Results for: is the us at war with iran

Iran's Western enablers
– If the US were taking the Iranian threat seriously, the Obama administration would not be begging Iran to negotiate with it after Teheran … If the US were interested in contending with the danger Iran constitutes to global security, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would … Whereas Middle Eastern countries have no choice but to deal with Iran, the US and its European allies apparently believe that they…
The Kowtower In Chief
At a time when Iran, not to mention North Korea, is shaking a nuclear-armed fist at the world, Obama is telling Russia he’d like to … Furthermore, we are no longer supposed to call “the war on terrorism” the war on terrorism because, I suppose, it might give certain … So far as I’m concerned, the only term they’ve come up with that I approve of is “man-made disaster,” which was invented by Janet Napolitano…
No Nukes for You!!
– failed attempts at peace with Japan. … Again, the genie is out of the bottle. … That is not paranoia, but rather is basic human nature. The genie is out. The 1930's have come and gone. Let's deal with reality.…
Danger in the Defense Budget
– Way back in 1991 when I went to war with the 1st Infantry Division (The Big Red One), the Army that surrounded me as we launched our … But the fact is that the ground war was over in four days! … And North Korea is not the only threat. The mid-term threat from Iran is also very real.…
The 100-Day Assault on America
– We no longer call the War on Terror the "War on Terror." We no longer call Islamofascist enemy detainees "enemy detainees." … The President offered a new relationship with Iran, provided Iranians "unclenched their fist." … On the other hand, Washingtonian magazine graced us with a spiffy, Photoshopped cover of a fit and toned swimsuit-wearing President…
The First Hundred Days: FDR He is Not
– Evil Empire in the Cold War, to boot. … This is not the Great Depression, not even close. … Other presidents have led us out of recessions, and the test for this president is whether he can do the same without bankrupting the
Honest Numbers on Iraqi Deaths Deserve Honest Context
– as part of its effort to depict the war as one of the great genocides of human history. … For instance, the analysis failed to note that the overwhelming majority of the 110,600 dead met their demise at the hands of terrorist … In the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88, for instance, more than 200,000 Iraqis died – a much higher percentage of a significantly smaller…
Giving Back Cold War Gains
– It seemed to us that the Cold War consensus had broken down with the Vietnam War. … In Prague, Obama declared that "the most dangerous legacy of the Cold War" is the large stockpile of nuclear weapons left behind after … Obama talks a lot about wanting to move beyond the "stale arguments" of the Cold War.…
Let Afghanistan Go
The e-mailer guessed that all the sniper ammunition the jihadists have used in the whole war hasn't cost close to that. … The point is, the United States is getting a lot of bang for a lot of buck but not much else. … This is not to suggest that there is no war or enemies to fight, which is what both the Left and the Paleo-Right will say; there most…
An Ugly Handshake with Hugo Chavez
Is there anyone Obama would decline to exchange friendly greetings with at a diplomatic encounter? How about Robert Mugabe? … He said something very similar about Iran during the campaign. … neighbors, to us and to the world.…
Obama's "Smart Power" Not Yielding Results
– "With smart power, diplomacy will be the vanguard of foreign policy," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told senators at her confirmation … scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, in the Weekly Standard. … What the administration does not seem to grasp is that the battle against the Taliban in Pakistan or the nuclear threats posed by Iran
Obey Didn't Obey Obama
– One of the many problems with moving all, or any, of the terrorists to U.S. soil is that every square inch of American soil in the … courthouse has 137 soldiers surrounding him with weapons at the ready. … maybe one or two at the German Embassy - just for old time's sake; and a half-dozen or so at the Embassy of Iran - they know a little…
Fearing Our Government
The government has declared war on innocent life in the womb in the name of "free choice." … The proscribed "hate" under the statute may not be "hate" at all, but mere political or theological disagreement with the view of the … But of all the unfolding outrages, I doubt any will ignite true patriots more than the imminent resurrection of the government's war
The Failure of Grip-and-Grin Diplomacy
– It is but the most recent indicator that the O-Team is out of touch with the increasingly dangerous realities of a new world disorder … screed at the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad. … missiles and Pyongyang's subsequent abrogation of the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean War -- is much more than just the test…
For Obama, a Week of Personal Growth?,_a_week_of_personal_growth
– (Iran works resolutely 24/7 for the same capabilities.) … safe." -- Also at the Naval Academy, and later laying wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknowns on Memorial Day, Obama employed identical … The foregoing litany is as troubling as it is uplifting. This president is a very good man who talks a very good game.…
Netanyahu's peace plan
– Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's visit with US President Barack Obama at the White House on Monday was a baptism of fire for the … Finally there was Obama's contention that the best way for the US to convince Iran to give up its nuclear program is by convincing … the present circumstances any Palestinian state will be at war with Israel, and assuming that Obama is not completely ignorant of…
Did Bibi Box Obama in?
– , impose severe sanctions and start us on the escalator to war. … And as Korea finished Harry Truman, Vietnam finished LBJ, and Iraq finished the Bush Republicans, war with Iran would make Barack - … The crowd manipulating him into war with Iran has in mind, first, obliterating Iran; second, getting rid of him.…
The Anti-Reagan
The only problem with the Bay of Pigs is that we should have done it right and removed the odious Cuban dictatorship, and put Fidel … What is the matter with Obama that he cannot defend our Cold War conduct and Cold War presidents like Ike and JFK? … Obama is the anti-Reagan.…
Breaking Bibi
The Israel-centric Middle East policy of George W. Bush is dead. And with the policy change has come rhetorical change. … With Bush, it was "axis of evil," "you are with us or you are with the terrorists," "regime change," a "green light" for war on Hezbollah … As there is no hard evidence Iran has gone beyond the NPT, this points to a resolution of the nuclear issue, if Tehran can provide…
Obama Derangement Syndrome?
The "Global War on Terror" is what the Bush administration called the conflict to which Americans - Ted Rall and his fellow travelers … It is an imprecise phrase: Terrorism is a weapon. Terror is the anticipated response to the use of this weapon. … This is the kind of slovenly language that, as George Orwell once observed, "makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts."…
Relics of Communism
– She was wearing a name tag with "Marie" in both Cyrillic and Latin print and had greeted us pleasantly when we ducked out of the rain … the city, and declared: "There is one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause … Reagan's wholesale rejection of more than three decades of failed Cold War foreign policy was met with horror by the political elite…
Will President Obama Speak For Freedom and Human Rights?
– in Poland's remains to be seen, and the realists warn us that the possibility of regime change from the bottom up in Iran is remote … Perhaps because of confusion about who they mullahs are and how they have waged war on the west for the past 30 years, there is much … The cool detachment of President Obama about the events in Iran is a huge stain on the young presidency, but one that could still be…
Obama's Choice Is Not to Choose on Iran
– Stop measuring the success of your diplomacy with Iran by the degree to which the grinning, hate-filled stooge of a clerical junta … On Monday, you proclaimed yourself "troubled" by the events in Iran, before hinting that you'd negotiate with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad no … Is it because you think "leader of the free world" is just another of those Cold War relics best mothballed in favor of a more cosmopolitan…
Outlasting the Ayatollahs
– No U.S. denunciation of what took place in Iran is as credible as the reports and pictures coming out of Iran. … Those are the future leaders of Iran. Which way the regime will now go is difficult to predict. … If the people of Iran can defy this regime, it is no threat to us.…
Obama, Mothers and Muslims,_mothers_and_muslims
– Our politicians are selfish, ignorant and, more often than not, at odds with the American ideals of the Founding Fathers. … The first kind is the mother of a young hoodlum with a rap sheet longer than War and Peace, who tends to say that her angelic offspring … The second kind of mother is the one with a normal kid, who never stops boasting about how smart, how honest and how handsome, her…
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