Results for: sign up to vote

Courageous Congressmen Rebel Against Pelosi
– In an era devoid of genuine bi-partisan cooperation, it is heartening to see people stand up for what is right -simply because it’s … Mayor Adrian Fenty and the Council not to sign the bill. … They want their opinions and votes to count but they don’t want to honor the views of the citizens they represent.…
Who Do These People Think They Are?
to act quickly. … Legislators were told to vote for it fast. No one read it thoroughly. … sign it.…
Wanted: A Vaccine for Liberalism
– These days, those same Democrats are so eager to disenfranchise Republicans that they’re ready to do anything up to and including sending … If I could suck it up and vote for McCain last November, the least these four can do is sign on for another six years. … Nowhere in the Constitution is the government given the authority to meddle in these matters, and once it does, it opens itself up
Dems Plan to Reinstate and Ban Slavery
– Sources also indicated that they intend to launch a nation-wide effort to repeal the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. … After the Dems capture at least 99% of the black vote in 2012 they plan to rename themselves the “Party of Lincoln.” … Another one million workers will be hired to pick up the trash.…
All Politics Is Turnout -- and Enthusiasm Is Key
– The total vote for House elections has gone from 66 million in 1998 to 73 million in 2002 and 80 million in 2006, an increase of 20 … We lament it, but it inspires many people to go to the polls. … If your side is more enthusiastic, you'll get more volunteers, more contributions and more people taking the trouble to vote for you…
A Cedar Grows in Lebanon
vote." … Which is why tyrants try to avoid them. Or if they can't, to manipulate them. … It may be a small sign, but it is a sign.…
Are Business Executive Overpaid and Corrupt?
– The van pulls up to the main entrance. … According to the Census Bureau, median household income went up from $41,613 in 1982 (in inflation adjusted dollars) to $59,233 in … At the same time, the earnings of the typical CEO as compared to an average U.S. worker went up from 30-to-1 (it was never the nostalgically…
The ‘Following Days’ After the Fourth of July‘following_days’_after_the_fourth_of_july
– , 56 patriots - including Samuel Adams – would vote to approve the document known as the Declaration of Independence. … Then, as noted here last week (Let Freedom Ring – Again) each of those patriots would, in turn, dare “to pick up pen, dip it in … The late television newsman Charles Kuralt retold the story this way, “Having walked back to his boarding house… (Adams) took up a…
Equality on Trial
– It outraged the conscience of a nation and aroused people of various races and social backgrounds to rise up against it, sometimes … to the same thing in practice. … vote counts big time.…
Too Few Politicians in California?
– The ratio of voter to Assembly rep is over 455,000 to one. The ratio per voter to state senator is over 900,000 to one. … There needs to be a greater number of representatives, so that each one’s individual vote each mean less and the individual votes of … For a state of the union to default on its debts is, well, dreadful. Californians must wake up, take charge.…
New Media, New Activism, and a New GOP: Newt and the NCPA,_new_activism,_and_a_new_gop_newt_and_the_ncpa
– We’ve been helping the National Center for Policy Analysis get their petition up to a million. … Use the shortcode number 77569 and enter "Y" for yes to the payroll tax cut or "N" to vote against the idea. … Take five minutes and sign on to two polls and text one message.…
President Blames Doctors for Health Care Costs
– But three of them show just how far this president is willing to ignore the truth to push his political agenda. … Beyond that, around 14 million of the uninsured are eligible for Medicaid or SCHIP, and simply don’t bother to sign up. … So who’s to blame for all this? According to Obama, it’s all Republicans’ fault. The math belies that statement.…
Change of Heart at AFL-CIO?
– As Democrats dropped a key part of a labor union bill the other day, the AFL-CIO seemed to be confused as to whether or not they support … and expect senators will have to take a floor vote on majority sign up, sources said today.  … (Kasie Hunt, “Labor Standing Fast On Card-Check Bill Vote,” National Journal’s Congress Daily, 7/17/09)…
A GOP That Can Say No
– The next sign of recovery was the decision of John McCain to damn the torpedoes and put Sarah Palin on the ticket. … Then, yesterday, mirabile dictu, the Republican minority in the Senate voted four-to-one to send Sonia back to Greenwich Village. … Using that yardstick, Justice Sotomayor would have to vote to outlaw the death penalty.…
Cracking ACORN: Exclusive Townhall Voter Fraud Investigation
– They believe ACORN is a public-spirited organization that registers the poor to vote and encourages citizen involvement in morally … When the extortion and vote-fraud conglomerate ACORN isn’t busing schoolchildren to the nation’s capital to protest proposed tax cuts … Remember, if you sign up for Townhall magazine today, we’ll send you a FREE COPY of Michelle Malkin’s new book, “Culture of Corruption…
7 Lies of The Obama Administration
– be able to challenge Bill Clinton for the title of the biggest liar ever to occupy the White House. … It's time to change that. … When there is a bill that ends up on my desk as President, you will have five days to look online and find out what's in it before…
The Etiquette Czar's Rules for Patriotic Protest
– We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." -- No laughing. … "If every member pledged to not vote for it if they hadn't read it in its entirety, I think we would have very few votes," Hoyer told … This is not the time to ask why Congress won't subject itself to the health mandates it wants to foist on every other American.…
When Liberal Leaders Confront a Centrist Nation
– The average vote in the other 15 districts was a less-than-landslide 57 percent to 41 percent for McCain. … "I want them just to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess." … When a politician tries to stop debate, it's a sign he's losing the argument.…
The Coming Referenda on Obamacare
– wait to see how these two states vote in November before it takes any final vote on the president's plans to radically rewrite the … sign. … one but themselves to blame a year hence.…
The Rigged Game
– Obama now turns to Israel to avoid embarrassment. … sign on to veto-proof congressional sanctions legislation not as a consequence of his own failure, but as a result of Israeli pressure … it impossible for the Iranian "moderates" to convince the "hardliners" to give up their nuclear weapons program.…
Five Questions for Senator Reid's Town Hall
– Senator Reid, will you pledge today to sign up personally for a "public option" health plan, if it becomes law? … Senator Reid, you claim you support expanding Nevadans’ health care choices, so why did you vote to kill Medical Savings Accounts, … I firmly believe that if we want to reduce costs, tort reform must be central to health reform.…
Will Senator Hutchison’s Resignation from the Senate be Her Legacy?’s_resignation_from_the_senate_be_her_legacy
– Johnson won re-election to the senate, but Kennedy's presidential victory made LBJ the vice president, and set up a special election … That all changed when several Democrats stepped up to fill the seat LBJ vacated, while the only GOP hope was John Tower.  … If those  ten do enough vote splitting, as happened back in 1961, they easily could hand Hutchison's senate seat over to a Democrat…
Obama Has a 'Pony' For You
– If you sign up for his government-run health care plan because he promises you a pony, I wouldn’t load up on hay. … Because first we've got to take back the White House, we've got to take back the Senate, and we've got to take back the House. … To bolster our confidence, he pointed to how well FedEx and UPS compete with the U.S. Postal Service.…
Senate Democrats Block Proposed Halt of Stimulus "Signs to Nowhere"…e_democrats_block_proposed_halt_of_stimulus_signs_to_nowhere
– An amendment Gregg introduced today would have ended the use of stimulus dollars to buy these "signs to nowhere," but instead met stiff … We have a long way to go to get jobs up and running, there's no question about it. … We don't have to put up a sign and tell them we're spending their money.'…
A Republic, if You Can Keep It,_if_you_can_keep_it
sign on to the creation of a central bank. … Now listen to what Ben Franklin had to say about a Democracy: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch … A Democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public…
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