Results for: sign up to vote

Momentum Shifting? Come on Home, Baby!,_baby!
– Meanwhile, the contest for Delay's old seat is tied up, despite Republicans having to write in a candidate. It's Zogby, but... … Sixty-one percent said they know how to cast a write-in vote.  … Color me surprised:"GOP Glum as It Struggles to Hold Congress."  Hey, is that the perfect victim holding up that Tester sign?…
What Are You Doing This Weekend?
– Getting out the vote for the GOP? Yep, now that is unsexy. So, what do I do? I turn it into a dating line commercial. Ha. … Sign up to make calls from home, right here. It's gonna be all about getting out the vote, so start now. … "There are so many fun and exciting Republicans just waiting for you to call them." Hee.…
Hangin' By a Thread in Virginia
– Each electoral board is taking between three and four days to do canvasses to confirm vote tallies for the official results. … Counties have until Nov. 14 to finish these. They often turn up mathematical errors. … They believe conceding after your loss is clear is "giving up," a sign of weakness.…
What's the Matter With Kansas GOP?
– He seems to believe Republicans need to become more aggressive.  … Congress and the attorney general's post, witnessed a Democratic governor sail to a second term, and saw Democrats pick up some seats … Lawrence Journal World, “Heavy Hitters in 2007 Legislature” Lawrence Journal World, “Proposal Would Require Photo ID to Vote”…
Senate Debating/Voting on the Iraq Withdrawal Bill Right Now
– The basics: Senate Democrats struggled Tuesday to line up support for a non-binding timeline for a troop withdrawal from Iraq, … It’s purely there to provide cover for Nelson to sign onto the strategy.   Senator Pryor is still on the fence. … McConnell will not try to filibuster the bill, instead sending it straight to the veto pen.…
McCain Conference Call: Tough On Defeatists, Nice to Bloggers, Sticking it Out…_call_tough_on_defeatists,_nice_to_bloggers,_sticking_it_out
– Dave Adesnik: WaPo article: McCain to stake bid on need to win in Iraq. … For four years, we've been screwing this thing up. The new signs... have been a  bit encouraging." "I talked to Gen. … What's your reaction to that? "It's hard for me to respond to something like that.…
More From McCain (All Immigration Almost All the Time)
– I think it's something we ought to give a chance to be at least debated and presented before it's roundly condemned." … Will those with "probationary" cards be allowed to stay if they just want to skip the whole becoming-a-citizen thing?" … "No, if he's not goign to go through that process...then he's going to have to apply for a worker visa."…
Blogging the 1st Fall Prez Debate ...
– Saying that he gave up his spot on Jay Leno to be in New Hampshire, Huckabee comes back with the kind of answer that used to impress … argument that the Federal Government wasn't deporting people, and as Mayor, he had to do what he had to do to run a big city, is compelling … Huckabee looks at Ron Paul and says whether or not we shuld have gone to Iraq is for historians to decide, but we owe it to the men…
Governor Huckabee Responds to Frank Pastore’s “Dear Huck” Letter’s_“dear_huck”_letter
– We have to stop throwing money at problems without following up to ensure that they are actually achieving solutions. … them to light up the congressional switchboard until Washington gets the message. … I want to add the 92,000 to our Army and Marines that President Bush has proposed, but I want to accomplish that sooner.…
Politics of Sex and Race
– Fair enough (although a reference to her old civics textbook would remind Hillary that Congress passes legislation; presidents sign … Both blacks and women campaigned vigorously for the vote, but blacks got the right to vote 50 years before women did. … feminist leader Elizabeth Cady Stanton and black abolitionist Frederick Douglass, the year before blacks won the right to vote.…
The View from the Back of the Bus
To borrow a phrase from Hillary Clinton, Huckabee listened to them and found his own voice. And the base is responding to it. … So sick, that the sign planting, precinct walking, phone banking worker bees—who had only sweat and shoe leather to invest in the campaign—enabled … will be unable to put up much of a fight.…
Kamikaze Republicanism
– Worse, such sentiments stand to pose grave danger to the 2.4 million soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who stand ready to do violence … on a few major goals and stick to them. … into law, some Republican and conservative voters might have abandoned his candidacy, thereby leaving history to pick up the pieces…
What McCain Means
– Not only did McCain vote against the Bush tax cuts twice, he colluded to sell out the most conservative of the Bush nominees to the … to overturn Roe v. … and a mindless trade policy that has destroyed the dollar and left foreigners with $5 trillion to buy up America at fire-sale prices…
Berkeley Vs. America, Again,_again
– They encouraged residents to continue to impede the recruiters' work. … He was outnumbered, 8-to-1. … Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin and her minions gloated over the vote and turned up at the recruitment center to rub salt in the…
Porkbusting Goes Primetime
– waking up to the problems of pork-barrel politics. … I also asked you to stop slipping earmarks into committee reports that never even come to a vote. … They wanted all congressional Republicans to give up earmarks regardless of what Democrats do.…
Voting is Our Civic Obligation
– After every election, many complain about the new President or Congress, but how many actually turn out to vote in a primary? … It should be a cause for embarrassment that less than half of Americans registered to vote turn out when the highest office in our … Moreover, America's youth are turning out to vote at record pace.…
Notes on a Debate
– It took a while to figure out why her usually verbally elegant opponent seemed to be short of charisma this evening. … To sum up, it's a hard question which of Sen. Clinton's economic panaceas makes the least sense. … More impressive, she was willing to take a political risk by insisting on universal health care - and require everyone to sign up
Why the Democrats Are Kicking the Clintons to the Curb
– Democrats like to wrap the Clinton scandals up in a blue dress and say they were all about sex, but that is ridiculous. … Why on earth would Democrats want to sign up for a second ride on the Clinton scandal train when they could opt for a clean slate candidate … For the first time in 16 years, Democrats can vote against a Clinton without having to vote for a Republican to do it. 2.…
At War with History
– "Now, I have to say, when it came to making the most important foreign policy decision of our generation, the decision to invade … to answer a late-night emergency phone call to the White House. … Since Democrats won't recognize any legitimacy to the WMD case, Clinton's pro-war vote must be a sign that she was duped or she didn't…
Democrat Leadership Must Stop Politicking with America’s National Security…rship_must_stop_politicking_with_america’s_national_security
– adjourn the House of Representatives for a ten-day recess, choosing to reopen critical loopholes rather than allow an up-or-down vote … The President had even promised to forestall his Africa trip in order to sign the legislation the moment it arrived on his desk; and … Speaker Pelosi was well aware that the bill would have passed easily out of the House had she allowed it to be brought to a vote. …
Judges Getting the Message About Illegal Immigrants
– In 2006, Escondido, Calif., backed away from its housing ordinance to curtail leases to illegal immigrants and even agreed to pay $90,000 … to pass similar ordinances. … It is long overdue for public officials to rid the United States of imported crimes and to stand up for legal workers, especially the…
Fraud Within
– call attention to polling-station problems by keeping a running list of vote-fraud cases as reported by the press in advance of the … Unprecedented We keep hearing about unprecedented numbers of Democrats coming out to vote in the 2008 presidential primaries. … From now until Election Day, the hotel says guests who need to "dry out" can request to "have their guest room televisions set to block…
Plainly for McCain
to vote in our elections. … I’m not suggesting that those who sign up to join the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, the Socialist Party, the Populist Party, … Do conservatives really want to see the Supreme Court wind up resembling an ACLU fund-raiser?…
This Explains It
– "If you are of voting age and up, and would love to be a part of a song that mentions issues Hillary stands for, then we'd love to … Mother of primaries The registration deadline was midnight Monday for Pennsylvanians to vote in the pivotal April 22 Democratic … State election officials count a record 4.05 million Democrats who have registered to vote in the primary, the first time the 4 million…
Divided Dems, Steady McCain Give GOP Hope,_steady_mccain_give_gop_hope
– The consumer-confidence index plunged deeper, as the jobs picture grew darker, and gas prices continued to rise, up to $4 a gallon … his sermons -- and his inexplicable eagerness to remain faithful to the incendiary minister for so many years. -- Clinton's wildly … McCain was leading Obama by 49 percent to 41 percent in the latest Rasmussen tracking poll, 47 percent to 44 percent in the Gallup…
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