else).…
Obama’s Retreats Send the Wrong Message to Iran’s_retreats_send_the_wrong_message_to_iran
The F-22 program is now dead. … The latest news is that the procurement team which has been placed in charge of rebidding the tanker will ignore the World Trade Organization … In the largest case ever filed before the WTO, the US Trade Representative successfully established that the tens of billions of dollars…
Terrorists Can Take Comfort in Obama's Words
– But much of the president's speech was filled with pomp, exaggeration, political posturing and over-the-top promises that he is going … Despite Obama's repeated claims that he has ended the Iraq war -- or at least America's participation in it -- the fact remains that … America's role there was in the process of winding down at the end of the Bush presidency.…
Afterthoughts from the U.N. Address
– Specifically, they argue that he is laying the necessary groundwork to contain and isolate Iran, coaxing the Russians into a new round … No, the "greatest danger of all is to allow new walls to divide us from one another." This week he rehashed the same rhetoric. … It is good that it came down with our victory in the Cold War.…
For the Community Organizer, Peanut Farmer Simpatico?,_peanut_farmer_simpatico
– Haiti. -- At the UN this week, Obama once again pressured Israel to work with the Palestinians -- this time by freezing West … Why did Obama snub two allies -- the Poles notably having fought loyally with us in both Iraq and Afghanistan? … "the good war."…
Our Irredeemable International System
– On the other hand, they will not give the slightest consideration to the fact that Iran is about to become a nuclear power, in contempt … After all, now that the US has agreed to hold negotiations with Ahmadinejad's representatives next month about whatever Iran would … Today it is Ahmadinejad, not the US or the UN Security Council, who sets the agendas and conditions for meetings.…
Missiles, Crocodiles, And Doves,_crocodiles,_and_doves
– Cue the doves in places like Prague, Warsaw, Moscow, Tehran, and Caracas. Peace is at hand. Peace in our time. … Its relevance is reinforced each and every time those who play with matches and kindling ignore the obvious-to-anyone-with-a-brain … The book is called, Munich, 1938: Appeasement and World War II.…
'Reset' Translates as 'Capitulation'
The idea that we would eliminate now our capability to deal with them down the road is transparently a political decision, not a national … To the contrary, all the evidence suggests otherwise: Vladimir Putin is enabling that Iranian threat, with nuclear technology, anti-aircraft … near-term missile threats Iran is now posing to our allies and forces in the Mideast.…
Losing Our Way to Victory
– Today's column is for all hawkish Americans currently wrestling with looming doubts about the pointlessness of the U.S. … It is not, as our presidents vaguely invoke, a war against "terrorism," "radicalism" or "extremism"; and it is not, as the current … The war that has fallen to our generation is to halt the spread of Islamic law (Sharia) in the West, whether driven by the explosive…
Breaking: Countries Meeting in Secret, Plan to Ditch the US Dollar…ing_countries_meeting_in_secret,_plan_to_ditch_the_us_dollar
– China uses more oil incrementally than the US because its growth is less energy efficient. … Chinese financial sources believe President Barack Obama is too busy fixing the US economy to concentrate on the extraordinary implications … The US discussed the trend briefly at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh; the Chinese Central Bank governor and other officials have been…
Bitter Fruits of Mideast Wars
The second is whether Obama will start up the road of "crippling sanctions" to war with Iran, to prevent Tehran from moving closer … As one steps back and looks at a decade of U.S. intervention and war in the Middle East, what has it all availed us? … The Shia who now run the country are moving away from us, and closer to Iran, as we depart.…
Words Without Action, or: Resolved to Be Unresolved,_or_resolved_to_be_unresolved
– No wonder the regime in Iran is less than impressed by all these words that are only words. … Only the Israelis seem fully aware of the threat Iran now poses, or at least fully aware of the need to do something besides talk about … Israel's current premier, Benjamin Netanyahu, is no stranger to the sacrifices that war demands.…
A Pragmatic Look at Obama's Pragmatism
At least that's the sense one gets as the president is suddenly searching for a politically palatable strategy other than the one he … When an economic crisis that is -- according to Obama, at least -- second only to the Depression exploded in front of him, Obama the … After ending the war in Iraq and taking the fight to bin Laden's cave, direct engagement with the Iranian regime was candidate Obama's…
With Obama, Too Much Nuance, Not Enough Power,_too_much_nuance,_not_enough_power
– He is "responsibly ending" the war in Iraq (no triumphalist talk of victory). … installed in the White House, America is now on the same page with the rest of the world. … At a press briefing before the G-20 conference, Brown and Sarkozy threatened Iran with stringent international sanctions; congressional…
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