Results for: is the us at war with iran

A Cedar Grows in Lebanon
– So, no, this is no decisive victory for the forces of freedom; victories at the ballot box seldom are. … There is a momentum to democracy, just as there is to dictatorship, and the election returns from Lebanon indicate that the pendulum … But the news is so good it's hard to believe the CIA had anything to do with it.…
The Mullahs' Iran: Enemy Number 1
– In his landmark book, “See No Evil: The True Story of a Ground Soldier in the CIA’s War on Terrorism,” he exposes the fact that Iran … When the government of the Shah of Iran fell in February of 1979, the Carter administration, in partnership with a pliant and gullible … NUCLEAR IRAN: A TERRORIST STATE ON STEROIDS Iran is definitely moving ahead with Khomeini’s five-point plan for the domination…
Miranda, Terrorists and Lawyers,_terrorists_and_lawyers
– Army, "The problem is you take that guy at three in the morning off of a compound right outside of Kabul where he's building bombs … to kill US soldiers, and read him his rights by four, and the Red Cross is saying take the lawyer -- you have now created quite a … Government should begin sending lawyers into combat zones with the operators so that they are ready to advise their clients at the
Welcome Back, Carter,_carter
The truth is, all wars are wars of choice, including the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, both World Wars, the Korean and Vietnam … OK, maybe the war on teen obesity is a war of convenience, but that's the only one I can think of. … Iran is a primitive nation in the middle of a desert that happens to sit on top of a large percentage of the world's oil and gas reserves…
Obama: Ideologue-in-chief
– that there is no reason to make peace with the Jews. … Why, with blood running through the streets of Iran, is he still interested in appeasing the mullahs? … Why, with North Korea threatening to attack the US with ballistic missiles, is he refusing to order the USS John McCain to interdict…
Saying One Thing, Doing Another,_doing_another
the health care system, one story recently passed with barely a ripple. … the cost of World War II. … The disconnect between the president’s words and his actions is even starker when it comes to health care.…
The World Will Know - The Stoning of Soraya M.
– Zahra tells the story of Soraya (Mozhan Marnò, “Charlie Wilson’s War”) a woman who is in an impossible situation. … But in her post-Iranian Revolution world, the men rule with an iron fist and the legal system is stacked against her. … By the end of the film, when Soraya is finally at peace, we feel compelled to advocate for her.…
Saying One Thing, Doing Another,_doing_another
the health care system, one story recently passed with barely a ripple. … the cost of World War II. … The disconnect between the president’s words and his actions is even starker when it comes to health care.…
How George W. Bush And The American Taxpayer Helped Change Iran
– Iran’s citizens, fed up with their oppressive theocratic government, are spilling into the streets and revolting at risk of death. … Bush to the Iranian people in 2008: “My thought is that the reformers inside Iran are brave people, they've got no better friend than … This “wall” is a cultural one, between oppressive Islamists and the rest of the world, and every demonstrator in Iran is working at
Our Presidential Tenderfoot
– Though the nonsensical Mahmoud Ahmadinejad remains the president of Iran after the disputed elections, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is the … Now it seems likely that the guard will turn Iran into a military dictatorship, with the Rev. … Perhaps the best that the West can hope for is the ongoing splintering of the ruling military dictatorship, with some members of the
Obama to Iran: Let Them Eat Ice Cream
– Even the French condemned the Iranian government's "brutal" reaction to the protesters -- and the French have tanks with one speed … The only reason that bald contradiction doesn't smack you in the face is that it is utterly preposterous that Obama's Cairo speech … (Apparently support from America is not deemed the vote-killer in Lebanon that it allegedly is in Iran.)…
Mr. Gorbachev, Would You Please Consider Tearing Down This Wall?,_would_you_please_consider_tearing_down_this_wall
– In conjunction with my Reagan Legacy Foundation, I recently marked the 22nd anniversary of my father's famous speech at the Brandenburg … his leading role in ending the Cold War and reuniting the German people. … While this international challenge is particularly tricky when coupled with the growing threat of a nuclear-armed Iran, it is imperative…
Radicalism, Rewarded,_rewarded
– They’re now arriving in exotic vacation destinations, along with millions of US tax dollars in aid—making themselves at home on pristine … Remember, the era of US hubris, in which America “punishes” outlaw regimes by refusing to legitimize them, is over. … Speaking of July 4th, guess who’s coming to dinner at US embassies across the globe?…
Republicans in the Wilderness
– Unfortunately, the only political party with any chance of displacing the current leadership in Washington is the Republican Party. … That is why their internal squabbles are important for the rest of us who are not Republicans. … That is how the Democrats replaced Republicans at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue.…
Ten Days That Shook Tehran
– Hamas is laser-focused on Gaza, the West Bank and a Palestinian state, and showing interest in working with the Obama administration … Where is the Islamic revolution going? … If Iran refuses Obama's offer, she will start down a road at the end of which are severe sanctions, escalation and a war that Obama…
An American Victory
The news is not that American combat troops withdrew from Iraqi cities. … Donald Rumsfeld, while serving as Secretary of Defense, famously said: "You go to war with the army you have." … Had he said, "You go to war with the media you have," he would have been spot on.…
Spread Freedom? Not So Much
– when it came to the Iraq war. … One problem with such an approach is that it -- so far at least -- buys us nothing save the appearance of weakness. … In response to the revolutionary protests in Iran, Obama initially favored stability and preserving the fantasy of negotiations with
Blaming the Burqa
– “The burqa is not a religious sign; it is a sign of the subjugation, of the submission of women,” said a straight-faced Sarkozy, whose … But what would be characterized in the US as an aggressive foreign policy statement is in France merely a cultural commentary on race … But for the United States and the rest of the free world, national security is the main, if not only, issue.…
Obama: Sowing the Seeds of Vulnerability
– George Washington wisely said, “To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” … The only question is when. Will it be in time to prevent the next attack? Or the day after? … the towers with vans loaded with explosives, the White House treated the attack as a run-of-the-mill crime – akin to a liquor store…
From Kabul to Baghdad -- and Back
The U.S. administration was hoping its outreach to Iran without preconditions would result in the Iranians' helping us to calm the … by precipitously withdrawing troops from the war in Afghanistan -- the good and necessary war -- in order to provide troops for the … And it is the Afghan war that seems without clear purpose or likelihood of success and that is draining currently needed troops from…
Stoning of Soraya M.: See This Film (or Stop Complaining About Hollywood)…f_soraya_m_see_this_film_or_stop_complaining_about_hollywood
– , is a film about the nature of the radical Muslims who govern Iran. … The film is about the type of people who become “supreme leader” (Ali Khamanei) or president of Iran (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad). … But if a riveting drama with a courageous theme, Oscar-level acting, which is as relevant as today’s headlines, fails at the box office…
Five Criticisms of George Bush That Could Be Better Applied to Barack Obama…_of_george_bush_that_could_be_better_applied_to_barack_obama
– Barack Obama is spending us into bankruptcy: George Bush was savagely criticized by the Right for his spending. … The previous champ, FDR, at least had a depression and WWII to deal with. … yet, actually fight with them the same way they've done for you in the past, that is a different matter entirely.…
Disaster in the Making?
– When that person is the President of the United States, the potential for disaster is virtually unlimited. … This is not the first betrayal of his ignorance by Obama, nor the first overlooked by the media. … And it is the American people who will pay the price.…
Has Obama's Luck Run Out?
– Unemployment is at 9.5 percent, well above what the Obamaites predicted, and rising. … Afghanistan is now Obama's war. He made the decision to deepen U.S. involvement as we headed out of Iraq. … Does Obama have the authority to take us to war against a nation that has not attacked us?…
Chicago's Islamic Supremacist Conference: A Conversation
– globe—a group reportedly linked to Al Qaeda, by the way, and the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks—is holding a major conference at this … If you’re just tuning in, you’re listening to the Guy Benson Show. On the line with me is Mort, who’s calling from Lombard. … “The [Muslim] Brotherhood, with Saudi help (and now Hizb is joining the party), have deeply infiltrated the country and brought up…
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