Results for: they are all going to jail

Obama, McCartney and the Tax Man!,_mccartney_and_the_tax_man!
– After all, he’s willing to extend all the Bush Tax Cuts (except, of course, the Death Tax), for at least two more years. … they were going to hit you with if you failed to sign on to ObamaCare was in truth a tax. … Can they tax you for not doing something? Can they fine you? Can they jail you?…
Investigate This!!
– Bad mortgages don't contain sodium, do they? They don't engage in "hate speech." And they don't emit carbon dioxide. … (And that is a specific example of how liberals love the poor so much, they promoted policies to create millions more of them.) … Raines and Gorelick not only didn't go to jail, they walked away with multimillion-dollar payouts, courtesy of the taxpayer.…
BP 2010: YEAR IN REVIEW - EXCLUSIVE: Baptists say God provided in Haiti jail…n_review_-_exclusive_baptists_say_god_provided_in_haiti_jail
– "I just figured were going through some procedures, maybe they just needed to check out some things." … Yet after the men made their case to the judge, all 10 remained in jail. … But the only questions they asked me were where am I from and have I ever been to jail before."…
Oh-bummer for Obamacare
– If citizens can't afford to buy medical insurance in 2016, what makes the feds think they can afford to pay a penalty for not having … What are the feds going to do then, throw the economically downtrodden in jail? … Why is it that anytime the feds talk dollars and financial projections, they are in diametric opposition to the experts?…
The Pigs Get Slaughtered
– If you are long gold, remember pigs get slaughtered. I know all the reasons to be long gold. Fear. … You are going to pay up to get into this market, and you will sell down to get out. … Banks are carrying more capital than they did in 2008. The EU is going to work out the problems it has.…
Climate Prostitutes, Charlatans and Comedians,_charlatans_and_comedians
– Put ‘em in an asylum … a mandatory restitution program … jail perhaps … or a witness protection program, if they turn state’s evidence … Nearly 2,000 animal species “are fleeing global warming by heading north much faster than they were less than a decade ago,” asserts … thing of the past and “children just aren’t going to remember what snow is.”…
Palin Thumps Harvard
– if they are going to make that estimate.” … In the meantime 20,000 real energy jobs Palin created with the Nat Gas pipeline in Alaska are being held hostage to a presidential … Not only can’t they produce fuel from biomass economically, everyone seems to be unable to produce commercial quantities of fuel from…
The Clinton Surplus Myth
– When the Social Security system starts to falter due to insufficient contributions to pay for all the benefits of retiring baby-boomers … That's what people are saying when they try to adjust the national debt for inflation to claim a surplus.  … All government and budgetary activities are based on that fiscal year so it is necessary to do debt comparisons using that same fiscal…
Obama Hits Economy with Heavy Club (Again)
– Lowering barriers to entry by reducing tax rates and reducing regulation is going to intensify competition. … Today we are imprisoned by an administration that wants us to walk down the road to serfdom. … Time to open up the jail and throw away the key.  …
Amanda Knox: The New Mumia!!
– Now liberals are howling that the DNA evidence was "contaminated," but they always say that. It wasn't. … Now Knox is back to claiming she was in Sollecito's apartment all night on Nov. 1 -- with no evidence to support that story, but witnesses … From Tawana Brawley, Mumia and the Central Park rapists, to the Duke lacrosse players and Karl Rove, liberals are always on the wrong…
America and China: A Free-Market Manifesto
– If they want to compete, and they do, they are going to have to alter their methodologies. … In China, I argued that for it to make the transition to an innovation economy, it will have to open its system, not least to human … Fundamental rights are universal, and China’s people aspire to them.…
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers,_hate_mail_and_comments_from_readers
– Obama after all is the guy they elected to lead the party. … Liberals like you are going to have to deal with that reality for the next twenty years if what I think is about to happen, happens … They are not Archaeologists.…
Posing for the Mug Shot a Second Time
– But we've stared down all those threats that came before us in the past, and we are going to do the same again. … They're all fighters, yet most are waiting out the battle on the sidelines and hoping sanity returns to the nation. … They want him to see how business people at age 70 still work 10 to 12 hour days or how innovators are coming up with ideas that help…
Whistleblowers to Corrupt ATF Head: Don't Threaten Us
– I was forced to expose all of that information, previously concealed, to public databases. … For those who want to say that they don’t agree with my public argument, learn the facts, that I did follow all of the internal mechanisms … The failure to pursue allegations against ATF managers when they are supported by documentary evidence is common practice.…
Wars To End War
– We have tried to build democracy in Afghanistan for more than a decade. Are we winning hearts and minds? … police buildings so poorly built that they are unusable, and so on.Government is clumsy and wasteful at everything it does. … But I do know that when America is going broke, we can't afford to spend what Romney wants to spend.…
Just Drill, Barry
– up getting more criminals off the street and in to jail. … now we are headed back to all-time highs...again.   … Efforts to stimulate the economy- which are likely more widespread than either the Fed or the White House are willing to admit- without…
In Nepal's Himalayas, 7 students engage Tibetans in conversation
– Tibetans are known for their resistance to the Gospel, International Mission Board representative Tal Bratcher* tells those who've … He was raised in a Christian home but felt no loyalty to his parents' faith. "I wasn't a believer at all. … The Concord students are taking the Gospel to their campuses and workplaces and will look for people to disciple so they also may find…
Robin Hood, Quasi-Libertarian Tax Protestor
– fighting a war for the poor … going to jail is not important for me, it would be an honour,” Mr Sánchez Gordillo told the Financial … “We are going to occupy all of the banks and supermarkets we are able to in Andalucia. … But if the Mayor really wants to make robbers pay, he should march straight to jail and turn himself in.…
The Mental Illness of Our Political Class
They are always going to find someone to pay off in government to work dishonestly. … For I have noted of late how many of these TH board TROLLS are attacking Congress to deflect from all the bad which has happened during … But who am I to deny the people what they want? If all they want is just a few crumbs, like me, I’m all for it.…
Does Race Trump Self Interest?
– , because this stuff they are pitching now will make America poorer beginning with the very people they calm to want to help.  … They all want to fly around in the world in the best business jet on the market.  … Rewarding Lack of Effort A lot of people at the DNC convention are rich and all brag they're self-made but they hate they had to
7 Examples That Show Voter Fraud Is A Huge Problem
– However, Democrats believe that they benefit from voter fraud; so they oppose any sort of attempt to verify that voters are who they … After all, if poll workers are prevented by law from asking if people are who they say they are, how often are they going to catch … The charges the two are facing — which are all class D felonies each carrying six months to three years of jail time — are solicitation…
Don't Misplace Blame for Middle Eastern Mayhem
– "Good Morning," declared Butler, "How soon is Sam Bacile [the alleged creator of the film] going to be in jail folks? … Are we really going to hold what we can say or do in our own country hostage to the passions of foreign lynch mobs? … After all, with barely a moment's thought these deep thinkers on MSNBC were willing to throw out the First Amendment for a little revenge…
Why the West Became Rich While Asia languished
are so favourable to this that without laws this state falls into decadence and becomes inferior to all the others. … …We want to have some role models… If all these countries to the East are brought in and homogenized with the Western European members … …The way to get revenue is doing all you can to encourage growth and wealth creation and then that gives you more income to tax at…
BP Ledger, Sept. 10 edition
– We are honored and privileged to be part of this. … Out of all of the areas that they have worked in with NAMB, Kentucky demonstrated superior support, openness and willingness to resolve … Revive this Nation is open to churches in all 50 states and Southwestern aims to send preachers to every state.…
FROM THE STATES: N.C., Calif., N.M. evangelism/missions news
– , but hit a wall when they tried to reach the parents. … Most residents are illegal, and we're just trying to reach them and let them know Christ takes them just as they are." … Many of the people are poor, and many of them have moved here to be close to family members who are in prison.…
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