Results for: is the us at war with iran

Bush was right the one time it mattered most
– ’s bungling of the Iraq war in the first place. … For the bulk of two years, while the country was dealing with an ever-worsening war and a devastating natural disaster, Bush was the … thumping at the ballot box.…
The Central Front
– Candidate Obama repeatedly described Afghanistan as "the central front in the war on terror." … First, we're not at war against the Taliban or al-Qaida or Jemaah Islamiyah or Hamas or Hezbollah or any other group, no matter what … Our fight is against radical Islam, which declared an unprovoked war against us -- just like the ideological struggle we waged against…
An Unreflective Man
The war Wilson led us into "to make the world safe for democracy" gave us Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and 70 years of the most barbaric … Sixteen days into the Gaza war, with the Palestinian dead and wounded near 5,000, and a humanitarian catastrophe at hand, has our " … Working-class Americans pay the price of the idealism around the dinner table at the Crawford ranch.…
Transcript: George W. Bush's Final Press Conference
– BUSH: And one common area that at least the four of us -- we all had different circumstances and experiences, but one thing is we've … And we believe that the best way to ensure that there is a sustainable cease-fire is to work with Egypt to stop the smuggling of arms … The real challenge is to be in a position to deal with the unexpected.…
The Day America Lost the War on Terror
– In the interview, he demonstrated with the utmost clarity that his understanding is inversely proportional to his arrogance. … He pledged to talk with Iran -- on the same day that Iran’s government spokesman branded the Holocaust “a big lie.” … Your job is not to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world harbors us no ill will. That is their job.…
Two Obamas and Two Middle Easts
– First, there is Obama the Environmentalist. … Then there is Obama the Man of Peace. He is less worried about sending oil money to the Middle East than sending bad vibes. … "And what I've said, and I think Hillary Clinton has expressed this in her confirmation, is that if we are looking at the region as…
Stimulate Defense
The administration has made it clear that they intend to cut defense spending -- even though we are at war -- despite the job losses … The green-eyeshade gang at the CBO also pointed out that $2.1 billion could be "saved" by increasing health care charges for the dependents … In an increasingly dangerous world, in the midst of a war and serious global economic woes, this kind of thinking is lunacy.…
My Eight Minutes With Jimmy
– MM: My question is, why then do you have more confidence in agreements with Hamas, given the fact that, by any standard, Hamas is … I first stopped at Sderot with my wife and saw the missiles coming in—and I condemned the firing of those missiles as terrorism. … There’s also a timeless, eternal quality to the nature of the ongoing struggle—which is, at its heart, a conflict between life and…
Win the "Trust" of People Who Hate Us? What?
The buzzword on Afghanistan is "trust." … The president's top military adviser explained the policy this way: "We have learned, after seven years of war, that trust is the coin … I am not suggesting that the U.S. remove itself from a "war footing" because we are still in a war, however ill-defined, that is by…
Joe Biden: Rain Man of the Democratic Party
– That’s the US treasury. … So now Biden is just the annoying crazy guy yelling at the coaster as it hurtles towards the big plunge. … Biden said the Obama administration wants to “press the reset button” with Russia, even as they help Iran complete their nuclear bomb…
'We Love to Talk,' Declares Biden,_declares_biden
The new administration is entitled to pursue whatever foreign policy they think best in the next four years (God help us). … The United States, along with the other nations, has been following a 'dual track strategy' with Iran, which includes tightening sanctions … What they have never seemed to appreciate is that diplomacy without the threat of force is as effective as a watchdog with a muzzle…
Return of the War Party
is seeking to obtain a nuclear weapon and constitutes the gravest threat to our existence since the war of independence." … Mohamed El-Baradei, head of the IAEA, believes this is a signal that Tehran wishes to negotiate with the United States, but without … But that is no threat to us to justify war.…
Any Minute Now, We'll Hear the Bugles,_well_hear_the_bugles
– And proactive on the economy -- at last. Is this a great country, or what? … It is of course a great country -- the best ever. The question is whether, with this bunch, it can remain so. … Only ramping up for World War II pulled us out of the Great Depression.…
A Fatal Trajectory
– One of the many symptoms of this decay from within is that we are preoccupied with the pay of corporate executives while the leading … charge of Iran or the fanatics in charge of the international terrorist organizations that Iran supplies. … In the World War II naval battle of Midway, if things had not happened just the way they did, at just the time they did, the American…
The Biden Prophecy
The message is clear. … And for emphasis, after the roundhouse hook, came the poke in the eye. A U.S. women's badminton team had been invited to Iran. … On Feb. 4, Tehran denied the team entry into Iran.…
Of Patriots and Assassins
– people is high among the reasons America is no longer seen as a beacon of liberation in the Arab and Muslim world. … The foreign country is Israel; the political faction Likud. … Nor did Freeman shrink at naming the source of the noxious campaign of slander against him.…
Obama Energy Plan Not Ready for Looming Iran-Israel Nuclear Showdown…ergy_plan_not_ready_for_looming_iran-israel_nuclear_showdown
– Here’s what happened in recent days to change the game and make us closer to a cataclysmic confrontation with dire consequences for … The situation is hair-triggered as Israel and Iran both contemplate pre-emptive action. … the indispensable Ras Tanura gulf oil terminal and the Saudi oil facility at Abqaiq.…
Book Acts as Barometer Measuring the Fear of Obama
– …”” The second excerpt is from much later in the novel and is a conversation that takes place at the White House between the former … the sick notion that all that is wrong with the world is the fault of the United States, and that our way of life is the enemy, then … India is preparing for an all out nuclear war with Pakistan, and Iran, even after a joint attack years ago from Israel and the United…
Obama Derangement Syndrome
– me of the Bush Is Hitler crowd on the left. … He is not the anti-Christ, although a disturbing number of people on the right are convinced he is. … that the American system, the one the Founders created, is still in place.…
Wrecking Operation
– According to this logic, the various steps Barack Obama is taking with respect to the armed forces, the foreign battlefields in which … Consider some illustrative examples: The Obama administration is cutting the defense budget by 10%. … The President is on a path to denuclearizing the United States by refusing to modernize the arsenal or even to fund fully the steps…
Moderate Taliban?
– These days the war on terror is over as a nomenclature as if changing terminology can change reality. … Is anyone noticing that President Obama is much more comfortable talking about his bona fides with the Islamic world as someone who … with infidels (read: “We the People”).…
It's Not Easy Being Green
is also concerned about the impact that oil revenues have on freedom abroad and security at home. … It may sound strange to say that the gasoline we consume on a daily basis is funding terrorism and increasing the cost of the war on … Doing so will be a long process, but the current recession presents us with a golden opportunity.…
Calling Shots Requires Precision
The result would be a "man-caused disaster," and what could the SEALs have done with that? … His new strategy for dealing with the Iranian nuclear threat is to dispense with the reasonable precondition that Iran shut down its … A strategy of "sensitivity" when the stakes are so high, whether with pirates on land or pirates at sea, is, to say the least, "inappropriate…
Quotables By and About Obama, Steele, and Others,_steele,_and_others
– Defense Secretary Robert Gates, on Afghanistan: "This is a long fight, and I think we're in it until we are successful along with the … dioxide is neither polluting nor warming the planet: "Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. … far left, better than the cadres in MoveOn.Org, is no extremist.…
Dealing With Criminals
– Payne was headed home, having dispensed his cogent advice at the end of a visit with Somali leaders of one kind or another concerning … So also Russia, with its aggressive attitudes toward the United States on practically everything, including the war on terror. … Depend on the bureaucracy to come up with language that leaves everyone in doubt as to whether America is contending with people who…
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