Results for: white house debate response

Bush Speech Notables and Numbers
– Bush can't pull that kind of thing off during a speech, but the White House Web site could, and he could promote it during the speech … And, via Left Coaster, I find that Jeffrey Feldman at Daily Kos and I had the same reaction to official Democratic response to the … Me, I'm partial to Joe Lieberman, but one thing's for certain-- Kerry is not helping them or the debate.…
Maybe We Don’t Really Need A Celebrity-In-Chief’t_really_need_a_celebrity-in-chief
– His response was the classic retort: “Yes, he is a modest man with much to be modest about.” … about our next chief executive should be decided on the basis of something other than charisma or “gotcha” points in some televised debate-like … Well, we have a would-be poet in the White House these days.…
Winners (Romney, Bachmann) And Losers In The GOP Debate,_bachmann_and_losers_in_the_gop_debate
House, just the two of them. … Al Gore famously lost his second debate with George W. … Pawlenty could have delivered a far more effective but still gracious response by saying, “No, I don’t want to debate the details of…
Michele Bachmann to Party: Don't Sell Me Short
– When House Speaker John Boehner picked Wisconsin Rep. … deliver her own response on behalf of the Tea Party Express. … No House member has won the White House since James A. Garfield was elected in 1880.…
A Smoking Gun: How Congress Was Duped into Repealing The Military's Gay Ban…_how_congress_was_duped_into_repealing_the_militarys_gay_ban
– The Senate and House leadership did so with scarcely any hearings and extremely limited opportunity for debate. … The IG report makes clear that a skewed response was manufactured and leaked to friendly journalists by top Pentagon and White House … The situation intensified further in November 2010 after Jeh Johnson briefed five top White House officials about the findings of the…
Stop Beating Up On Mitt
– Unfortunately, what some Republicans are throwing at Mitt Romney, last Monday’s Republican debate notwithstanding, is way off base. … By now, Romney has refined his response without pointing fingers at his successor, liberal Democrat Deval Patrick, who enacted changes … This is the tried and true path to the White House. …
War by Euphemism
– For example: Asked whether the country is engaged in hostilities in Libya, a legal point of some interest in the debate over the War … In the end, in this all too painfully real world, there's no denying that the White House is waging war -- on the English language. … The longer you dig into the statements out of the White House and State Department, the more you realize all this verbiage is being…
Who's Irresponsible?
– Members of the Republican House leadership issued a respectful response, demurring on some points. … Despite a 77-seat majority in the House, an 18-seat majority in the Senate and a Democrat in the White House, the Democratic Party … The Republicans, by contrast, passed a budget within three months of retaking a majority in the House.…
Editorial Roundup: Obama's Budget Reeks
White House had suggested was coming. … If not, why didn't the White House suggest implementing a single major element in the deficit-reduction plan? … Instead, what landed on Congress's doorstep on Monday was a White House budget that increases deficits above the spending baseline…
Obama Does Not Walk His Talk
– Soon after that editorial, the White House toughened some of its rhetoric against Gadhafi's regime and in behalf of the rebels who … He couldn't speak out more forcefully because of potential reprisals against Americans who were trapped there, the White House told … The White House feared a shutdown for a number of reasons, but first and foremost for the political fallout that could rain down on…
Was Obama Right on Gaddafi?
– "I don't think anybody disputes that Gaddafi has more firepower than the opposition," President Obama said at a recent White House … with the international community, to try to achieve the goal of Mr Gaddafi being removed from power,” the president offered in response … The White House was at pains to “walk back” Clapper’s statements, but he clearly said he expected Gaddafi to prevail.…
RINO Adam Kinzinger Throws GOP Under the Bus As He Offers 'It's Possible' Colleagues Responsible for Jan. 6…s-its-possible-gop-colleagues-responsible-for-jan-6-n2600805
– In a discussion about text messages former White House Chief of State Mark Meadows turned over to the select committee, host Jonathan … Kinzinger was more forthcoming in such a response. " Yeah, absolutely, and, you know, I don't -- the question is House rules and speech … “What’s [House Minority Leader] Kevin McCarthy been doin’ the last year?…
My Message to Trump About the COVID-19 Vaccine
– The media response to my column? A total media blackout. … I believe he is a huge favorite to regain the White House in 2024. … I believe Trump is the prohibitive favorite to be back in the White House in 2024. I pray that happens.…
The Wheels are Very Loose
– The White House - through the campaign staff - tried to pass the word that Biden's statement on a Sunday show was a trial balloon. … Anyone who watched White House Press Secretary Jay Carney's stumbling through an answer even he didn't believe the day after Biden … dropped his "Joe Bomb" knows the White House wasn't prepared to deal with that issue at that time.…
Catholics Won't Go Quietly
– At best, he will return to the White House in the manner of George W. … Hispanic Catholics are more Democratic in orientation than white Catholics. … part due to the recent debate over health care and contraception."…
Q&A: Dinesh D'Souza on Life After Death
– Paul Kengor, executive director of the Center, interviews Dinesh D'Souza, a best-selling author and former White House policy analyst … As the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre said, the only honest response to this situation is despair. … And what was Hitchens’ response?…
Climate Skeptics Need Mental Help?
– On Tuesday, The Washington Post dove into the shallow end of this debate with a psychoanalysis of its own. … Every piece of trivia from Tiger Woods to White House party-crashers has received more attention, at least until the Left gathered … There was zero coverage on ABC, CBS and NBC of the "cap and trade" bill in the House -- until after it passed.…
2009 REVIEW: Hope, change & more of the same,_change__more_of_the_same
– were sincerely moved by the symbolism of how far we have come in race relations in the U.S. represented in Obama's election by a white … , Senate and White House that transpired in 2006 in combination with 2008. … House and Senate ... and an equally determined defense by Democrats.…
ANALYSIS: 2009 -- Hope, change ... and more of the same,_change__and_more_of_the_same
– were sincerely moved by the symbolism of how far we have come in race relations in the U.S. represented in Obama's election by a white … , Senate and White House that transpired in 2006 in combination with 2008. … House and Senate ... and an equally determined defense by Democrats.…