Results for: they are all going to jail

FROM THE STATES: N.C., Calif., N.M. evangelism/missions news
– , but hit a wall when they tried to reach the parents. … Most residents are illegal, and we're just trying to reach them and let them know Christ takes them just as they are." … Many of the people are poor, and many of them have moved here to be close to family members who are in prison.…
FROM THE STATES: N.C., Ala., Tenn. evangelism/missions news
– (Biblical Recorder) -- Southern Baptist Convention missions leaders are turning their attention to how they can help local churches … "We can help them identify that they aren't just planning a project, but they can plan a strategy to take the gospel to all the mission … They conduct a ministry for the female jail inmates in Newport and were there to support those who were being baptized.…
Hillary: Blame Me For Benghazi
– Interestingly, she raises the topic of the election on her own, going out of her way to wave the wand of absolution over the heads … If we are to take Hillary's Obama-excusing mea culpa at face value, the Secretary of State (who, incidentally, was planning to leave … At the very least, people like Pat Smith are entitled to real answers from real leaders, whomever those may be.…
Now We Will See The Real Obama and it Will Get Ugly
– Even though they are all Democrats, there are still big political divisions within Chicago. … Instead, he is going to jail. Machine Democrats do play by some rules. … You have to feel them out to see where they live. The last kind of Democrat in Chicago are the true believers.…
EGYPT: 1 YEAR OF ARAB SPRINGChristians look past surface tension to real need…arab_springchristians_look_past_surface_tension_to_real_need
– People bustle about the giant traffic circle in downtown Cairo, going to the Egyptian Museum, to McDonald's, to kebab shops. … "Many people are still optimistic, but by far not all. … It seems to those leaders that the only option is to die or go to jail, he said.…
Calculating Newt Gingrich
– Surely, I thought to myself, South Carolina Republicans are not going to vote for a candidate just because he is good at dressing down … When Republicans lost so many seats that they decided to oust Gingrich in 1998, he accused them of "cannibalism." … voters are too pragmatic to nominate such a flawed candidate.…
The Destruction of American Exceptionalism
– When the people cried out, Congressmen left and right simply said “the power wasn’t going to be used” or “this isn’t new law.” … What Presidents Clinton and Obama tested and found to be true is that big, big lies are just as easy to get away with as small ones … McPherson Square in the heart of Washington has unoccupied tents all day and night – but from 5:00 to 6:00 pm they (the protestors,…
Five Reasons to Oppose Gay Marriage
– Once the definition of marriage is arbitrarily transformed to make gay activists happy, there's no chance it's going to stop there. … Sure, if gay marriage were to become legal tomorrow, you wouldn't have legions of people who are already married running off to get … This leads to more children being born out of wedlock and kids from single parents are more likely to commit suicide, take drugs, go…
Obama's Anti-Religious Implosion
– it will force insurance companies to offer the drugs free of charge to all women, no matter where they work.” … that, despite his incongruous claims to be a Christ follower, Barack Obama, in reality, harbors tremendous animus toward all things … He has pledged to face jail time instead: “We want the law changed, or else we’re going to write our letters from the Nashville jail
Liberal Professor Makes it Official: Chicago Most Corrupt
– But all you have to do is follow the link to see the data. … Where are all the students he taught? Why haven't none come forward to tell us how good he was or how bad he was. … Nowhere in Christian scripture are individuals are given an obligation to try to stop abortions.…
Drill, Barry, Drill
– now we are headed back to all-time highs...again.   … down, not up to new all-time highs. … Efforts to stimulate the economy- which are likely more widespread than either the Fed or the White House are willing to admit- without…
Outrage: Judge Dismisses Charges Against Offended Muslim Who Assaulted Atheist…misses_charges_against_offended_muslim_who_assaulted_atheist
– The soldiers dispatched to burn refuse from the jail were not the officials who had seized the books, had no idea they were burning … Because you would otherwise have to observe that the Koran and other Islamic scriptures instruct Muslims that they are in a civilizational … To be a good Muslim, before you die, you have to make a pilgrimage to Mecca unless you are otherwise told you cannot because you are
A Challenge to Greenies: Make Me Shave My Head and Eat Dog Food
They are the ones who are buying the oil to refine into products. – in response to Just Drill, Barry Dear Comrade Mark, I’m … In short, they are making money readily available to financial markets for investment. … Even with all of our daunting problems, our challenges are not economic in our country. They are political.…
Just Drill, Barry
– now we are headed back to all-time highs...again.   … down, not up to new all-time highs. … Efforts to stimulate the economy- which are likely more widespread than either the Fed or the White House are willing to admit- without…
Minister who stole $100K receives restoration
– I thought it would be all right to 'borrow' some money and pay it back at a later date." … SHOWING GOD'S GRACE Lohn and his wife said they will be forever indebted to the church for how they treated the family after the embezzlement … Please let me learn what You are going to teach us through this.'"…
Save the Planet: Lie, Cheat and Steal!
– Don’t we mere mortals know that our puny powers of reason and deduction are impervious to the powers granted to the Society of Ethical … No; they must be crazy, with due respect to Ms. McArdle, who I believe is sincere . … But when the doctors and scientists seek to muzzle the rest of us it’s all A.O.K.…
Patriotism, Loyalty, Tax Competition, and “Tax Fugitives”
to impose destructive tax policy if they know that labor and capital can escape to jurisdictions with more responsible fiscal climates … One of the low-tax nations asked me to provide technical assistance, so they made me part of their delegation. … Given the way things were going, with the OECD on the defensive and low-tax jurisdictions unwilling to capitulate, we decided to let…
BP Ledger, March 5 edition
– "There is a sense of responsibility to make sure that we are on the front edge, to make sure that we are doing it right and to make … Reagan believed, according to Bandow, at the end of the day, we are all Americans needing to be exposed beyond the realms of our respected … In 2011, they faced opposition to sharing the Gospel.…
How Stimulating: Unemployment Benefits for Murderers
– a scheme to smuggle drugs into county jail.” … And apparently, we have nothing to fear, because Democrat patriotism seems to be breaking out all over our great country. … They have no money to do that. Not with all the extra fraud dollars going out the door.…
Ala. immigration law is conference backdrop
– "We are called to pay attention to our brothers and sisters and help with whatever hardships and difficulties they are bearing ... … They don't have the authority to do it. They don't have the expertise to do it. … to jail.…
Knowing the 'real God' has come at a price
– If I see that you are going to treat him bad, then I know what to do with you guys.'" … "I feared that they were going to separate my wife and my kids from me," he remembers. … "I was not concerned if they put me in jail for a couple years or they want to execute me.... I was scared for my family."…
Hillary Clinton Compares U.S. to "Extremists" on Women's Rights
– Why extremists always focus on women remains a mystery to me. But they all seem to. … They want to control how we dress, they want to control how we act, they even want to control the decisions we make about our own health … get married when they choose to not when they are forced to, leave their husbands in abusive situations, obtain justice against a rapist…
15 Responsibilities You Have As An Adult
– Yet and still, that's probably not going to be enough money for you to live on. … To live in comfort, you're going to need more money than that. … The more those rules are bastardized, the less successful our nation is going to be.…
It's All About Race Now
– Perhaps because black males between 16 and 36, though only 2 to 3 percent of the population, are responsible for a third of all our … In some cities, 40 percent of all black males are in jail or prison, on probation or parole, or have criminal records. … Translated: If a cabdriver is going to be mugged or murdered in New York City by a fare, 49 times out of 50 his assailant or killer…
Pleading the Fifth
– Today, they are being castigated in many parts of the press for not talking. … Do you think that they are exerting whatever power they can muster to avoid a really in depth investigation? … Why are they getting home court advantage?…
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