Results for: sign up to vote

ACORN Crackdown: Senate Votes 83-7 to Deny Access to Housing Funds…_crackdown_senate_votes_83-7_to_deny_access_to_housing_funds
– Senate overwhelmingly voted to deny ACORN access to federal housing funds.Reuters:The Senate measure, which passed 83 to 7 in the Democratic-led … "This is an opportunity for the United States Senate to stand up and say 'Enough is enough' just as the Census Bureau did," said Republican … The House and Senate must resolve differences before a final measure can be sent to Obama to sign into law.…
At the Danger Point in the Obamacare Debate
– For example, millions of uninsured Americans are eligible for private insurance or programs such as Medicaid, yet don't sign up. … The revenue would provide tax breaks to taxpayers who need help to buy coverage. … coast to coast, European style.…
An Open Letter to President Obama on Heath Care
– If it were up to me, I would probably run a hospital into the ground by giving away too much of everything I have. … If it were up to me, I would gladly provide health care to illegal immigrants and even export health care to other countries because … The only possible reason not to sign up for it yourselves is that you’re only willing to risk my family’s health care, but not your…
ACORN Trashing Republican Voter Registrations
to get people to sign up to vote. … He was just here recruiting people to register people to vote. … She was not forcing people to sign up as Republicans: “You could put down anything you wanted.”…
Olympic Fail: Chicago Officials Join Burris in Blaming Bush
– Jesse Jackson said, near the stage where he had hoped to give a victory speech in Daley Center Plaza. … "The way we [refused to sign] the Kyoto Treaty, we misled the world into Iraq. … "I feel in my gut that this vote today was political and mean-spirited," she said. "I travel a lot. ...…
The Elephant in Lincoln’s Once-Great Room’s_once-great_room
– He was only one of seven Republican congressmen to vote for the cap and trade bill—legislation that will be the death knell for the … Pro-life Republican congressmen are lining up to endorse Kirk … trashing their personal convictions for the sake of power because he … It is one thing to oppose discrimination, quite another to be an advocate.…
Swing State Senators Face Health Care Reform Threat -- Losing Next Election…ators_face_health_care_reform_threat_--_losing_next_election
– And then there's the idea of charging a fee on Americans who don't sign up for health care under whatever reform bill that might emerge … My bet is that the oh-so-critical-vote in the Senate Finance Committee for a health care reform bill by the lone Republican to do so … Snowe tied her vote to enough caveats to allow her plenty of room to back away from whatever the final bill entails.…
Obama's One-World Government
– Not according to Christopher Monckton, who was a science policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher. … And we've been screwing up the climate and they haven't. ... … Monckton then warned that if Obama were to sign the treaty, he would be flushing U.S. sovereignty down the global toilet.…
On Short Notice, Conservatives Turn Out Against Obamacare,_conservatives_turn_out_against_obamacare
– “I can’t tell you how good it feels to stand up here and see everybody today,” she said. Rep. … “There’s a sign over here that says you can’t beat stupid. That’s true, but you can vote it down,” he said. … Pelosi is rumored to ask for a vote on the bill as early as Saturday.…
Don't Sneer at GOP Victories
sign it. … all, having lost the popular vote by 444,000 votes to Al Gore and won the Electoral College under circumstances that many Americans … number up to 3.21%.…
A Tale of Two $250s$250s
– This fall, as American families anticipate the holiday season and an uncertain economy in 2010, they’re likely to decide to cut back … Of course, no lawmaker wants to be accused of cutting payments to doctors. … So every year lawmakers in both parties vote overwhelmingly to override their own law. And that’s the problem.…
Freewheeling Young Voters Scare Both Parties
– Republican Bob McDonnell actually carried the young vote 54 percent to 44 percent. … They seek a government-run health care regimen, in which young Americans will be forced to sign up for expensive insurance to subsidize … The challenge for them is to come up with policies that they can argue will enable young Americans to choose their future -- policies…
A Joke Too Far
– But when time is taken to look up the reference, well, then it’s chortle, chortle time for buffoons: “Let his days be few, and let … But, come on – using the Bible to make a joke about the man dying before his term is up?   Seriously? Think back.  … , he encountered a maid by the name of Jan White, who asked him to sign her newspaper. …
Virginia Sends a Message: Support EFCA & Lose Your Job
– Virginians saw Deeds’ unwillingness to speak out for what it was: a failure of leadership and an inability to stand up for those he … economy should be an ominous sign for Big Labor’s supporters seeking election or re-election next fall to federal or state office. … And what happened in Virginia is a sign of what’s to come for gubernatorial, senatorial, and congressional candidates who fail to stand…
N.Y. Senate debates religion, defeats 'gay marriage' bill,_defeats_gay_marriage_bill
– Paterson had pledged to sign it, putting all eyes on the Senate, where Democrats have a two-vote majority. … We've seen the New York legislature vote to uphold marriage as one man and one woman, and we've seen it from the West Coast to the … When he learned Tuesday the vote was set to take place, he went to his office to pray.…
N.Y. Senate debates religion, defeats 'gay marriage',_defeats_gay_marriage
– Paterson had pledged to sign it, putting all eyes on the Senate, where Democrats have a two-vote majority. … We've seen the New York legislature vote to uphold marriage as one man and one woman, and we've seen it from the West Coast to the … When he learned Tuesday the vote was set to take place, he went to his office to pray.…
FIRST-PERSON: Islam -- out of sight, out of mind?,_out_of_mind
– Oddly, the measure appears to be little more than a highly controversial effort to put the question of Muslim influence out of sight … These trends must be matched to unexpectedly high levels of Muslim immigration and the high birth rates, and to Muslim populations. … Singling out minarets in this ban is tantamount to isolating Islam and relegating it to second-class status -- all protests to the…
D.C. council votes for 'gay marriage'
– The action is the first of two votes required to pass the legislation. A second vote by the council is expected to occur Dec. 15. … Mayor Adrian Fenty has committed to sign the measure after a second favorable council vote. … Barry, the former D.C. mayor, said before his vote, according to The Washington Post, "I stand here today to express in no uncertain…
Incumbent Smackdown...Returns Show Them Trailing (UPDATE: Lieberman Concedes, McKinney's Out)…_show_them_trailing_update_lieberman_concedes,_mckinneys_out
– UPDATE 9:20pm: 38 percent reporting-- 54-46, Lamont UPDATE 9:26pm: Sixers says with 38 percent, it amounted to an 8,000-vote lead … Just voted at my polling station next to Oglethorpe University. … So we still have a long way to go until DeKalb County starts reporting some precincts.…
Biggest Race of '06? Santorum Talks To Townhall
– Eleven percent said they were undecided or did not plan to vote, according to the Quinnipiac University poll. … of the deficit Santorum has to make up. … This is what "adapting to win" is all about. ... Just a heads up. While I am not a 100%'er for Casey, the man has my vote.…
Broken Windows and Back to Blogging
– So, you sign up for a service appointment with one of your local, friendly utilities. … You wake up early to take care of some work business before the precious window opens at 7 a.m., knowing full well that the utilities … You wonder to yourself how much productivity they'd gain if technicians showed up within the given windows, thereby eliminating the…
Coup in Thailand?
– I'll try to get the link.) … give up the post." … Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai Party has twice won landslide election victories, in 2001 and 2005 and is expected to win the next vote, bolstered…
Talking With Ashcroft: Detainees, 9/11, Patriot Act,_911,_patriot_act
– If you haven't listened to Ashcroft and Malkin's discussion from this morning, go sign in and listen. It's great.  … "It seems to me it's a major disincentive to comply with the Geneva Conventions if we're going to give them to those who disregard … Most members of Congress are not asked to answer to the media in D.C.…
Foley: What Did Hastert Know and When Did He Know It?
– In one, Foley writes, "did you have fun at your conference…what do you want for your birthday coming up…what stuff do you like to do … In that comment thread, about 5 hours after the post went up, who shows up to leave the third comment but Michael Rogers. … He refused to acknowledge that he supported the repeal of `don't ask, don't tell.' He would not sign on as a co-sponsor.…
The Politics of Self-Destruction? (Update: Bill Not Presented Yet? Has the Clock Started?)…truction_update_bill_not_presented_yet_has_the_clock_started
– Today's the last day for him to sign it, according to Rob. The RNC sent me an e-mail saying he would, indeed, sign it. … The Constitution gives the President ten days to sign a bill after presentation. … I suspect the President is waiting for a more politically opportune time to sign this, closer to the election.…
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